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Top 5 biggest mistakes of Nintendo....
« Reply #90 on: September 05, 2005, 10:23:36 pm »
Quote from: Azarath
They...pushed it back?! If they do it again, I'm suing them! I'm almost on the verge of suing Square-Enix (Advent Children was supposed to come out last year)! I only have one word for Nintendos mistake.


Why Pikmin? I thought they were both good bordering on great games. Trust me, there much better candidates for "Nintendo's mistake"


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« Reply #91 on: September 05, 2005, 10:26:16 pm »
...I still think Pikmin sucks (sorry, my typing gets bad around 9...)


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« Reply #92 on: September 05, 2005, 10:28:53 pm »
Compared to what, though? Losing Rare's support? Completley ignoring the demand for online console gaming?


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« Reply #93 on: September 05, 2005, 11:10:43 pm »
Quote from: Azarath
They...pushed it back?! If they do it again, I'm suing them! I'm almost on the verge of suing Square-Enix (Advent Children was supposed to come out last year)! I only have one word for Nintendos mistake.


Advent Children was supposed to come out on my birthday... Anyway, I know we can blame SE's games' problems on SE, but can we really blame SE for Advent Children? I doubt that they use the same people to direct movies as they do for video games.

Anyway, according to (which said that it was coming out on July 10th 2003 before) AC is coming out in the first quarter of 2005.. At first I was like "ok that's not too long", but then I realized that it said 2005, not 2006... :(


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Top 5 biggest mistakes of Nintendo....
« Reply #94 on: September 05, 2005, 11:27:09 pm »
Wait, what else has Rare made after making all those DK sequals? I lost track of 'em after that...


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« Reply #95 on: September 06, 2005, 09:58:08 pm »
Quote from: Kazuki
Compared to what, though? Losing Rare's support? Completley ignoring the demand for online console gaming?

It's more that only Microsoft leapt on it. PS2 has shit online support as well. They've already anounced free worldwide wi-fi for the Revolution. What has Sony said about online support for PS3?


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« Reply #96 on: September 09, 2005, 12:55:46 am »
Now seriously, how the heck is Nintendo selling Rare a dumb move? Man, am I seriously the only one who noticed that the quality of Rare's games took a dramatic turn for the worse after the SNES? And not only that, the release dates keep getting pushed back further and further? I sincerely think Nintendo did the right thing by getting rid of this trash company. Seriously, they've released, what? Two (count 'em, TWO!) games for the X-Box since they were purchased. And while I am sure there are going to be some Rare games for the 360, I am not impressed with what I've seen at all thus far. Seriously, in my books, selling Rare was a brilliant move.

To the one who also says the PSP is better than the DS? In terms of graphics, without a doubt, but in terms of games? Uh uh, the games are sorely lacking, and nothing has made me jump out of my pants and say "I MUST HAVE THE PSP NOW!" as of yet. I won't be getting one for a long while.

Yes, Nintendo might have their heads up their asses at times, but they're a smart company, and more often than not, I find myself agreeing with what they say. Not only that, their stamp of quality and first and second party support has produced some of the best games this generation has had to offer. Seriously, I think Square-Enix is starting to warm up to Nintendo again, at least slightly anyway, which is a good thing. It means that the Revolution won't be so RPG deprived like the previous two consoles kinda were, with the N64 being much more deprived than the Cube was.

I do think that the Rev might end up supporting HD later in it's life, but then again, I don't have an HDTV just yet, so I could care less about HD support just yet. I am actually doubtful about purchasing either the 360, or PS3, but I know for a fact that I am getting a Revolution. That says something to me, I'm just not impressed with tech specs anymore, and am more about "OK, where are the games?" Wherever the good games are, I'll be there. And I have a hunch that Nintendo is going to be the one who brings the truly good games next gen, including all the 2-D games as well.


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« Reply #97 on: September 09, 2005, 12:58:57 am »
Here here! DS is better than PSP! Long live the DS

Long live the DS


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« Reply #98 on: September 09, 2005, 01:03:56 am »
I'll probably start with a Revolution, and perhaps a PS3.  It depends on if Square keeps cranking out games for their system exclusivly or not.


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« Reply #99 on: September 09, 2005, 01:37:05 am »
Quote from: Sentenal
I'll probably start with a Revolution, and perhaps a PS3.  It depends on if Square keeps cranking out games for their system exclusivly or not.

S-E has indicated strongly that they will support all platforms next gen. I too will be getting a Revolution. As for the other two; one of my roommates will be getting an Xbox360, and none of us are too impressed with PS3 at this point.


