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Messages - ChronoMagus

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Well seeing as Lucca and Magus relationships in that timeline would be fight Magus to the death to save Guardia, and fight Magus to the death because you are an idiot who can't possibly comprehend the simple fact that Magus is the best character possible on your team (ok so maybe I was being a little biased, but come on, the Prince of Zeal and King of Mystics is pretty kickass) I not so sure he would have been given a fair chance.  Usually you don't fall in love with the people you declare as enemies... so you would never even think about falling in love with them.  But given time, well funky things can happen...
like Bulma + Vegeta... that was strange.

General Discussion / Re: Falling sand game
« on: June 03, 2006, 03:06:44 pm »
Wow thats pretty cool I mean its fun with all those zombies and stuff.

Chrono Compendium Discussion / Re: OIve put this off.... but...
« on: June 01, 2006, 07:14:43 pm »
Internet Explorer is the devil.
Crono's browser is Firefox.
Nuff said.

if that is true... I will buy the Dreamstone for 10000 Zeni please...


Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: CT Last Names
« on: May 31, 2006, 08:49:57 pm »
Meh I stuck to Ja-nuss... I never really liked having the silent J.

Lucca + Magus = Much more sense than Lucca Lesbo or Lucca + Crono

General Discussion / Re: Richard Dawkins- The Root of All Evil
« on: May 31, 2006, 07:35:33 pm »
You know, BZ has a really true point.  You think we go around doing what God will do anyway?  I mean seriously, almost all of those lines say Allah will do this, Allah will do that.  Cut down the list to those that don't say Allah is doing the action, and then maybe I will even start to see your point.  Because you aren't going to do stuff that God has said he already will do for you.  Plus if you put it back to historical refrence it makes a lot more sense.  I don't know, maybe the time period where innocent Muslims were being killed by tribal warlords constantly.

And Western arrogance shocks me.  The concept of an "Islamic Reformation" is absolutely horrific.  Seeing as there is no such thing as an organized central mosque, no such thing as an organized priesthood, no such thing as an official interpertation of the Qur'an how can we have a reformation when any Muslim is free to interpert it as he or she wishes?  You point your fingers at the Ayatollahs in Iran, its not very hard to become one.  You start preaching your ideas, gather a group of people who agree with your views and perspectives, and technically you are an Ayatollah.  An imam at the mosque can be any Muslim man who wants to preach to people.  (Incredibly liberal mosques will change this to any Muslims) There are 0 other regulations on it.  Not only that but different branches of Islam exist.  Its not like the Protestant Revolution where it was just Catholics in the West and Orthodox in East.  Already multiple small groups exist, and groups within the Sunni and Shi'a groups exist. I mean the concept that the entire Islamic religion needs to be "reformed" is disgustingly Christian and Western.  The West is increasingly stuck up and arrogant.  It thinks automatically it can control any country, any way of life, any trend of thought throughout the world.  Especially seeing as it has no idea of what really is occurring in the world. 

Radical Islam is not the world's greatest threat.  Didn't exist until the West created it.  And I know you people are looking at me sceptically.  Suicide bombing started with the forced creation of Israel by the US and Britian.  You gave radical oppurtunists an excuse to carry out missions that defy the essence of being Muslim.  The Taliban was instated by the US trying to fight the Soviet influence in Afghanistan.  Iran's Islamic Revolution occured after the US did not permit a real revolution that would have given Persians true freedoms.  Of course they did not really try to stop Iran after the Islamic extremist one.  And Iraq is obviously the US fault for causing everyone unsatisfied and opressed by the West and seeing the extremists as the only way to escape Western oppression.

Every religion either has to be punished equally or none.  Christianity has oppressed people for millenia, and even though I still doubt the intent of Jesus was to create a damning religion, it should be held accountable for the crimes that still occur.  Evangelicalism officially has stated hateful views.

I not even going to bother to try to fully reattack everyone's point.  Because both sides are flawed.  The religious side seems to only represent Conservative Christians and Radical Muslims and is equated to being Republican.  I liberal, secular, Shi'a Muslim, who happens to also be a Democrat, strongly supporting their political, economic, and social values.  I support abortion, stem cell reasearch, gay rights (even though I am disgusted by the concept of homosexual marriage I think it is not right for people to discriminate them), illegal immigrants having a legal path to citzenship, evolution, and the rest.  The opposing side is the conservative atheists.  Maybe not Republican conservative, but conservative as in closed minded to even trying to understand what religion means to different people.  There is no point in yelling at closed door, so I digress.

General Discussion / Re: .
« on: May 31, 2006, 06:41:21 pm »
Man this topic made us look like idiots...
Yeah Zeality basically tricked us into believing there was some divine deeper meaning.  I have one thing to say...
Je ne sais pas.

