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Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Neat artwork for Zeal
« on: June 29, 2012, 07:04:53 pm »
Wow.. that was really cool. Nice to see interesting projects like that are making it around the net.
@ Boo: You can see glimpses of the Milky Way? Where do you live? I live on top of a mountain away from all the American smog and I still can't find any trace of it. D:
@ Boo: You can see glimpses of the Milky Way? Where do you live? I live on top of a mountain away from all the American smog and I still can't find any trace of it. D:
Lavos, the Planet, and other Entities / Re: Lavos, Mutants, and Evolution
« on: June 22, 2012, 08:34:49 pm »
I tend to consider the mutants and other such things aside robots in 2300AD to be the remnants of Mystics after Lavos' little apocalypse, the ones exposed to the harsh environment of that era simply changed over time. Of course, it's perfectly possible they're humans who had less fortunate circumstances affecting their genes. I don't suppose its ever knowable.
Lavos, the Planet, and other Entities / Re: Theory on Day of Destruction
« on: June 22, 2012, 08:24:04 pm »
I always kinda thought robots didn't jive with Lavos very well. Completely artificial beings versus a ''DNA Harvester'' parasite thingy. I understand he can mimic the strategies and techniques of these machines.. but there's no DNA he can extract from them.. no beneficial evolutionary traits. Plus, considering how intelligent these sentient beings can become (Just look at what FATE could do), and the kind of weapons they would have at their disposal, I figured Lavos considered the robots more threatening than the humans would ever be.
Polling / Re: Which version should someone who has never played CT play first?
« on: August 15, 2011, 07:05:51 pm »
It would be a hard decision for me.
Blasting through the original, and of nearly any game not just CT, is usually always a safe-bet.. but the other versions of CT aren't too bad either. The PS1 has those nifty cutscenes. Not much, but they're neat and I think pretty well made. I hear it has abysmal load times though. The DS plays similar to the original, but with a few extra features that might make it more relaxing (Health bars. I like knowing how much health my enemy has left. And SightScope or whatever it's called uses up a valuable accessory slot). The monster arena seems like it might be neat, but I've not tried it.
I'm going with the ''safest'' decision, and gonna say just hit up the original first.
Blasting through the original, and of nearly any game not just CT, is usually always a safe-bet.. but the other versions of CT aren't too bad either. The PS1 has those nifty cutscenes. Not much, but they're neat and I think pretty well made. I hear it has abysmal load times though. The DS plays similar to the original, but with a few extra features that might make it more relaxing (Health bars. I like knowing how much health my enemy has left. And SightScope or whatever it's called uses up a valuable accessory slot). The monster arena seems like it might be neat, but I've not tried it.
I'm going with the ''safest'' decision, and gonna say just hit up the original first.
Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: Welcome, welcome!
« on: August 15, 2011, 12:01:47 pm »
Thank ya thank ya.
Dagoth Ur? I'd rather hand my coin to Lavos.
Anything that keeps my dreams from being eaten. Which includes my physical body.
Dagoth Ur? I'd rather hand my coin to Lavos.
Anything that keeps my dreams from being eaten. Which includes my physical body.
Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: Welcome, welcome!
« on: August 15, 2011, 02:44:40 am »
Paired with Kefka's laugh for best sound effect in any video game, ever.
Both stretching into the vast potentialities of the future.
Paired with Kefka's laugh for best sound effect in any video game, ever.
Both stretching into the vast potentialities of the future.
Magic, Elements, and Technology / On the nature of Spiritual Energy
« on: August 15, 2011, 01:45:22 am »
Hopefully I can introduce a little more life into this section!
Greetings, all. I'll skip the introductory stuff, since this isn't really the place for it, and cut right to the point.
What, exactly, is spiritual energy within the Chrono series?
I was cruisin' through Chrono Trigger, just doing a non-spectacular playthrough with no real objective other than to experience the world of CT once more. During this run, I began using characters I don't conventionally use in my main party (specifically, Robo), and some things he had mentioned piqued my interest. Specifically, whatever sensors he has within him detect something he calls ''spiritual energy''. Now, the idea of spiritual energy isn't exactly new, but it's not very well mentioned within Chrono Trigger. There's a lot more emphasis on things such as time, dreams, magic, planetary energy and ''Lavos energy'', so it's easy for it to slip through one's awareness on a casual run.
But, while obscure, it does appear more than once (and, oddly enough, nearly all mention of it is from Robo.. a machine. I just find this funny), and its appearances always orbit connected and central elements to the plot. I went ahead and grabbed the ''Retranslated'' versions of these quotes. Many props and much appreciation to the whole of that translation project.
When the party reforges the Masamune (using refined Dreamstone) at Melchior's pad, Robo notes spiritual energy emanating from the blade. I found this pretty interesting, being that the subject of dreams (and the dream species) in the Chrono series has always fascinated me, and that there is something palpable, an energy form that can be detected, comes from a blade made from Dreamstone, inhabited by two Dream beings.
This occurs when the Black Omen rises from the depths of the sea. The Black Omen is the source of the energy this time. Notably, within the Black Omen is the Mammon Machine, and presumably Lavos' power flows through the structure. In this instance, we potentially have a second link between spiritual energy and Dreamstone. Alternatively, it could be linked to the power of Lavos.