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« Reply #100 on: September 09, 2005, 01:55:25 am »
I somehow don't see Sony coming out on top like they did the last generation, and the current one. Something tells me the exhorbitant pricing on the system itself. I don't know about you guys, but I'm not going to spend 500 bucks on a stinkin' console, regardless of HOW powerful it is.


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« Reply #101 on: September 09, 2005, 03:54:55 am »
It's release is still a ways off...and, like all consoles traced back to the beginning years of man, the pre-release 'supposed' prices are always overblown.

Also, the PSP is gonna have GT4 & GTA on it, I think those alone make it worth it...It's just taking a little while to pick up it's pace...and I really haven't seen anything outstanding from the DS side myself...just a lot of crappy looking "[insert franchise name here] Touch" games and stuff like Nintendogs :roll: but what do I know? Maybe they're just hiding their better games or something...You also have to take into account that the PSP isn't just a portable console...It has other uses that two touch screens (can you yell lame gimmick any louder Nintendo?) just don't make up for...

I admit though that I'd probably take the GBA over the PSP, though.

And it's not really that SE is 'warming up' to Nintendo...they're really just diversifying to everything they can get their hands on...even, sadly, XBOX...:P


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« Reply #102 on: September 09, 2005, 05:24:30 am »
Quote from: V_Translanka

Also, the PSP is gonna have GT4 & GTA on it, I think those alone make it worth it...It's just taking a little while to pick up it's pace...and I really haven't seen anything outstanding from the DS side myself...just a lot of crappy looking "[insert franchise name here] Touch" games and stuff like Nintendogs :roll: but what do I know? Maybe they're just hiding their better games or something...You also have to take into account that the PSP isn't just a portable console...It has other uses that two touch screens (can you yell lame gimmick any louder Nintendo?) just don't make up for... seems you've truly been taken over by the hype machine, eh? GT4 is a great game, but I already have it for the PS2. Sure, the idea of having it be portable is a great idea indeed, but I sincerely don't think that it alone makes the PSP worthwhile. Truth be told, I don't see how having it as a movie, or music player makes it worthwhile. I want the games, not the gimmicky extra uses. Now you see, UMDs are a "lame gimmick" in my books, as is having to rely on it's other so-called strengths of being able to play MP3s from a memory card. I mean, I might get a PSP, but it's going to be a loooooong while before I even think of doing so.

The touch screen is HARDLY a lame gimmick. I own a DS myself, and I've come to appreciate the touch screen. If you ask me, it provides the most accurate mechanics for an FPS this side of a PC mouse and keyboard. Let's see here, not only that, the awesome games are starting to come, aside from Nintendogs, there's also Advance Wars DS, Meteos, Nanostray, Yu-Gi-Oh Nightmare Troubadour (which is a rockin' game), and coming soon Lunar Dragon Song, Castlevania, and a whole bunch more that catch my interest. Much more than I can say about the PSP's line-up. There's just nothing that excites me about it whatsoever.

GT4? Been there, done that, superb game. GTA? Puh-frigging-lease! What else? PoPoLoCrois? RPG, and I love RPGs. That's a maybe there. FF7 Crisis Core? What's with all the spin-offs all of a sudden? I dunno man, as I said, nothing has made me jump up and say "I MUST HAVE A PSP NOW!" I am sure it'll happen in due time, but right now, I don't see myself owning one. Especially not at 250 bucks for it.


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« Reply #103 on: September 09, 2005, 06:31:24 am »
Meh, I think the idea of having GT4 is completely worth-while...I mean, it's basically like saying, "Hey! Here's your PS2, only now you can, like, slack off w/it at work or on the go or w/e"...I also don't understand your GTA arguement...but w/e, I guess...and you're completely writing off Crisis Core just because it's a spin-off? That's rediculous. I also hear Capcom's gonna port BoF3 to THAT'S fuckin awesome.

PSPs are also MP3 and video players man...I don't see how that's not a strength. Sure it's on the memory stick, but so what? I don't see how that makes it any less of a strength...It's also been said that the PS3 will be using the same memory sticks as the PSP, so getting one for your PSP use will be like doing yourself a favor for later on anyhow...Plus, I mean, I'd rather get a PSP than a lame Ipod (or w/e MP3 player) AND a portable DVD player AND a DS...


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« Reply #104 on: September 09, 2005, 04:26:52 pm »
Quote from: V_Translanka
Wait, what else has Rare made after making all those DK sequals? I lost track of 'em after that...

Just a couple of blockbuster hits named Goldeneye and Perfect Dark.  :?