Author Topic: Does the unique idea realllllllllly work? (confused)  (Read 1339 times)


  • Enlightened One (+200)
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    • View Profile Does the unique idea realllllllllly work? (confused)
« on: April 01, 2009, 03:45:27 am »
The (almost) perfect heaven for gamers and does it really work? (Need for Speed world online)     

I found this while searching for an article on NFSPWO and read the rules of the commenting just 4 the heck of it and am thinking of tomorrow browsing there as I am about to go to bed.   

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The amount of speech bubbles you get is decided by the number of positive and negative votes you get from other members.

Sometimes when I am seraching for news articles I enjoy browsing forums though 3/4ths I never return to  due to a dead-fanbase or bad attitudes overall. :picardno         

This one looks worth it as well as a good forum called Chrono Compendium.   ;)
« Last Edit: April 01, 2009, 03:48:57 am by TriforceofEternity »


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Re: Does the unique idea realllllllllly work? (confused)
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2009, 04:18:50 am »
Fine concept for community control.  Reminds me a bit of the GameFAQs forums though, which obviously don't work too well.

Unfortunately this concept has a 'majority rules' function.  Sad truth is the majority are idiots, and will vote down even the most thought out and constructive posts made if they so much as disagree.


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Re: Does the unique idea realllllllllly work? (confused)
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2009, 05:15:32 am »
People can never speak freely unless they know that they're free to let things get a little out of hand on a regular basis. Over-moderation merely gives the illusion of a stable and friendly community by only providing room for the expression of a small subset of ideals and opinions.

With peer-moderated sites, this leads to horrible, majority-rules group-think (i.e. reddit and digg), and with sites administrated by kids, it usually leads to a strict social hierarchy with an untouchable elite and hoards of brown-nosing followers, with everyone else piled down on the bottom and treated as trash.

However, even with a professionally moderated site, as that one appears to be, the only conversation you'll find is laid-back chit chat about daily life, slightly centrist political discussion, maybe some howto discussion, and the like. In other words, you'll only find luke-warm discussion that won't rock the boat. The end result is that members learn to be careful about what they post based solely on community standards, with moderators' opinions forming the basis of those standards, instead of learning to develop and express their own individual standards built on their personal beliefs and ideas.

Just ask yourself this, "Can I disagree with a moderator and not get banned?" Or better yet, "Can I disagree with them and win?"

If the answer is pretty much "no", then the community there is probably over-moderated in some way.


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Re: Does the unique idea realllllllllly work? (confused)
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2009, 05:28:44 am »
Well said Ramsus.  Come to think of it, I've already gotten into hearty disagreements with just about every member of the moderation staff here haven't I?  [sarcasm] Thank you religion. [/sarcasm]

On the other hand, sites with little to no moderation turn into zones of anarchy where an 'anything goes' mentality flourishes, attracting rather unsavory attitudes.  Take 4Chan for example.

This turns moderation into a careful balance between preserving free speech and encouraging diverse thought, and crafting a community with civility and respect for others.  The larger the community, the harder this is, of course.  That in mind, it makes sense for larger communities to excersize heavy moderation, and smaller close-knit communities to be lenient with regulations.


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Re: Does the unique idea realllllllllly work? (confused)
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2009, 05:35:59 am »
I think, what's more important than the size of the community is simply having moderators and admins of widely disparate beliefs and values with power properly divided up so that no particular group or individual has over-reaching power over what anyone else says or does and everyone learns to respect each other.

Starts to sound kind of familiar, doesn't it?

Anyway, that's the main reason I made LJ an admin here back in the day, but we don't add new admins or moderators very often since moderation is typically so light here that it's simpler just to have maybe one or two real moderators to handle possible legal no-nos, trolling, and technical abuse of the forum features and to move stuff around as necessary.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2009, 05:39:41 am by Ramsus »


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Re: Does the unique idea realllllllllly work? (confused)
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2009, 09:43:24 am »
People can never speak freely unless they know that they're free to let things get a little out of hand on a regular basis. Over-moderation merely gives the illusion of a stable and friendly community by only providing room for the expression of a small subset of ideals and opinions.

With peer-moderated sites, this leads to horrible, majority-rules group-think (i.e. reddit and digg), and with sites administrated by kids, it usually leads to a strict social hierarchy with an untouchable elite and hoards of brown-nosing followers, with everyone else piled down on the bottom and treated as trash.

However, even with a professionally moderated site, as that one appears to be, the only conversation you'll find is laid-back chit chat about daily life, slightly centrist political discussion, maybe some howto discussion, and the like. In other words, you'll only find luke-warm discussion that won't rock the boat. The end result is that members learn to be careful about what they post based solely on community standards, with moderators' opinions forming the basis of those standards, instead of learning to develop and express their own individual standards built on their personal beliefs and ideas.

Just ask yourself this, "Can I disagree with a moderator and not get banned?" Or better yet, "Can I disagree with them and win?"

If the answer is pretty much "no", then the community there is probably over-moderated in some way.

I disagree! Yeah I have that freedom!


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Re: Does the unique idea realllllllllly work? (confused)
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2009, 06:24:24 am »
I took a second look and the comments are mostly fanboyism despite the rules. 

The people running it are hypocrites of themselves.   I'd rather have a place be under-moderated then over-moderated to the point you are not sure if you'll be flamed for something that isn't harmefull.     

I don't like de-facto police states and I don't like de-facto police forums as well.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Does the unique idea realllllllllly work? (confused)
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2009, 10:42:26 am »
I saw the title of this thread and knew immediately who made it, hahaha...