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Messages - DarknessSavior

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Site Updates / Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
« on: June 02, 2009, 06:27:02 pm »

If you guys were told by SE that regardless of how, if any version of this leaked, you would face legal consequences, why not release the more updated, and bug-free version? >.>


I don't understand what your concern is. We here at the Compendium try to avoid silly Internet drama. I don't see how anyone would be upset if you took KWhazit's retranslation, once finished and released, and worked it into the game, as long as you didn't claim to have translated it yourself. After all, isn't that also part of the hope in releasing such a script?

So if your true intention is to get a good translation done, why work independently? If it's for quality control, then who best to control the quality of the script itself than someone like KWhazit? His grasp of Japanese language and culture seem more than adequate.

Remember, good leadership requires knowing how to get things done, and sometimes that means throwing your own ego aside and joining an all-star team, bringing your best players with you.

If you don't trust that we'll do a good job, then that's fine. Teams depend on trust, so there'd be no place for you. But please, be honest and straightforward about it. Say, "I don't think you can do as good a job as my team can, so we can't work together."

Making silly claims that you're just trying to avoid being accused of "stealing" when you can always communicate (a valuable leadership skill, btw) and maybe ask permission to use something just makes it seem like you're really looking to enhance your ego by leading your own project so you can put your name in giant letters across the end credits.

I wasn't really trying to get into the whole "Internet Drama" thing, and it isn't an ego issue, either. There are two OTHER CT retranslation projects out there, besides mine. Why don't they come here and use your script? Probably for the same reason, they want to have the work done from scratch, instead of assuming that someone else's work is complete and done the right way. Plus, I've already got a translator who is really looking forward to working on CT, someone who I am very lucky to work with, and who would probably be pretty upset if I told him that I was going to use someone elses script. Also, if I were to grab your script and use it, I guarantee there would be at LEAST a few issues where I would go "I wouldn't word things that way" or "That translation doesn't make sense" or what have you. If I'm working with a translator at the same time I'm doing the hacking, I can easily communicate those ideas with the translator. Would KWhazit appreciate me nitpicking his translation? I'd assume not.

I'm sorry if me asking questions around here makes you upset, that wasn't my intention at all. The CT project is going to be my first big project, and I would prefer to do most of the work on my own, or with my own team. It isn't really an ego thing, as I said before, it's more of a proving myself thing; no one has been able to complete a retranslation of Chrono Trigger, and if we can pull it off, then maybe we can pull off some other cool things in the future. I don't mean for it to seem like I don't care that you guys have a translation out, in fact, I wish I had known about it sooner, because in my preliminary project (BEFORE I had a translator) I was looking for resources like that, and all I could find were two half-finished guides to the CT translation on GameFAQs.

Now, if you would like to work together, would it bother you guys if my translator had a look at the script and such, and then we try to collaborate? Suzaku is a very good translator (see his work on VGundam for SNES) and I would like to see what he comes up with.


Is it really about the "fanfare?" I just care about getting a good translation out to a game I've loved since I was like...9.

I don't want to take someone elses work and hack it into the game, I want everything to be done by myself or someone in the team I've started. That way no one can say "you stole this, you stole that".

I'm really sorry if this upsets you guys, and I'm sure it'll probably upset the guys at RPGone, because they have an inactive CT retranslation project too. However, I feel that the chances of them getting around to working on CT while doing other things is probably slim. I plan on dedicating most of my hacking time to CT and FF: MQ. Unfortunately, there are some ASM issues to tackle in the future, and I don't know ASM for beans. I either need to learn ASM, or get a talented ASM hacker to give us a hand. -.-


Well, I wound up having to download a whole bunch of extra stuff too. The Framework requires IE 5.0 or higher (I downloaded an' installed 5.5 just fine), and Windows Installer 2.0.

The problem is, when I go to install Windows Installer 2.0, it says that feature is already installed. But, when I go to install the .net Framework, it says that I DON'T have it. O.o

Should I attempt to uninstall the current version of Windows Installer? I don't even think that's possible, at least from the Add/Remove Programs menu.


Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Chrono Trigger (Jap)
« on: February 22, 2007, 09:13:30 am »
The only "Extra Dungeon" I've heard of is some random speakings about the pre-release. I'm pretty sure that's where that started, and you can only get there by using GG codes anyway. >.<


Yeah, I found it. I'm still gonna try to figure out the table on my own, but if it gets really frustrating, I took a copy of the file.

