Now seriously, how the heck is Nintendo selling Rare a dumb move? Man, am I seriously the only one who noticed that the quality of Rare's games took a dramatic turn for the worse after the SNES? And not only that, the release dates keep getting pushed back further and further? I sincerely think Nintendo did the right thing by getting rid of this trash company. Seriously, they've released, what? Two (count 'em, TWO!) games for the X-Box since they were purchased. And while I am sure there are going to be some Rare games for the 360, I am not impressed with what I've seen at all thus far. Seriously, in my books, selling Rare was a brilliant move.
To the one who also says the PSP is better than the DS? In terms of graphics, without a doubt, but in terms of games? Uh uh, the games are sorely lacking, and nothing has made me jump out of my pants and say "I MUST HAVE THE PSP NOW!" as of yet. I won't be getting one for a long while.
Yes, Nintendo might have their heads up their asses at times, but they're a smart company, and more often than not, I find myself agreeing with what they say. Not only that, their stamp of quality and first and second party support has produced some of the best games this generation has had to offer. Seriously, I think Square-Enix is starting to warm up to Nintendo again, at least slightly anyway, which is a good thing. It means that the Revolution won't be so RPG deprived like the previous two consoles kinda were, with the N64 being much more deprived than the Cube was.
I do think that the Rev might end up supporting HD later in it's life, but then again, I don't have an HDTV just yet, so I could care less about HD support just yet. I am actually doubtful about purchasing either the 360, or PS3, but I know for a fact that I am getting a Revolution. That says something to me, I'm just not impressed with tech specs anymore, and am more about "OK, where are the games?" Wherever the good games are, I'll be there. And I have a hunch that Nintendo is going to be the one who brings the truly good games next gen, including all the 2-D games as well.