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Messages - CptOvaltine

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Fan Art / Re: Chrono Cross Finale: Starky, Glenn, Norris
« on: August 30, 2020, 04:26:11 pm »
I love your stuff, definitely a follow from me as well! Would love to talk about having you design some album artwork for me at some point. :)

Fan Art / Re: Recent original CT art
« on: August 30, 2020, 04:24:41 pm »
Really enjoying these!  We should talk about a collab at some point. :)

News Submissions / Re: Chrono Trigger Remake Concept
« on: August 24, 2020, 02:33:00 pm »
Weighing in on the music portion (I have a little experience in this area) wouldn't like the result of a 1:1 musical remake simply swapping everything out instrument for instrument.

The SNES was only able to play 8 concurrent musical instruments (audio channels) at one time. Orchestra sizes vary greatly, but a fairly typical symphonic orchestra will have 35+ different parts and around 60 to 90 players.  With the limitations of the SNES there were very conscious decisions made on what textures to include or to not include in the game that, while sounding good with the SNES, will not translate well to a live ensemble.  The actual result will sound very bare, empty, and underwhelming.

All of this is to say that you couldn't have someone orchestrate the original in a way that it would retain the original melody without changing anything fundamental to the song (which I suspect is your actual idea), but ultimately there will be A LOT of new material added to the music to both flesh it out for live musicians and to extend short loops to better fit the modern era.

Reason #2: I'm sort of scrawny and not a very big guy, and as buff as Ayla is, apparently she doesn't care about masculinity in the typical Americana way.

I mean, she likes Kino, and he looks like he's 12, right? So I am a shoe-in!

I actually always thought that he was a girl in the original...I don't know why...

I came here to see someone fight you, I can't disagree! haha

Chrono News / Re: Chrono Cross Piano Collection - ACROSS THE WORLDS
« on: July 06, 2020, 04:33:43 pm »
Not a big piano guy personally, but the arrangers on this are top notch.  It'll likely be a great album!  Anyone familiar with Masashi Hamauzu and the FF Piano collections will have a good idea of what to expect!

Chrono Cross HD Edition / Re: RetroArch Setup
« on: June 22, 2020, 07:55:39 pm »
Sorry, but it seems the ps classic can't even handle the unmodified version of the beetle core.  You'd definitely want a dedicated GPU (>= a gtx 760) paired with a CPU with good single core performance.

That's a bummer, but not unexpected. I've got a good set up on my work computer that could handle it well. (5GHz single core speed with GTX 1070ti)

I'm not big into gaming on my computer, but Cross could be an exception.

Chrono Cross HD Edition / Re: RetroArch Setup
« on: June 07, 2020, 10:07:00 pm »
Slightly related question:  I just tried out the Playstation Classic mod with RetroArch - will this mod work inside RetroArch on the classic, or does it require more processing power then it can provide?

Fan Fiction / Re: Continuing Conversation with Boo...
« on: June 03, 2020, 04:02:20 pm »
Let the man write, Boo!  :lol:

Chrono Cross HD Edition / Re: Goals, Progress, & Discussion
« on: June 03, 2020, 03:55:48 pm »
I absolutely love this project, and I'm drooling over the prospect of being able to play this in glorious HD. (The retroarch mod already looks great!)

I'm not a lot of help here, more of a cheerleader, but I wanted to show some support. :)  Now if only we could get this on the Switch when it was finished...

Crimson Echoes / Re: Still Love this Game!!
« on: May 25, 2020, 04:02:03 pm »
I love Nomura as a character designer, but as a storyteller...? Not gonna lie, I think he's a hot mess. I say all this to just say that I worry a little about FFVIIR having a similar fate. I don't mind it changing up events with a new "what if" mindset, but if it goes into heavily convoluted storytelling territory... oy vey.

I think that's a great assessment. He has a brilliant mind, I think, but he needs someone to reign him in and help organize his thoughts.  Otherwise we get this "throw every cool idea at the wall, see what sticks, and then try to connect the dots" approach to story telling.

I share your fear that the FFVIIR is going to suffer the same storytelling fate as Kingdom Hearts.  The parts of the Remake that are from VII are strong and familiar.  The new content is...weird, and a bit confusing.  I will say that the entire atmosphere and storytelling have taken a much more "anime" approach then I personally care for, but I know a lot of people like that aspect.

All this to say, the new ending/content is jumbled and is pretty hard to follow without context. If understanding the Remake requires that you understand the original, to me that seems like a fatal flaw in your strategy.

Fan Fiction / Re: Continuing Conversation with Boo...
« on: May 25, 2020, 03:55:09 pm »
I'm intrigued.

Crimson Echoes / Re: Still Love this Game!!
« on: May 19, 2020, 09:25:50 pm »
I'd like a remake, but done with more fans included, so they dont screw it up like the ff7 remake ( i wasnt a fan due to changing too much)

I've heard a lot of complaints about the ending regarding this being a "future timeline" and that the rest of events may happen quite different post-Midgar. It sounds like a lot of fans having an issue of it not being a remake, but rather an alternate series of events (sort of like the 2009 reboot of Star Trek). Just out of curiousity, is that the case, or was it the additional content that bothered you?

I haven't had a chance to talk to anyone who has played it, so I'm definitely curious!

I've played it...I will say this; it's beautiful, it's fun, and it's full of great little throw backs...but it has almost none of the charm the original had in my opinion. It feels like a new game/story with familiar themes, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. 

Though I'm one of those fans that wanted a 1:1 remake, I was also open minded to a new experience, but instead what I got was a weird hybrid of "this is VII, but it's not really VII".  The ending completely invalidated the entire Remake project and definitely set the tone for alternate storyline. Your analogy of the Star Trek reboot is spot on.  This is more or less a reboot of FFVII, but full of all sorts of Kingdom Hearts level storytelling shenanigans.

It might sound like I hate the game, I don't!  It was actually a lot of fun to just wasn't FFVII and it took me some time to reconcile with that. It's also a great indicator of where Square is at right now and the type of content they want to create.  That's all fine, but I would rather they move on to new IP's then trying to re-invent the old.  It seems to be my opinion about most reboots/revivals these days.

Site Updates / Re: The Chrono Compendium and Fandom in 2019
« on: May 13, 2020, 09:16:56 pm »
Adding other media could potentially bring in other activity, too.  We could at least advertise it around and let creators create. 

Crimson Echoes / Re: Still Love this Game!!
« on: May 11, 2020, 11:35:10 pm »
A timeless classic for sure.  Seriously one of the greatest jrpg series ever.

Despite what I keep seeing around, I want Square to keep this series dead.  I know, I know...hear me out.  We've built up this franchise so much in our minds over the past 20 years that there's no way they can do anything but disappoint a majority of the fanbase. I say let this one rest and be fondly remembered, and instead start a new IP that we can all create new memories with.

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