Sorry about only posting here once a day or so. I don't have internet at home, so I'm either posting from college or from my local library. Thus, my times are limited and pretty sporadic. >.<

Anyways, as far as our translation goes, I just dumped all the lists except for one (enemies), and I sent them to my translator. He's very excited to start work, and I expect that it should be done fairly soon. ^_^


Ozzie is Binega, or Vinegar. KWhazit has interpreted the other names to be representative of their full names, mostly because the Japanese probably didn't see a need to tack on unwieldy Roman pronunciations to Soyso and Mayone (Mayonezu) or something. It's not a biggy.

I checked the in-game spelling. It is actually Soyso, Mayone, and Binega. In the retranslation we're doing, the first two will stay the same, and we'll call Ozzie "Vinega". The puns are there for a reason, just as they were in DBZ and such.

Is he having the others stick to their original names as well, such as Frog being Kaeru, Marle turning into Marledia, the Gurus turning into Sages wif different names, and so on? Or does this only apply to Magus' generals?

When it comes to Frog, Kaeru literally translates to "Frog" or "to change" (or so I've been told). Since Frog fits, I'd just stick with that, most English speaking people wouldn't get the pun of Kaeru.

Marle (as far as I know) doesn't get the "dia" tacked on until after you learn she is a princess. I have yet to play that far in the Japanese version to check for the authenticity of that claim. However, if that is the case, I think we'll probably end up tacking on the dia as well (I think it's actually an in-game mechanic, if you were to name Marle, "Angel". The game would end up calling her "Angeldia". Just like there is an in-game mechanic for Ayla's shortening of the main characters name, "Kurono" to "Kuro").

Frog is still Frog, Magus is still Magus (because he couldn't come up with a good, smooth alternate translation), Marle is still Marle. Marle's real name ("Nadia" in the NA version) is Marledia in his translation. The Gurus will be Sages.

When it comes to Magus, I think there are plenty of CT fans (including myself) who love the name. However, in the Japanese version he is referred to as "Ma-ou" or "Demon King". However, to get a good combination of the two, we will be calling him Magus, but when he is evil, monsters will refer to him as "Demon King Magus". ^_^


You sure? I checked the script dump and it doesn't have a table in it.

You know what I mean by "table" right? As in a romhacking table?


Well, I did take a look at KWhazit's site. I was fairly impressed, but that's mostly because I barely know Japanese. However, I was thrown off by the fact that he calls "Soyso" "Soy Sauce". His name in the Japanese game is just that, Soyso. It alludes to the pun of Soy Sauce, but is not the full blown name. Kinda like the puns that Akira Toriyama used for the Dragon Ball characters.

But uh, I just got a GREAT translator on board to do this, and I'd prefer to start from scratch, as opposed to using someone else's script.

Still, does anyone around here have a table for the Japanese version? I still am unaware of how to find Kanji for tables. -_-


By "retranslation", do they mean they actually plan on hacking the game, or just releasing a retranslated script? If they plan on hacking the game, are there any screenshots of progress or anything?

I actually plan on hacking the translation INTO the game.


Unfortunately, I don't have the internet at home, so I can't use Windows Update.

I've tried downloading it before, but one more shot couldn't hurt, I guess. I don't think that Microsoft even has any updates for ME anymore, since they stopped supporting it. >.<


I'm actually working on a retranslation of CT (see, "Chrono Trigger Redux"). I was told that I could find a table for the Japanese version of the game here, any truth to that?

I have a kana-only version of the table that I was able to figure out on my own, but I can't seem to figure out the Kanji. >.<

Oh, here's some details about the project:

- I'll be doing the basic hacking stuff (mostly text replacement, messing with the compression once I learn to work around it better, and such).
- Suzaku (also from the RHDN boards, has some of his projects) will be doing the translations.
- Taarna32 might be doing graphics work, depending on whether or not we really need one. She'll also be designing the English font for the game.

As far as naming/wording issues go, a few decisions have been made:

- Magus' name will remain as it is, for humans. All monsters will refer to Magus as "Demon King" or "Demon King Magus".
- Marle's name will stay as it is. I've heard that in the Japanese version once you figure out she's royalty, they add "dia" to her name. If that's true, that's what we'll do.
- Ozzie, Slash, and Flea will be changed to Vinega, Soyso and Mayone.
- "MOM" (referencing to Crono's mom) will be changed to "Gina", as per the original.

Check out the readme on my current release. It explains all that was done for that, it was all done by me, using the English version of the ROM, just to show that what I want done is possible, and I am capable of hacking it myself. The finished translation (which might take QUITE a long time to finish) will be done on the Japanese version of the ROM. ^_^


I've actually been working on a Chrono Trigger hack for quite some time now, but I was never able to use Temporal Flux.

I'm running Windows ME, is there a way to get the Microsoft .NET stuff installed on ME so I can use stuff like Temporal Flux?


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