Author Topic: More About i.i.  (Read 813 times)


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More About i.i.
« on: January 23, 2009, 02:06:08 am »
Well, this is a bit late, lol, but better late than never. My name is Chris, and I live in Washington State. I've played video games as long as I can remember, the first one being Super Mario Bros 3 for NES. In fact, that was the first system I owned was an NES. memorable favorites of mine for that system: Final Fantasy, Dick Tracy, Blaster Master, Spy Hunter, TMNT 1 and 2, Legend of Zelda 1 and 2, Contra III, Castlevania III, All of the Super Mario Bros games. My first launch into the world of RPG's though came from Final Fantasy VI, then III, and it opened my eyes to a whole new exciting world, lol. I didnt play the original until a few years later. The second RPG I played was Chrono Trigger and it utterly entranced me. I still remember struggling to beat Yakra and the Guardian in 2300 AD and struggling to beat Ayla at eating soup in prehistoric times. My fingers bled for quite a while trying to press the button fast enough to win, but I did it.

I have been using the moniker of IdioticIdioms for about 5 years now, since my AOL days when I finally settled on one username, have since quit using AOL and moved to Comcast. I use it pretty much everywhere I go online, unless it doesn't fit with the common theme. (i.e. joining forums because of some game where if I use it, I wont be recognized.) My entrance into the ROM world happened about 6-7 years ago, actually, and at first I was happy just sticking with SNES games, thinking that's all there was. Within the past couple years, I've broadened my sights considerably and started playing on many different emulators, spanning NES/SNES/PSX/GBA/NDS. But, you know, even with all that game playing experience, being here has already taught me much about all the in-depth work that goes into making these roms possible. Guess you could say I'm hesitant to jump into anything new, lol.

I am a writer. While I'm not too good at it, I'm better than a lot of people. I've written a couple short stories and a lot of poetry, though that's slowed down considerably in the past couple years. Anyone who likes such stuff can find my work here:

I'm not advertising it, just preempting the questions I inevitably get from people about it. I've had one of the songs I wrote put to music on my 19th birthday thanks to a friend I met on MySpace, though nothing has come of it since. Mostly I write for fun, when I feel the urge. I've tried writing full length novels and ongoing stories, but I tend to lose interest in them quickly and move on, though I do keep the starts to them around in case I feel the urge to write on them some more. I do have a fanfic prequel to Final Fantasy XII in the works, slightly, but like I said, I haven't worked on it in a while. After being here, I;ve wanted to start work on a Chrono Trigger fanfic, but, I'd hate to start it and lose interest during it, so I've been hesitant on that. I would like very much to be able to write the script for a new CT game, because I think I would be interested enough to finish that through to the end if I had people who could help put it together. (I know nothing of the machinations of such) But that's just idle fancy at the moment. I'll wait to see if it's still around in a month or two before I try to start work on that.

I would also very much like to write a full scale walkthrough for any new CT game that comes out, so if anyone is interested in having that done, let me know, and I will be more than glad to help with that. If anybody IS interested, what I will need before doing so is a list of where all the items are, how to get hard to get stuff, etc. I try to get everything as I go through a game and I tend to look in every corner, but I do miss stuff. Then again, I also find stuff that some walkthroughs leave out, so it has it's ups and downs. I don't intend to write a walkthrough that just gives info though, I intend to put my personality into it as much as possible, and make it fun for people to read and look through, but also keep it informative and easy to read. (some guides jump all over the place, and it gets confusing and aggravating) Some people like to write guides for speed runs, etc. I've always been the type of person who wants to get everything. Speed runs for me are impossible, so please don't ask me to try and do that, lol.