Here, Robo not only suggests that the party merge their individual power with the Epoch/Sylbird to break Lavos' shell, he also implies that he, too, possesses a factor of spiritual energy (''OUR spiritual energy'').
Occurs when the party fights against Lavos. While the term spiritual energy may not make an exact appearance (though it does in the US SNES release), I believe the message to be the same. Lavos maintains a staggering amount of spiritual force.
There are other references to ''spirit'' in the game as well, some about ghosts, and others that might be more fitting for this topic. Such as the ''aura-reading'' woman in Zeal making a remark about how the party maintains a peculiar spirit, and that they might use the ''art''. She considers it primitive. An old man in Zeal comments on how the Mammon Machine, filled with Lavos Energy, is ''brimming with spirit''
So, I've come here to see what the great minds of the Compendium think about all of this. While I have some personal theories, I can't quite fully wrap my brain around them just yet. Additionally, I've never played Chrono Cross, so I'm short on information in comparison to many of you folks. I looked through the Compendium for an entry, thread, or article.. but couldn't seem to find one.
Might spiritual energy be the ''hidden'' magic of CT? That is, does it explain the magical effects the characters can create despite not possessing the genetic trait of magic?
Might it be a catalyst for all techs, elemental or not, or the very force of life?
Could it be the power which brings dreams to life? Alternatively, is spiritual energy something Lavos can call his own?
Might it be related to Dreamstone? We are told that the Frozen Flame gave humanity the genetic power of magic. Might it have been Dreamstone which gave humans their spiritual power, or even the psionic/psychic power to Azala?
Just a few things that crossed my head...
But what do you think?
All input greatly appreciated. =)
Greetings, all. I'll skip the introductory stuff, since this isn't really the place for it, and cut right to the point.
What, exactly, is spiritual energy within the Chrono series?
I was cruisin' through Chrono Trigger, just doing a non-spectacular playthrough with no real objective other than to experience the world of CT once more. During this run, I began using characters I don't conventionally use in my main party (specifically, Robo), and some things he had mentioned piqued my interest. Specifically, whatever sensors he has within him detect something he calls ''spiritual energy''. Now, the idea of spiritual energy isn't exactly new, but it's not very well mentioned within Chrono Trigger. There's a lot more emphasis on things such as time, dreams, magic, planetary energy and ''Lavos energy'', so it's easy for it to slip through one's awareness on a casual run.
But, while obscure, it does appear more than once (and, oddly enough, nearly all mention of it is from Robo.. a machine. I just find this funny), and its appearances always orbit connected and central elements to the plot. I went ahead and grabbed the ''Retranslated'' versions of these quotes. Many props and much appreciation to the whole of that translation project.
Robo: It IS mysterious. I CAN sense spiritual energy from the Grandleon itself
When the party reforges the Masamune (using refined Dreamstone) at Melchior's pad, Robo notes spiritual energy emanating from the blade. I found this pretty interesting, being that the subject of dreams (and the dream species) in the Chrono series has always fascinated me, and that there is something palpable, an energy form that can be detected, comes from a blade made from Dreamstone, inhabited by two Dream beings.
Robo: It IS enormous, ridiculously so! I can measure a mighty spiritual energy.
This occurs when the Black Omen rises from the depths of the sea. The Black Omen is the source of the energy this time. Notably, within the Black Omen is the Mammon Machine, and presumably Lavos' power flows through the structure. In this instance, we potentially have a second link between spiritual energy and Dreamstone. Alternatively, it could be linked to the power of Lavos.
Robo: BUT perhaps if the Sylbird's energy and OUR spiritual energy became one.....
Here, Robo not only suggests that the party merge their individual power with the Epoch/Sylbird to break Lavos' shell, he also implies that he, too, possesses a factor of spiritual energy (''OUR spiritual energy'').
Robo: Energy such as I have never seen! Just as though it has amplified the power of the human spirit to a terrifying extent......!!
Occurs when the party fights against Lavos. While the term spiritual energy may not make an exact appearance (though it does in the US SNES release), I believe the message to be the same. Lavos maintains a staggering amount of spiritual force.
There are other references to ''spirit'' in the game as well, some about ghosts, and others that might be more fitting for this topic. Such as the ''aura-reading'' woman in Zeal making a remark about how the party maintains a peculiar spirit, and that they might use the ''art''. She considers it primitive. An old man in Zeal comments on how the Mammon Machine, filled with Lavos Energy, is ''brimming with spirit''
So, I've come here to see what the great minds of the Compendium think about all of this. While I have some personal theories, I can't quite fully wrap my brain around them just yet. Additionally, I've never played Chrono Cross, so I'm short on information in comparison to many of you folks. I looked through the Compendium for an entry, thread, or article.. but couldn't seem to find one.
Might spiritual energy be the ''hidden'' magic of CT? That is, does it explain the magical effects the characters can create despite not possessing the genetic trait of magic?
Might it be a catalyst for all techs, elemental or not, or the very force of life?
Could it be the power which brings dreams to life? Alternatively, is spiritual energy something Lavos can call his own?
Might it be related to Dreamstone? We are told that the Frozen Flame gave humanity the genetic power of magic. Might it have been Dreamstone which gave humans their spiritual power, or even the psionic/psychic power to Azala?
Just a few things that crossed my head...
But what do you think?
All input greatly appreciated. =)
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