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Messages - Generality

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Oh, for the love of-

You people have never heard of jesters? What the hell are they teaching in schools these days? It's a costume that has been around for hundreds of years. They didn't steal it from a 90s cartoon.

General Discussion / Re: Most satisfying moment in a video game.
« on: July 20, 2008, 06:19:33 pm »
I got perfect games in Legends of Zelda: Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Mask of Majora, and Twilight Princess.
Working on Windwaker, but I don't have all the figurines yet.

That exactly the problem(and why I mentioned Heisenberg's uncertainty principle); one cannot determine both the speed and position of any given quantum particle at any given moment in time.

Human being isn't a quantum particle (kinda). If we assume that an object's movement in time can be manipulated, keeping it from straying afield of its spacial destination isn't a big deal, so RedStar's initial point is not a concern.

Everything is relative. Space isn't a problem if time isn't.

The Chrono Compendium- Not even Frog could say our name right.

I can't pronouce Compendium, and Frogs from the Middle Ages and talks like it, and streotypeically they say everything properly.

Here's a tip about one-liners: if you have to explain them, they aren't really that great.

Every complex organism is a multi-organism. Our bodies are made up of billions of individual living cells functioning together. In a very real way, each of our various organs and supportive systems is its own living thing, though one wholly dependent upon the continued function of its neighbors.

In truth, the term "organism" is a very vague one. In terms of mutual survival cooperation, a nation or city can be considered just as alive as a human being, and exhibits the same basic survival methods.

The point is, the Lavos shell can be considered its own separate entity, but it is also a part of a more complex and integrated system that is the whole of Lavos, and includes the individual cores that control that system. No one part is any more the "true" Lavos than any other.

Time, Space, and Dimensions / Re: Gate Color Theory.
« on: April 02, 2008, 08:21:22 pm »
Please. Please, use paragraphs.

General Discussion / Re: Meditation
« on: February 22, 2008, 07:20:08 pm »
As a general rule, don't buy bookstore spellbooks or books on magic. Almost all of them are repositories of bullshit made up by the author to make money. Even those few genuine ones are of limited usefulness; magic cannot be taught effectively without tutoring on a personal level.

As for the spelling, it doesn't really matter how you spell it, but those who spell it magick generally have no idea what they're talking about.

Now, getting back to the topic. Meditation is a proven way to relax and exercise the mind. I use it occasionally, mainly when I'm troubled or having difficulty with a problem. Like magic, it's something best taught through tutoring and not really something you can get effectively from a book.

Time, Space, and Dimensions / Re: How differents dimension came to be?
« on: February 16, 2008, 02:08:00 pm »

You can't enter the Black Omen in 2300. As for the bosses, I'm pretty sure they stay dead no matter what time you're coming from, but I'm not sure of that.

Anyway, there's no way to tell what time period the Black Omen crashes in, because the only way to destroy the Black Omen is to take out Lavos, and once you do that, the game ends.

Y'know, logically, destroying Lavos from the Black Omen should take him out of all time periods (well, since the creation of the PD), which would drastically alter the history of Zeal and thus the rest of the world. That's a bit problematic...

History, Locations, and Artifacts / Re: Einlanzer and the Melchior Triplets
« on: November 05, 2007, 04:37:12 pm »
You only see one chunk of raw Dreamstone. But the Ruby Knife and Schala's Pendant are also made out of Dreamstone, so there's obviously enough of the stuff to make things out of. I seem to remember that the Mammon Machine was made of Dreamstone as well, and that thing's pretty big.

General Discussion / Re: RIP Oink
« on: October 24, 2007, 05:54:28 am »
Getting back to the point, you're not at much risk. Granted, pirates have been crushed under lawsuits from time to time, but they don't have the resources to go after every one of the millions of perpetrators linked to that site. They tend to focus on university students, as they tend to use university internet connections which require authorization and thus prove the identity of the user. Otherwise, the most they can get from the site is your IP address, and that doesn't prove anything.

Unfortunately, I don't know how fervent the Australian government is about hunting down music pirates, but I'm going to guess not very much.

Other Topics and the Prerelease / Re: Cross Texture Analysis
« on: October 20, 2007, 04:32:30 pm »
The Kanji is Tenka Muteki (天下無敵 てんかむてき), literally "invincible under heaven" or to put it colloquially, something like "the strongest on earth."

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Lavos exists in real world?
« on: October 19, 2007, 03:25:47 pm »

Time, Space, and Dimensions / Re: Different gate speeds
« on: October 14, 2007, 07:01:03 pm »
Well, I know some gates last longer, mainly for dramatic effect. The first one (from Leene Square 1000AD to the Misty Mountains 600AD) takes a long time to pass through, initially, so that the player can revel in the coolness of the time portal (I assume that's the reason). The Bucket Gate also takes longer to pass through, and inexplicably has a rainbow around its edge. Then there's the supergate made by Lavos (presumably) in Magus' castle, Lucca's red gate, and I remember seeing a green gate somewhere, I think...

My point is, there are a whole bunch of anomalous gates, and none of them have any real in-game explanation for their differences.

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