Author Topic: Just 2 little things... (Old Information) [LOCKED]  (Read 3456 times)


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Just 2 little things... (Old Information) [LOCKED]
« on: January 07, 2006, 11:15:44 pm »
1: I have been annoited the Group Mod for this project. I had PMed teh Schala the other day and told him that someonle else might want to have the job, I was certainly not expecting it to come to me. Oh well.  :lol:

2: What is the current Staff List? I cant remember if Luminaire put a list on a thread somewhere or not. I would like to know who is in what position and what positions we need filled. Im wantint to know this because im seeing a list of members in Usergroups that have not done anything yet to the Project. I think its time we started cracking down on the situation because we need help for this project! Because as far as I know, Audio still has nobody running it.

Yes I know I said 2 but I have something else to ask...

3: What Script are we currently up to Luminaire?


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Just 2 little things... (Old Information) [LOCKED]
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2006, 11:36:36 pm »
1: I think you'll make a fine moderator, Lordchander.

2: I suggested team leaders for script (me), flash (SSJoseph), and graphics (Specter) a little while ago. My understanding is that so far, it's only the four of us. And yes, the audio team is still decidedly empty.

I saw that list of group members, too, and I didn't send a PM to the people who had zero posts. Some of them might be voice actors, but I don't know for sure.

3: I have drafts written to the party's first arrival in the End of Time. Obviously only the first episode is officially online (though I think I might have posted the second somewhere right before production was paused).

4: A couple of people had expressed interest in the script team in the thread that I made a few weeks ago. Other than that we got nothing. So something more agressive is going to be needed. If you want to PM ZeaLitY and ask about a news post, Lordchander, that'd be okay with me.


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Just 2 little things... (Old Information) [LOCKED]
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2006, 11:59:27 pm »
Quote from: Luminaire
I saw that list of group members, too, and I didn't send a PM to the people who had zero posts. Some of them might be voice actors, but I don't know for sure.

Im not quite sure what to do about it. I think the most likely idea would be to simply PM them and see what there doing but a few of those members that have 0 posts might not even go on the Compendium at all. If they have emails do you think it might be a good idea to try and contact them through that?

Quote from: Luminaire
A couple of people had expressed interest in the script team in the thread that I made a few weeks ago. Other than that we got nothing. So something more agressive is going to be needed. If you want to PM ZeaLitY and ask about a news post, Lordchander, that'd be okay with me.

Yea, i was thinking of doing that, i'll go ahead and do it now.

EDIT: PMed ZeaLitY, expect to see something in the news (hopefully). Betta keep our fingers crossed.  :wink:


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Just 2 little things... (Old Information) [LOCKED]
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2006, 12:52:04 am »
They will probably get an email notice of the PM anyway, so either way is fine.

Odds are they're part of the cast, and speaking of, someone should probably formulate a list of the cast members and each one's contact information. That will be among the first tasks for the audio team I imagine.

Another thing we could probably do is revisit the Episode I script to refamiliarize ourselves with it and/or make sure it's still what we want.


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Just 2 little things... (Old Information) [LOCKED]
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2006, 01:07:36 am »
Hmm yes. We will probably may need to press teh "Reset" Button when it comes to Scripts I think. As long as we dont set ourselves a completion date, we should be able to work better because we're not trying to rush things along. Im sure you'll agree to that!  :D

And if we cant get an Audio Leader anytime soon we may have to handle the cast ourselves because they will be an important part of the Flash.

EDIT: If you didnt know already, ZeaLitY (praise be to him) has put our request in the news, and already we have 2 new members to our Flash Project. I have PMed them both and asked them wether or not they are interested in any of our free positions. Im hoping for a positive reply.