We have to hope he is foreshadowing something... then again I just got an email from Square-Enix of America saying their parent company Square-Enix of Japan has no intention of releasing a sequel to that series at this current time...

Well we can still hope.

General Discussion / Re: My perspective on a controversial topic...
« on: May 30, 2006, 07:55:16 pm »
It was a travesty.  If not how they died or how many died, the reason they died was.  No one should have to die simply because they were born Jewish or Muslim or Christian or whatever.  People should die for their actions.  We cannot judge who goes to heaven or hell (assuming they exist), who will be damned or blessed.  We are mortals.  We don't know everything, we never will know everything.  We cannot decide if a person was innocent unless we knew everything about that person.  But the reason the Jews (and homosexuals, gypsies, handicaps, etc.) died was the reason it is a travestry more than any other factor.

General Discussion / Re: Richard Dawkins- The Root of All Evil
« on: May 29, 2006, 10:31:19 pm »
As for the Qur'an, do you honestly believe I trust any form of English translation?  I have the Arabic version of the Qur'an and much of it is so vague, so completely open to interpertation that any person can perverse it to make it seem blood thirsty.  Why do you think it remains to be the only sacred book out of the three semetic religions that has not changed at all for over 1300 years.  Its so vague that idiot clerics can perverse it for corrupt meanings, liberal scholars can interpert it for different meanings just as easily, and millitants can use it to scare/inspire their followers.  That's the glory of the Qur'an.  Vagueness and symbolism.  Only simpletons read it word for word.

And are you saying that if we give up faith and religion somehow human nature will magically change and stop being violent?  That evil will be gone from this world forever and humans will prosper in an atheist utopia never to worry about an afterlife or deity?  Religious groups may have caused violence, but the reasons they cause violence is hardly religious.  Palestine and Israel don't fight because of faith.  They fight because they like that strip of land.  They fight because both of them view it as home and think only one is permitted to have it.  Allah didn't say "Murder the Jews!"  God didn't say "Kill the innocents living in the Holy Land!" 

And don't tell me common street crime is also caused by religion.  Somehow if we give up faith we will stop the poverty in inner-city and end gang violence?  Of course!  Its so obvious that the indiscriminate killing of that gangsters commit has a deep religious meaning.  I mean Jesus totally said shoot random people on the street.

Religion may have caused some wars, but it is not the core of religion itself that caused these problems.  I mean did God order Christians to go into the Holy Land and murder every group of people they met including fellow Christians or did the Pope and commanders of knights order that?  Does it say in the Qur'an to use suicide bombs on innocent people or did the heads of Hamas, Hezbollah, and Al-Qaeda order those missions?

Even without faith humans will continue hating each other, continue fighting each other, continue oppressing each other, and continue killing each other.  Sure it won't be "In The Name of God," but does it matter?  When I hear a person dies I could not care at all about their religion.  Religion is caused by birth 99% of the time.  People are born usually into religion.  Its not their fault for being Muslim, Jew, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, Bah'ai, or Atheist usually.  What is important is their actions.  Their morals and characters.  Thats how I judge a person.  Thats how I judge myself.  I could not care at all about what those literalistic translations say.  I know within me that an honest kind good Atheist is much more likely to go into a heaven he did not believe in than some suicide bomber who tried to reach to heaven by killing himself and innocents.

@Daniel Krispin:  Thank you for treating all sides equally.  Or at least trying.  It's an admirable thing.

No electrical sockets but a refridgerator, typewriter, and a radio and several lamps are all in Crono's house...  Where do they get their power from then?  The air?

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: CT Last Names
« on: May 29, 2006, 04:18:29 pm »
Magus Prince Royal Janus Zeal

Actually Magus would have a longer name... it would be more like:

Sir Magus Janus Zeal, King of the Mystics, Prince of Zeal.

You need to add Sir, because it was the title he was adressed by during his time in 600 AD. There are a bunch of Mystics that go saying, "Sir Magus, tut, tut." or something infront of his statue in the Cathedral.  Plus he was "crowned" King of the Mystics by Ozzie at some point.  Since he is royality in two nations they would have to be listed after his name followed by the respective country.

As for Anrui I have never heard about it at all.

Keeping in mind the Masamune's real name is the Grandleon it would really add to the whole Medieval European Knight thing.  I always assumed Round Table -> Square Table.

The Way is brilliant. The Plunge is kinda weird...whatever.
I'd assume that if the Chrono series was anyone's dream, it would be the Entity's :P
Oh yes, because omnipotent, omniscent, all powerful beings ALWAYS have dreams about little sex crazed kids.

So its a perverted deity now right...  Yup a perverted omnipotent loser.

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