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Messages - uzerzero

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Isn't ROM expanding one of the features that they're trying to add into Temporal Flux in the next release? The only problem is that you'd need an emulator that could handle the extra memory, and if you're going to go that far, you might as well create a whole new system and call it the Super Fan NES, or Super Expanded Rom NES.

General Discussion / Re: Will we ever travel at the speed of light?
« on: July 11, 2006, 03:38:32 pm »
This falls under the wormhole theory. The shortest line isn't a straight line, but rather a line that goes directly through the two points once spacetime is folded.

And yes, I am quite familiar with a Wrinkle of Time. One of L'Engle's BEST works, by far. Very scientifically accurate for a children's book.

I don't think the buildings, much less the roofing, would have lasted 400 years. Besides, they'd probably just do what Lavos did to Chronopolis and just move the entire town through time and just drop it in the middle of Medina.

Back to the original topic though. If you get on Epoch and sit directly above Arris dome and go back in time, you will arive somewhere above the mountains right behind Guardia castle, I believe. Which means that the continents must have changed around. See that mountain range in the future behind Arris Dome? Those are the same three mountains in the present. Why the gate takes you into that dome on the other side is beyond me. I'm assuming it's because it's geographical coordinates haven't changed, but the continents have. Trann Dome is to the southwest, which is the approximate area where Porre is. That's my theory on it.

General Discussion / What's your innate color?
« on: July 11, 2006, 03:14:41 pm »
If you could choose any innate color, what would you be?

You can take this quiz or just pick something.

According to the quiz, I was blue.

However, I would see myself as more of a Green elemental. That's what color I'd use for my lightsaber, and I really like plant life (since it's slightly easier to study than human life).

Don't care for Avenged Sevenfold (although they do have some nice bass lines)

Same goes for the sig.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Nega-ette
« on: July 11, 2006, 03:03:28 pm »
I file this next to the topic of "Why women want to marry mass murderers/serial bombers/terrorists that are locked up in prison for the rest of their lives."

Magic, Elements, and Technology / Re: What makes someone an Innate?
« on: July 11, 2006, 03:01:51 pm »
Oh, Jesus, I can see how that turns out "What do you see here." "A Butterfly?" "No, it's a penis. WHITE! Next. What do you see here?" "UM...a man and a woman holding hands?" "No, it's a penis. RED! Next!"

Hehe something along those lines.

Well the whole Element thing goes back to when the Greeks discovered what they thought were the three (sometimes four) elements: earth, wind, fire, water. Holy and Dark were added as a mythological element later, in the belief that one could control the will of the gods or the demons. So that's where the colors come from, earth for yellow, wind would fall underneath plant life I believe for Chrono Cross, red for fire, blue for water, white for holy, and black for dark. My theory behind the innate colors is that it's genetic, and that you're born with a natural affinity to use certain kinds of elements.

Or it could just be that you fiddle around with Elements until you find which one you like the most, practice a lot, and become good with it?

Humans still resided in Medina. After you change the timeline and make the Mystics friendly, trade opens up. In the future, people might have migrated there and started living there. After all, when Japan opened trade with the US, Americans started living over there when none lived there before.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Record of fate
« on: July 11, 2006, 02:48:45 pm »
I must say that I agree with you about it being brought into another era. However, I don't feel that it was 12,000 BC as you state. If anything, I would say anywhere from 10,000-8,000 BC. It says "over 10,000 years" which implies more than, but I would assume no more than 500 years.

In regards to the icebergs in your other topic, have you noticed that we still have glaciers in some parts of North America? Montana still has a few glaciers, although they are receding due to the global warming. Even from a Biblical perspective (with the shortest timeline), they are still well over 8,000 years old. Put some glaciers, even in the middle of a tropical region during the middle of an ice age, and it will still take several thousand years for them to completely melt. The temperature just doesn't rise overnight, it rises at a rate of, I'd assume, something like 0.000000005 degrees a year. So even in 7,600 BC, I could see there still being icebergs. Heck, the Dead Sea was frozen, and obviously it can be influenced by El Nido's weather, since Schala managed to summon the magnetic storm which was over not only the Dead Sea, but the areas around it.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Nega-ette
« on: July 11, 2006, 02:35:58 pm »
Chronoverse simply adopted our English method of AD and BC to make things seem more relative and "real world" like. If somebody mentions that an event took place in 12,000 BC, you know it's prehistoric. But if they mention that it happened in 1 AFZ (After the Fall of Zeal), people would get confused. Sort of like how in LotR, they have all the different ages, and the same with the Islamic and Jewish calendars. It can get quite confusing. Besides, how hard would it be to bring a camera back in time on board the Epoch and then film the wedding? And film gets scratchy because the quality of the tape degrades, not because of the camera. Digital is the way to go.

As for the meaning behind bromide.. it's most common use is as the anion of bromine. Which I doubt has anything to do with Chrono Trigger. It can also mean a cliche that's been killed, or a boring person. None of these seem to relate to the game at all. I like the theory of the XXX content and the perverted old man.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: What then?
« on: July 11, 2006, 02:25:14 pm »
My apologies. I was under the impression that a Pocket Dimension was simply like a mole on the timeline that created a parallel universe for one set period, than afterwards, returned to the original timeline. Sort of like in Chrono Cross, after you rescue Schala, the two universes are merged as one.

This was my idea: ________/       \______

However, Pocket Dimensions run perpendicular to the flow of time. The Black Omen in Chrono Trigger is enclosed in a Pocket Dimension.

This is what it should be:

|----PD----| ->Time Period A
|----PD----| ->Time Period B
|----PD----| ->Time Period C
|----PD----| ->Time Period D

So in any of these time periods, the pocket dimension could be accessed.

For the record, there are a couple Demi-Human ghosts working in Chronopolis.

None of the ghosts in Chronopolis have a definable shape, just a head with two arms and two legs. Basically a Geos that was changed to black instead of yellow/orange. As far as I can recall, there are no demi-humans (and technically, no humans) working in Chronopolis.

Time for a crackpot response to the crackpot theory.

Medina has PURPLE roofs, while San Dorino has YELLOW/ORANGE roofs. If they Mystics were lazy enough to completely uproot the buildings and put them where Ozzie's fortress was, they wouldn't take the time to repaint/reshingle the roofs.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Sprigg
« on: July 11, 2006, 12:35:54 pm »
The Ozzie's sister thing was a joke.

At the time, I only had Sprigg, Harle, Lynx, Norris, and Radius. If I have time, I might try to find an old save and see what happens if I take Grobyc back there. And you can't take Mojo(y) back there because he wouldn't be available until much later in the game, even with the use of the Chrono Cross.

In Another World, Guardia has supposedly been overthrown.
   I do not know what this
   man Lynx is plotting...
   But I believe General Viper
   intends to overthrow the
   nation of Porre with the power
   of this legendary flame.
   Porre is a nation governed by
   militarism and has brought on
   suffering to many people on
   the central continent of Zenan.
   Perhaps the general envisions
   a bright and peaceful world,
   much like Guardia was at one

They could be at a time of war right now. I believe that Guardia continued to exist, just as a subsidary or a colony of Porre. And Truce was just the name of the village, names sometimes change, or even randomly disappear. Take, for instance, the small village that appears just west of the Denadoro Mountains (can't remember the name of it). In 600 A.D., it exists, but in 1,000 A.D., it's gone.

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