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Messages - Megamanx

Pages: [1]
Site Updates / Re: Videos Part 2 & 3 & Other Comment
« on: June 01, 2009, 01:21:46 pm »
IF youtube removes these, is there going to be a backup plan? I just don't trust them to keep this material up if anyone reports it, and I can't live with not seeing this in its entirety.

Submissions / Re: The girl who stole the stars comic
« on: May 20, 2009, 02:28:33 pm »
diggin' it

Submissions / Re: Chrono Motivationals
« on: May 20, 2009, 02:28:02 pm »
Hahah, I should browse the forums more often.  going through these was one of the best spent 10 minutes in a while.

I'm kind of curious.  From the community at large, is anyone here LESS likely to buy an SE game as a result of this kind of behavior?

I wasn't really planning on it anyway.  XIII looks like trash, and I cant even think of any other games they're working on atm.  That's how irrelevant SE has become.  There was a time where I would have to atleast consider EVERY game they released.  Now, I'd be hard pressed to consider ANY game they release.

Submissions / Re: Dedicated to the staff of Crimson Echoes...
« on: May 19, 2009, 01:58:56 pm »
that's pretty awesome, katie

Submissions / Re: Stained glass Magus tribute
« on: May 19, 2009, 01:56:06 pm »
I'd pay for something like that.

We all know its all about... Crossfire.  "You'll get caught up in the... CROSSFIRE! (queue epic guitar solo)"

So in the politest way I can, I am going to say, please contribute to a possible solution (honestly anything plausible could potentially help us in the long run) or just say nothing at all.

I am pretty sure the solution - for now - is that we just chill and wait,  Much like Faust as well as other "higher ups" have said.  As much as we all want to be the one that finds that loophole that allows them to release CE, or be the person that sparks a toppling of the mighty and evil superpower that is square-enix, there is no real solution if square never gives a follow-up explanation of the C&D.  As it stands, NOTHING is going to be, or even can be done.  That can all change, sure, but it is in their hands now.  We can vent, sure, we can try to come up with all kinds of grand schemes, sure, but in the end, its in square-enix' and to a smaller extent the project leaders hands.   

WARNING - SLIGHT VENTING - Unless they have a change of heart, which I find VERY unlikely, we might not get much other then a video recap of the game (I should add, I would love to see that).  I am sure everyone else thats ever received a C&D from square-enix has tried to get a better explanation or they have tried to fight it, but has anyone heard a success story?  I am in not way doubting the compendiums people.  As far as I am concerned we're all here because we love the chrono series, so we all want the same thing... we're on the same team.  What I doubt is square's remorse.  even if all of us here threatened to stop buying their products, they stand to lose, what, a couple thousand dollars?  That, to square, is about the same as me dropping a penny on the floor.  Shit, I never even bother to pick them up... Just like I don't feel like square will bother to do the smart thing and pick up their penny.  That's enough negativity though... I really do hope something gets resolved.  Even if they return our messages and further explain why they distributed the C&D, and refuse to lift it.

I just want some closure, as a lot of us do, and in time, I am sure we will get just that - so, the waiting game ensues.

Site Updates / Re: Cease & Desist Letter
« on: May 10, 2009, 08:24:08 pm »
Oops, repost.

Site Updates / Re: Cease & Desist Letter
« on: May 10, 2009, 08:20:59 pm »
I was looking forward to this more then any other "game" coming out.  I am speechless... everyone that cares enough to download a chrono ROM Hack ALREADY has copies of it at the very least on one system, if not all 3(like myself).  I don't see how in the blue hell they stand to lose money from this, and whoever decided this was a detriment to the company and they needed to squash it deserves a Mike Tyson - in his prime - punch to the gut... hell, maybe even 2.  That's what I feel like I just got.  I can only imagine how much it sucks for you guys who were actually involved in the project.  I WOULD LIKE to think this means Square still has love for the chrono series, but I know better.  
they just want to flex their muscles because CE would've been better then anything they could've thought up, and I guess they held a meeting when they merged with Enix and said "Hey guys, I have a great idea... now that the 2 juggernauts are together, lets just... you know, suck.  oh, and lets also not let anyone else make games to help ease the pain of our suckage.  We want them to hurt."  I also know that square hasn't made a good game in nearly a decade (FFX is the last one I consider respectable...though the kingdom hearts games are good ole fashioned fun), so even if they do try to make another chrono game, playing it will be about the same as getting papercut eyes.  To me, all this says is that Square is essentially an 11 year old who won't allow the poor innocent blind-deaf kid, Tommy, to play in the far corner of the sandbox at the playground, simply because it would make the 11-year-old-square weinerhurt.

Man I am furious.  I wish I like had a friend that works at square-enix that I could beat the hell out of or something...

Site Updates / Re: Vote for Chrono Trigger
« on: April 22, 2009, 01:33:34 pm »
In its defense, Yoshi's Island was better then any mario game i've ever played (other then Mario RPG, of course).

Been a lurker for literally like 5 years here, I remember when crimson echoes first got off the ground.  Anyway, this was too interesting to not register for.  BTW, Grimmjow is awesome Zeality, but it's all about Zaraki.

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