Anyway, mostly, I want to be able to help out with some of the projects going on here, because I'm utterly fascinated by them. My only talent I bring to the fore: my writing and my ideas. I don't really have anything else that can be of help. I am willing to beta test for anyone and point out any bugs I find so you guys can fix them, as long as the game is on a system I can play, i.e. NES/SNES/GBA. Until I get a new comp, those are the only ones I'll be able to test. I can present clear, concise reports of the bugs I found and add screenshots of them as well, if needed, as I did for Prohpets Guile without being asked. My suggestions, comments, etc. are my own and I won't expect anyone to follow them unless they choose to. They are my opinion, and I won't press the matter if you choose to discard them.

More about me:

I am 22, I will be 23 on April 30th. I have an extensive background in playing video games and love doing it. Oddest thing I've noticed about myself is that I'll keep notes on them as I go, so I don;t forget stuff. Why this is odd, is because I wouldn't even take notes in school to help me pass classes, lol. ended up with a lot B's and C's that way. I went up to Trigonometry in mathematics, passing it with an A, but abstained from Calculus because I had lost my interest in Math by that point. Besides enjoying playing video games, I watch a lot of movies, enjoy playing basketball when I get the chance, I love to read, when I can find a good book that grips me. (when I got the last Harry Potter book that came out, I read it in one sitting, cover to cover. took me 14 hours, lol. Great book, though and an excellent ending to the series.)

My sense of humor can be best described as Sarcastic/Dry and I like to think of myself as pretty witty, but that remains to be seen.

If any of you wish to contact me, you can do so through any of the following ways:

AOL: idiotic idioms
Yahoo: idioticidioms
MSN: (couldn't remember my password to my idioticidioms)

The best way to contact me is via comcast, because I check that everyday. I do have AIM, but I don't use it that often, and I have Windows Live, which I use more often, but still only once or twice a week. If there is anything about me that I didn't cover here that you would like to know, don't be afraid to ask about it.


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Re: More About i.i.
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2009, 02:13:42 am »
I wish you a belated "Welcome tot he party!"


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Re: More About i.i.
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2009, 02:17:59 am »
Thank you, Faust.


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Re: More About i.i.
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2009, 07:44:32 am »
Welcome, idiom.  I hope you don't mind if we use that for shorthand, unless you want us using your real first name.


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Re: More About i.i.
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2009, 09:39:59 am »
knew I forgot something, lol. most people shorten it to idioms, so that's fine with me and is my personal favorite. Some people prefer to call me by the other half of it, but that's usually when they have a problem with me, and some just shorten it to i.i. Or, you can call me by my name, it's really up to you and what you prefer.


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Re: More About i.i.
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2009, 10:12:46 am »
Wow, seriously, is it just because there are a lot of gamers here in Washington or what...? It must be like a good 1/3 of the active Compendium community that's here or something.

Quote from: idioticidioms
I am a writer. While I'm not too good at it, I'm better than a lot of people. I've written a couple short stories and a lot of poetry, though that's slowed down considerably in the past couple years. Anyone who likes such stuff can find my work here:

I'm not advertising it, just preempting the questions I inevitably get from people about it.

There's really no better place to whore your junk (well, that's an odd turn of phrase) than your Welcome thread. I randomly throw in my fanfic's hyperlink here & there...:lol:

Anyways, welcome! Happy preemptive birthday too! So, for you, here's a special...

RANDOM GOOGLE'D COSPLAY (apparently some people were getting bored of strictly FF ones)...!!!

Hmmm...I need to go through cosplay (*SHOCK* they no longer actually Googled or random!) again sometime...


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Re: More About i.i.
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2009, 10:17:13 am »
wow, there actually ARE good looking cosplayers. Will wonders never cease. Maybe I'll go find her and whore my junk there, lol.

chrono eric

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Re: More About i.i.
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2009, 08:50:15 pm »
Hey some of those FF cosplay babes were smokin' hot in the other threads here. We even started a whole discussion about it which pissed asafigow off apparently.

And I wasn't tired of FF cosplay babes - but there are only so many characters before they start repeating. Just as long as you don't start posting random anime-that-I've-never-even-heard-of cosplays.