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Messages - Beeyo

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Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: The Entity in Terra Tower.
« on: May 07, 2007, 09:50:12 am »
This was a big disappointment to me. When I first played CC, I thought that face was someone from CT like Ayla or Kino, or at least someone important to the storyline.

Hello Lilly! Welcome. Remember to check your sanity at the door. And please take your boots off, I just cleaned the carpet.

General Discussion / Re: Quote Digest
« on: May 06, 2007, 10:29:07 am »
Everything serves to further.

General Discussion / Re: Stuff you hate
« on: May 04, 2007, 09:39:02 am »
Did anybody play Grandia Xtreme?
Cuz I did, and I hated it. 40 freakin bucks. I hope Grandia Xtreme dies a slow, painful, possibly fiery death.
But I love Candy Suckers.

The porn star, not the candy. :D

General Discussion / Re: Serious Advancement in Medical Science
« on: May 03, 2007, 03:12:46 pm »
Like I said. Wow.
This shows that, even though we've made a whole lot of progress studying damn near everything on this planet, we still know shit.
I'll leave all the technical talk up to smarter guys in this Compendium, but this is an astounding find.

General Discussion / Re: What games did you guys play this year?
« on: May 03, 2007, 02:30:26 am »
FF Anthology; I liked 5 more than I liked 6, surpsingly.
Replayed Snake Eater; kicks every other games ass on this list.
ZOE 2; It was good, but not great. I enjoyed it though.
Sega Genesis Collection; my girlfriend is obsessed with Columns. Tried playing the Phantasy Star games, and my brain almost melted from boredom.
Chess; Still better than Checkers.
Circle of Death; the funnest drinking game EVAR.
Hide the Salami; actually, I haven't played this in about a week. Damn you, Columns!!
Guilty Gear; I love this game.
Need for Speed: Carbon; just got it yesterday.
Spider Man the Movie 2; Webswinging is my crack.
FF 12;..... Don't get me started.
I also read a book. Does that count?

General Discussion / Re: Serious Advancement in Medical Science
« on: May 03, 2007, 01:44:52 am »

General Discussion / Re: Quote Digest
« on: May 02, 2007, 09:54:18 pm »
What great things would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?

General Discussion / Re: Quote Digest
« on: May 01, 2007, 06:30:46 am »
Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought- a fortune cookie.

By the way, my lucky numbers are 14,72,55,61, and 5.

General Discussion / Re: Earth-Like Planet Discovered!
« on: April 29, 2007, 10:21:38 am »
How could space minig be profitable considering how much of our already  dwindling resources, not to mention billions of dollars, it would cost just to get something like that started?

General Discussion / Re: Earth-Like Planet Discovered!
« on: April 29, 2007, 04:47:39 am »
Can one of you smart guys tell me what the advantage is in traveling to another planet? There are obvious scientific reasons, and study of another planet could yield great discoveries leading to great advancements in the way humans live day to day. But there are plenty of fucked up things on this planet that those billions of dollars could fix first, or even just in America. I don't think we could ever truly rectify every problem that exists on this planet, but I think we could get a lot more done before we go hoppin off into space looking for Martians and shit.

General Discussion / Re: Earth-Like Planet Discovered!
« on: April 29, 2007, 04:15:09 am »
I didn't say the women were stupid.

They're both quiet, but Crono shows more personality through his arm pumping actions and laughing and what have you.
Plus, Serge fights with a sailboat oar, which isn't too cool when you think about it.
And, red hair>blue hair.
So Crono.

General Discussion / Re: Earth-Like Planet Discovered!
« on: April 28, 2007, 10:08:03 am »
I just realized that I'm the most non-educated mofo on here, listening to all this science talk. But so what, the ladies they love me, they adore me, I mean the ones that never even saw me.
And if we travel to this planet and they have oil, forget it we are so taking away all that fossil fuel.

General Discussion / Re: DJs and kittens;scratches
« on: April 23, 2007, 04:35:11 pm »
Wow, I just popped the disc out and popped it back in and it started working. This used to work on my ps1 games. I wonder if this always works...

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