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Messages - ryu planeswalker

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Well, Zealian Tech was Mostly Magical/Lavoid in nature Porre's Military seemed to be using Coal/Gas powered ships and Gunpowder based Munitions while Zeal was more advanced by far without Lavos or The Sun Stone behind the tech it wouldn't be all that useful.

Oh Darn, I was gonna propose the Idea that Dalton captured Melchior and forced him to invent weapons for Porre which would explain the sudden advancement of its tech.

Porre didn't had a ferry to Medina, it was Truce.

Yes but didn't someone in the Porre ferry hut or snail shop mention them building a ferry to medina if you did the Ozzie Sidequest?

Okay if Dalton was in Porre, and Medina and Porre and a ferry between the two, do you think Dalton could have gotten his hands on Melchior himself?

It is a legendary sword,  I doubt Porre would have attacked Gaurdia without knowing that they had it.

Yeah no way to prove how much he knew... Crono and Co should have captured Dalton in the Vortex and interrogated him.

True, but the Pair did hang out infront of the Royal Palace, so I doubt that Dalton was completely in the dark as to their existance, and if Dalton was important enough to see Balthazar's Creations like the Epoch and the Blackbird its entirely possible he had atleast some clue how to use the other Guru's projects, especially since Masa and Mune could have gone out of control, fused and caused major damage.

heck Dalton getting his hands on it could explain how Masa and Mune got put to sleep, Dalton was from Zeal so he knew how to "Deal" with those little imps :D

Well, if Dalton got the Masamune in battle, then the Knight he got it from(the king's royal guard?) could have had the badge himself.

Now there is an interesting theory, when combined with mine, Dalton uses the Porre army to remove Crono and Marle from the battle for a short time, sees the Masamune, recognizes it and uses it's power to Match Crono and Marle.

Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Re: Game Mechanics
« on: January 10, 2009, 01:41:38 am »
While we are discussing Mechanics in this thread, out of curiosity is the 9999 damage hit from Robo's Apocalypse Arm considered a Critical Hit and its Rate of Occurrence boosted by the Dragons' Tear?

I don't think anyone Owned the Masamune per say, but it was hidden.

The only issue I see with that is that the Masamune was an important blade for Gaurdia, ((didn't Gaurdia the first use it, or am I confusing a comic I read with cannon?)) but the blade was used by atleast two of the highest ranking knights in the kingdom, and seeing as it was a powerful weapon when used properly I don't see why it would be stored and not used.

I think that Lavos intentionally ended up on earth, as Azala seemed to know it was going to fall.

Uh yeah...because a giant friggin' red object was in the sky getting closer and closer each day  :D. It doesn't necessarily mean Lavos ended up there intentionally, however.

But logically speaking, Lavos would have to be able to direct where it wanted to go. Reproduction just wouldn't be that efficient otherwise.

I don't think Lavos and Efficient are two things that fit together, he sat on his duff for 65+ Million years collecting DNA when Humanity Hasn't changed all that much from the time of Zeal and there weren't that many variants in the evolution of Fiends to explain why he waited as long as he did to reproduce.

Perhaps Porre attacked Corras with a larger force, drawing off Marle and Crono to there then Dalton and an elite squad assaulted the castle, with Dalton dueling with the owner of the Masamune, which allowed him to steal it.

I am starting to think the Magus that was encountered in the Vortex was a creation of the DD, perhaps the Magus there seems to be a bit more erratic than Magus usually, note that even when lavos drained his powers ocean palace Magus remained calm, we know that the TD can create people out of nothing as it did with kid, maybe as Schala was fusing with Lavos, her subconscious manifested a second Magus as the last bit of real humanity in her so that she could tell him to stop searching for her and have in actually do it, as opposed to the Original Magus who (assuming the new ending happened which I do, as if it weren't there would be no point in putting it in) continued to search for Schala even after encountering the DD, perhaps looking for a way to separate the two.

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