Author Topic: Chrono Cross Single-Disk Project  (Read 35521 times)


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Re: Chrono Cross Single-Disk Project
« Reply #30 on: February 19, 2018, 05:17:22 pm »
ok when you have the time pretty please do it thanks ღ for rply 


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Re: Chrono Cross Single-Disk Project
« Reply #31 on: February 20, 2018, 08:13:50 pm »
ok when you have the time pretty please do it thanks ღ for rply 
you won't thank me when i tell you this... i don't understand element modification enough to do what you want. i am able to find the location of the turn colors in Doppelganger.bin , but dunno how to give them attack color status or random attack power... sorry!

edit: here!!... are the offset locations of every turn color... in Single.bin & Doppelganger.bin...

\d:     01 yellow
151f6570 turn yellow. in battle
26a160 turn yellow. in menu.
\d:     02 red
151f6360 turn red. battle
269f50 turn red. menu
\d:     03 green
151f6468 turn green. battle
26a058 turn green. menu
\d:     04 blue
151f6258 turn blue. battle
269e48 turn blue. menu
\d:     05 black
151f6780 turn black. battle
26a370 turn black. menu
\d:     06 white
151f6678 turn white. battle
26a268 turn white. menu

these start at the value for targeting data. like which side, enemy or ally, the element hits... C0 is only used for turn colors. that's why it's easy to find. but don't ask me how to make any or all of them have what you want! i don't know... sorry!
« Last Edit: February 20, 2018, 10:51:10 pm by itoikenza »


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Re: Chrono Cross Single-Disk Project
« Reply #32 on: February 21, 2018, 10:18:35 am »
itoikenza thank you for your time


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Re: Chrono Cross Single-Disk Project
« Reply #33 on: February 21, 2018, 02:16:51 pm »
you're welcome!


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Re: Chrono Cross Single-Disk Project
« Reply #34 on: February 24, 2018, 02:51:55 pm »
itoikenza in your mod when try to add element *Unicorn and *Saints in Dario with  ccenemyedit
not working stop.Also in the game this tech Dimensional from Dragon you put in Serge not working :-(.
StepDown??? yellow element what for???
Also Heartcolor and Varylnnate is the same as turn-color element?


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Re: Chrono Cross Single-Disk Project
« Reply #35 on: February 24, 2018, 07:01:39 pm »
itoikenza in your mod when try to add element *Unicorn and *Saints in Dario with  ccenemyedit
not working stop.Also in the game this tech Dimensional from Dragon you put in Serge not working :-(.
StepDown??? yellow element what for???
Also Heartcolor and Varylnnate is the same as turn-color element?

you have to use Single.bin to give Dario techs. Dimensional works some places only. i don't know everywhere it doesn't work. StepDown is useless in Doppelganger.bin because i gave party unlimited max grid. StepDown is supposed to raise your grid.
HeartColor gives all bad status to the target that is their color. VaryInnate changes innate color of caster according to field color...


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Re: Chrono Cross Single-Disk Project
« Reply #36 on: February 24, 2018, 08:10:46 pm »
ok i understand thx. I find golden tip in your mod when character(serge,gleen,dario) attack many monsters evading so to passing that problem is to put in your character turn color and hit successful.
Last question please can you give address \d:  in battle in menu.


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Re: Chrono Cross Single-Disk Project
« Reply #37 on: February 26, 2018, 07:46:55 am »
BlackHole 269ad8 menu
UltraNova 2699d0 menu
ThundaStorm 2698c8 menu
Tornado 2697c0 menu
Volcano 2696b8 menu
Iceberg 2695b0 menu

BlackHole 151f5ee8 battle
UltraNova 151f5de0 battle
ThundaStorm 151f5cd8 battle
Tornado 151f5bd0 battle
Volcano 151f5ac8 battle
Iceberg 151f59c0 battle


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Re: Chrono Cross Single-Disk Project
« Reply #38 on: February 26, 2018, 02:29:20 pm »
thank you itoikenza this is for you ღ


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Re: Chrono Cross Single-Disk Project
« Reply #39 on: February 28, 2018, 02:30:36 am »
Unlike a lot of you guys here I'm not a coder, but if I recall, multi-disk playstation games I'm told may have an 'image' file of 650 or 700Mb but the actual data on them is something like half full, something to do with load time or the varients of where the laser is on your playstation (theres as least 3 physically different laser mount locations). Did Cross actually fill up a whole CD? cause I know FF8 being 4 discs is NOT 2.8Gb full.


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Re: Chrono Cross Single-Disk Project
« Reply #40 on: February 28, 2018, 05:27:08 am »
Yes, Cross fills a whole CD (700), but most of the files on two CD's are identical.
So 2 CD's are actually 1400, but we eliminated most of the duplicates, so Single-Disk is about 1000 MB.


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Re: Chrono Cross Single-Disk Project
« Reply #41 on: March 02, 2018, 06:44:33 pm »
itoikenza hi i successful hack lv6 element to hit all field and is working for Pendragon Sigil A ^^thx
Now i don't know haw to add in Dario add doppelganger equips! in enemydata.bin i wont him to have Pendragon Sigil A and Sunglasses can you help me please thx

And if you have this address \d:  in battle: Vigora, and Omega tech
Mastermune, Einlanzer2 (Glenn),Viper's Venom (Viper),Slasher,Floral Rod (Razzly),Plasma Pistol,Dark Scythe,and Masamune(Dario)

i like to try to hack(swap) address Mastermune with all weapon i write so to have all of them HIGH CRITICAL LIKE Mastermune please when you have free time paste the address \d:  in battle: thank you

« Last Edit: March 03, 2018, 04:03:36 pm by dimitri33 »


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Re: Chrono Cross Single-Disk Project
« Reply #42 on: March 05, 2018, 06:01:53 pm »
"Now i don't know haw to add in Dario add doppelganger equips! in enemydata.bin i wont him to have Pendragon Sigil A and Sunglasses can you help me please thx"

This is about all i can help you with... sorry.

Dario's Equip offsets...
Accessory 1: 8844 put F8 for Sunglasses!
Accessory 2: 8846 put FB for Pendragon Sigil A!
Accessory 3: 8848


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Re: Chrono Cross Single-Disk Project
« Reply #43 on: March 05, 2018, 07:30:01 pm »
thx for rply.
Dario's Equip offsets for accessory inside >  enemydata.bin ? Yes?
is this in HxD editor?
8840          04     06      08
                 F0 00 EF 00 ED 00
Replace >   F8 00 FB 00 ED 00 Yes?
i try this up not working :-(
« Last Edit: March 05, 2018, 08:31:21 pm by dimitri33 »


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Re: Chrono Cross Single-Disk Project
« Reply #44 on: March 05, 2018, 10:07:39 pm »
are you using the enemydata.bin i have on google drive? shouldn't matter. but don't try to find Doppelganger dario in the Doppelganger.bin... try a fresh unedited enemydata.bin