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Chrono Cross Modification / Re: Pip Element Grid Glitch FIX!
« Last post by pating on July 24, 2024, 09:02:50 pm »
Element Grid Glitch
Pip's character has a glitch where even if he evolves to Holy Beast or an Arch form, he loses the last two slots in his Element Grid if the Playstation console is turned off. This can be counteracted in two ways. Firstly, one can simply never turn off the Playstation. This can burn the disc, however. Secondly, one can keep two save files; one with a normal game and evolved Pip, and one with a Pip almost ready to evolve. When you boot up, load up the unevolved Pip game first, evolve him, and then load up the real game. Pip's new Element Grid will carry over. This can be done with different evolved forms to make a larger than normal Element Grid (Archangel has the largest).

Remi Negest made a patch that fixes a Pip Element Grid Glitch. The problem was due to an error saving and loading the game. Now everything is all right!
Patch supports old save if pip has not evolved yet

I tried patching my game but it glitch my fresh new game. Whenever I get the Komodo Scale and save the game in the world map and restart my emulator and load the game it also reset the key item. I don't know it is was the same with other items
You can check eBay, Etsy, and specialized collectible sites. Sites like Yahoo Japan Auctions and Mercari can also be useful for rare Japanese items.
The Japanese release of Chrono Cross does not label the game as a sequel to Chrono Trigger; instead, it emphasizes thematic connections and shared elements. The “sequel to Chrono Trigger” label was added by the localization and marketing teams to capitalize on the first game's popularity.
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Another Eden's Ashtear
« Last post by Acacia Sgt on July 23, 2024, 02:03:06 am »
There's certainly more to Ashtear yet to be revealed. Considering the more recent revelations that she's actually from the Hollow Time Layer. Which does beg the question. Where is her counterpart of the main one, then? Is there even any to begin with? There's still one last part of Volume III of the main story to be released. I wonder what else may reveal about her...

As an aside, I doubt she's meant to have a relation with the original Lucca beyond "alternate version".
Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Is Magus really all that cool?
« Last post by Percyren on July 23, 2024, 01:09:38 am »
Magus is often regarded as a compelling and iconic character in gaming culture. His mysterious aura, powerful abilities, and complex backstory have captivated fans, as evidenced by the frequent discussions on forums and articles across Google. Magus's dark yet charismatic persona continues to resonate with players, making him a standout figure in Chrono Trigger and beyond.
A great ROM hack! I'm looking forward to the next release and am interested in participating in your project!
Kajar Laboratories / Re: Making Chrono Break!
« Last post by abortionrun on July 23, 2024, 12:12:54 am »
Your project is quite good, but there are still some notes to pay attention to if you want to develop it better. Trying to make an impressively good game that surpasses Chrono Trigger. Always let yourself be as creative as possible with your ideas.
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Chrono Cross Modification / Re: Element Grid Growth Formula
« Last post by glennxserge on July 18, 2024, 03:08:01 am »
Thanks, Grobycftw!  Appreciate the extra help along the way.  With element growth out of the way, I was thinking of helping with the fieldscript unknowns.  I'll probably have more questions for you, but I'll leave them in the other thread.
Another (heh) interesting character from Another Eden is Raven:

"A mage wreathed in darkness and death. He has no memory of his past, and hides his scarred face behind a mask. He keeps away from people. Not wanting to be studied, he prefers to do things on his own."

He looks like a dark version of Guile. A dark mage with amnesia? He was included at launch but has had no plot relevance. Other "basic" characters have had full power versions of them released or have participated in different story and side quests. Raven only has a couple non-consequential ones.
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