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Messages - mav

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Submissions / Re: CT Motivationals
« on: October 22, 2008, 12:12:41 pm »
Haha! Oh man, those were great. The first and last ones were just plain fantastic.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Do you cheat in Chrono Trigger
« on: October 22, 2008, 12:06:04 pm »
I used to use walkthroughs, mostly due to my inability to pay attention, but my guiltiest pleasure is using save states like crazy. Sometimes I use 'em during battles so I can go back and cover my mistakes.

...I feel so terrible with myself.

I hope they include some new art with CTDS, and do the same with CC. But as far as voice actors go, they tend to sound a little crappy to me--I despised the voices in FF4, and almost all the voices in the enhanced port of Final Fantasy Tactics--they tend to use voice actors who don't sound all that professional, and with Chrono Cross's abundance of characters I doubt they'd give the characters some well-rounded actors. But if they used some great voices, I'd be all for it.

Oh hell yeah, a special-edition of either handheld would be great. And the idea of enhanced ports seems to be something SE is more than accustomed to at this point: all of the SNES Final Fantasy games were enhanced and ported onto the GBA, Final Fantasy Tactics had a great port on to the PSP, and now CT is having a phenomenal enhanced port, and to make things better, they don't just stop at fixing up the script, they tend to add some bonus material. Looks like un-enhanced ports are nonexistent now: it's either an enhanced port or an enhanced remake (like Final Fantasy 3 and 4 on the DS).

But hardware-wise, Chrono Cross is already at the DS and PSP's level, so there's no reason to remake the game; a simple port will do good. The real question (for me, at least) is whether I'd rather see it on the PSP or the DS.

Chrono Compendium Discussion / Re: "The Chrono Compendium Podcast"
« on: October 21, 2008, 01:15:42 pm »
I do a bit of radio stuff at school, so as far as sounding professional goes, I could help there--but you probably want a more seasoned member. And is this going to be audio only, or are you gonna make it more like an actual Podcast?

And I'd push strongly for different hosts every couple days, I feel that people might get tired of seeing the same person every couple weeks. On the chance that some of the members don't want to be involved (based on shyness towards their looks or voice) it could be possible to have those members write out the content of each show and have others present it--that way everyone feels involved...but let's find out who are the guys and girls around here, to avoid any more confusion.

Anyway, this sounds like a great idea, good luck.

I don't think that it would be a good use of resources to remake Chrono Cross--a port, on the other hand, is pretty probable at this point. I think both the PSP and the DS could handle CC and do it justice, but the probability of a full-fledged remake is pretty low, in my opinion.

I don't feel that SE will put out a new installment in the series either. Not yet, at least. If they ported CC, then I'd change my mind, but CTDS alone probably won't push SE to do much...unless the financial figures and fan reaction are just phenomenal.

Polling / Re: Which Chrono character would you date?
« on: October 19, 2008, 03:12:37 pm »
It was a toss up between Harle and Schala--I went with Harle...I got a thing for accents and see-through pants.

Hah, well, it was definitely a highlight of the game.

If you guys don't mind me asking, how long did this project take you? I remember reading that this project came about after the Crimson Echoes team was sidelined for a bit. In all honesty, a project of this magnitude seems much more doable (speed-wise, I'm not putting anything passed you at this point) and it looks like fans react to it quite favorably: look at how often it'd been downloaded. There were a couple moments in Chrono Trigger where we all felt like we should have seen more. There's huge potential for little mini-sequels, prequels, and midquels in CT, and hacks like Prophet's Guile could definitely fill in the void.

Blah, I sound like some strange giddy school-girl in front of you guys. Anyways, well done, keep it up, thanks for the replies.

Well, I'm no scholar either, so I'm sure my analysis is going to be pretty worthless, but I'll give it a shot anyway. During my first play-through of Chrono Cross I was a bit confused by the revamp of Chrono Trigger's magic system: the inclusion of elements and new innate colors, especially those that were clearly not related to Chrono Trigger's magic system, didn't make too much sense. I didn't attempt to make sense out of it: I just assumed that it was done to make a more enjoyable battle system.

I don't think the creators of CT intentionally limited the magic system to those four magic types (or innate colors): they easily could have given Ayla an "Earth" or green innate color, and it could have been sensible. Inclusion of different elements and spells could have strengthened game play. In fact, even if it wasn't the playable characters using some of the other elements (like green, and whatnot) there were enemies that could have used the spells understandably. I didn't find a natural reason for the use of Fire, Lightning (or Light), Water, and Shadow, other than the fact that they suited the characters well.

The inclusion of these new innate colors in Chrono Cross seemed like an easy way to differentiate characters, but the element system is what made the game worthwhile: with over 40 characters, we didn't want them limited solely to spells related to their innate color or personalities, we wanted the ability to have an edge over all our enemies in battles. For that reason I do believe that the magic system of Chrono Cross was done in that manner solely for game play. The elements made battles more complex and added an element of strategy to the game that wasn't done with Chrono Trigger.

So although the elements did have some effect on the storyline, in my opinion, Chrono Cross's magic system was set up almost entirely for game play.

I feel like I stated far too little with far too many words in this post...I might have to revise this, but I'd like to hear some of your take on the topic.

Site Updates / Re: Dalton Sighted in Dimensional Distortion
« on: October 15, 2008, 07:29:51 pm »
I'm so damn happy that Kato is overseeing all these additions--we're pretty much guaranteed that it'll be something good. And man, this really does make it seem like Square is putting some true effort into the series for once. Hopefully they'll keep it up.

Epic find--and a good eye you got there--your comment on the Dimensional Distortion doesn't sound too farfetched either. With Kato involved we can definitely hope that it'll tie a couple loose ends together.

Polling / Re: If you had to...
« on: October 12, 2008, 04:05:34 pm »
That sounds pretty accurate--I don't recall every line from the game word-for-word, but now that I think about it, I think I recall them calling him The Magus, and that being his title, up until you met him. Or maybe they referred to him as "the great Magus", or something.

Hey take your time, if there's anything being a Chrono fan has taught me, it's that waiting for something good usually gives you something worth the while.

And it's definitely not something simple like messed up keys on your controller? In all honesty, I've never tried this, but why would it let you into that little quest without letting you fulfill it? If anything it shouldn't have let you there in the first place, if you weren't ready.

Is this in reference to the hack that replaced Guile with Magus? I took a look at that and was pretty damn delighted, and I'm sure tossing Lucca in wouldn't be out of their league.

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