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Messages - Beeyo

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General Discussion / DJs and kittens;scratches
« on: April 22, 2007, 07:09:31 pm »
Does anybody know any tricks to getting a scratched ps2 game to work? And nobody better say "Buy the game again" or I will personally find you and punch you in the throat.

General Discussion / Re: Your TOP 10 PS2 Games
« on: April 22, 2007, 07:06:41 pm »
BB taught him a few things, but Ocelot was working 4 the Patriots from the beginning, so I doubt they were that close. Plus Liquid is in Ocelots body now, so that characters outcome is gonna be a little hard to predict.

BTW, just bought ZOE:2nd Runner, and it is kicking my ass. Its cool, but I don't think ill be adding it to my top ten list.

Yeah, seeing as how Lucca called him by his birthname, I would think Janus mellowed out after Lavos was over and done with.
But if Balthasar had some kind of plan to get Schala back from the DBT, I'm sure Magus would do anything that was needed, including destroying Guardia. If the shadow was Magus, either everyone from the CT cast was in on Balthasars plan, or Magus just did what he had to in order to get Schala back. Seems EXTREMLY unlikely that the shadow was Magus though, so I'm just goin off the the top of the head here.

General Discussion / Re: Your TOP 10 PS2 Games
« on: April 20, 2007, 09:57:46 am »
Ocelot? Big Boss fought him when Ocelot was a young'h. Had to teach him a few tricks, actually. Same tricks he used on Snake, still couldn't kill em, Snake and Ocelot have yet to finish their duel, I'm sure Guns of the Patriots will have Snake destroy Ocelot.
And Snake kicked Gray Fox' ass. TWICE.
(Metal Gear 2, I belive was the first ass kicking)

General Discussion / Re: Your TOP 10 PS2 Games
« on: April 20, 2007, 09:53:43 am »
I did finish Snake Eater. Did you finish Portable Ops?
Did you play Metal Gear 1 and 2?
He ended up scorned.
Yeah, perfect soldier state sounds good. But he was pissed off. Soldiers are warriors, but they kneel to their country, like the Boss told him. Slaves to politics. After seeing The Boss, and so many of his comrades die being caught up between the politics of war, he finally had enough.
Snake killed a lot of his brothers on the Fox Archipelago (Genome soldiers, Liquid), was injected with a deadly virus that is bound to kill him one day, used by the government for its own means. But he didn't bitch up and run to some other country to create his own state. He stayed and fought for what was right, and all that hero stuff.
In the end, Big Boss ended up like (almost)every other villian, scorned by the world, and mad all time. And as far as Snakes bosses turning on him? Big Boss was the first one. He used the same tactics on Snake as the government did on him. Does that say something about Snak, or Big Boss?

Matter of fact, where can I find the MGS Compendium?!?

General Discussion / Re: Your TOP 10 PS2 Games
« on: April 20, 2007, 09:33:40 am »
But the American Goverment set everything up. Big Boss was just being used as a pawn. So was Snake, but at least he's taking the fight right to their doorstep. Big Boss got all emotional and turned evil. What a wussy move.
And didn't he get beat up like 7 times in Snake Eater?

General Discussion / Re: Your TOP 10 PS2 Games
« on: April 20, 2007, 09:28:12 am »
Oh yeah. Ooops.

So what.

General Discussion / Re: Your TOP 10 PS2 Games
« on: April 20, 2007, 09:05:14 am »
Wasn't The Boss Big Bosses boss?
Didn't she like, I don't know, fuck him up and throw him off a bridge?

General Discussion / Re: Stuff you hate
« on: April 20, 2007, 05:22:47 am »
Is this a thread where you're supposed to tell everyone about the things you hate? Cuz I hate those.

I hate peanut butter also. It tastes so... Unnatural.

General Discussion / Re: Your TOP 10 PS2 Games
« on: April 20, 2007, 12:28:30 am »
Nah Big boss is about he same age in snake eater as snake is in MGS 1, yet he is so much more naive and innocent compared to the battle hardened Snake. He kicks ass, no doubt, but he seems almost... Childish at times, losing cool points in my book,
Just compare the amount of asses kicked by both of them, and Snake is clearly more of a badass.
Foxhound>Cobra unit.
Plus Snake kicked Big Boss' ass TWICE, and he jumped into the freakin ocean to chase down Metal Gear RAY. And by the sound of the MGS 2 ending, he kept up.
Snake>Big Boss.

General Discussion / Re: Your TOP 10 PS2 Games
« on: April 19, 2007, 09:13:32 am »
Yeah, but Snake is so cool he raises the coolness of the game just by being there.
And yeah, Raiden kicked ass too, people just hate him cuz he replaced Mr. Cool, cuz he did kinda whine a lot, and we had to see his ass, which is not cool at all. Damn, Kojima blew my mind with sons of liberty . I don't get when people say the plot was too convoluted, I got pretty much everything that was going on.

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy 12
« on: April 19, 2007, 08:57:51 am »
How the hell should I know?
I'm not too familiar with Asian culture.
I do know Tidus looks really gay though.
Are metro gangstas metrosexual gangstas?
Cuz Tidus looks like a metrosexual.

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy 12
« on: April 19, 2007, 06:57:14 am »
Wavy hair with a part in or around the middle of the head.
Is that not the haircut of choice for final fantasy heroes?

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy 12
« on: April 19, 2007, 06:03:05 am »
Has anybody else noticed that Squall, Zidane, Tidus, and Vaan all pretty much have the same freakin haircut?

General Discussion / Re: Your TOP 10 PS2 Games
« on: April 19, 2007, 04:50:54 am »
Not this site, I mean gamespot

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