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Messages - Iron Pastry Man

Pages: [1]
If you want a blank Chrono Trigger, you boot up Temporal Flux and just get delete happy through the event editor, right after you figure out what does what.  It really doesn't take long at all to wipe the game (maybe half an hourish if you know what you're doing).  Learning the game's coding to the point where you can make it do what you want it to do, when you want it to, with a cherry on top, is what takes the most time.

I'm still new around here so I don't know the local customs, but I think it'd be nice to keep this thread on the topic of helping the Crimson Echoes project instead of dreaming about your own.  We all have dreams, but we need discipline to make them reality ('scuse me if I sound Victorian).  Besides, if you're serious about your own work, how hard is it to make your own thread?


Thanks for the help last week JLukas, program works beautiful.  I've been fiddling around with it in some spare time I had; retouching the overworld map, trying to get Mystic Mountain debugged, rearranging NPC's here and there, and (yes, I'm guilty of it) getting strong equipment (Swallow, Haste Helm, Berserker) at game start to see how quickly I can get through.  I'm still a bit sloppy with the program, but I'm catching on.  It's only a matter of time..

Quick question:

Poking around to see what it takes to get Temporal Flux running shows that I would need Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 on my system.  Further poking shows that the latest version of .NET Framework is 3.5, though 2.0 is still available.  In the interest of Trigger Modding, should go with 2.0 over 3.5?

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