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Messages - Salvadeiro

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 17
Polling / Re: Best anime genre
« on: August 05, 2006, 06:09:38 am »
I like cowboy bebop (the drama-action-adventurous--semi-romance--little kid-strange-supports everything it should type of anime) because it satisfies in 26 episodes (1 movie) or less.

I apologize beforehand if this has been mentioned before, but while doing some unrelated research today I noticed that the second-to-last ruling dynasty of Iran was the Qajar Dynasty.  From my understanding, in Arabic/Farsi romanization "K" can replace "Q".  This interested me, given the Persian influence evident in Zeal.  Haven't found anything on Enhasa yet, but things always seem to pop into view randomly around these parts. 

Good observation, because Zeal's influences are almost totally persian.

Also! That would be true if K (kaaf) and Q (qaaf) weren't two different letters.  Kaaf is the normal K.  Qaaf is different.  It's more of a throaty K, souding more like a G.  Arabic and Persian are two different languages but still the letters are the same and so our the sounds.

General Discussion / Re: United States of America: Nation of Evil?
« on: July 25, 2006, 08:10:29 pm »
Israel wants to go after all Arab goverment parties like Hamas now.  Why? 

Chrono Compendium - This is Chrono Compendium's Slogan

General Discussion / Re: Stuff you hate
« on: July 24, 2006, 08:23:19 pm »
American Cars


Chrono Compendium - It's not even an Option

General Discussion / Re: United States of America: Nation of Evil?
« on: July 24, 2006, 08:19:03 pm »
I'm upset because America is basically allowing Israel to bomb the poor Lebanese covering it up saying that they are trying to bomb Hezbollah. I'm upset because I'm Lebanese. 

Polling / Re: 6/30/06 - What is Chrono Trigger's real flaw?
« on: July 24, 2006, 08:01:13 pm »
Zeal needed more lore and history. 

General Discussion / He's baaack
« on: January 16, 2006, 12:02:39 am »
Welcome back!

Characters, Plot, and Themes / CT Last Names
« on: January 15, 2006, 09:32:27 pm »
What were the three traditional gifts anyway?  Wasn't it Myrrh, Frankincense(right?) and something gold?

Characters, Plot, and Themes / CT Last Names
« on: January 14, 2006, 10:29:17 pm »
Quote from: Tonjevic
There is something called topic evolution. Anyway, it is a title.
We dont say Queen Windsor (the Queen's last name). But we do say the Queen of England. It is most likely a title.
Zeal was probably created quite a while before the queen came around, Judging by all te libraries and research that had been compiled.
Most empires arent named after thier leaders. The closest thing we have to that is Alexander the great naming various cities and camps after himself, calling them Alexandria or Alexandretta.
We dont, however, call his empire Alexandria, we do call it the Alexandrian empire, but that is because he himself was the driving force behind the conquering of all the lands. Rome had the roman empire, but if Julius had conquered it all, it would have been the Julian empire.
Queen Zeal is just a title, nothing more, nothing less.

EDIT: Drawing the parrallel that it must be the last name because the emperor was refered to with his last name and that CT was made in japan and that japan was once part of china is just silly. The queen in english is refered to by first name becasue it is a status symbol (THE king Edward); the royal family wanted to be differentiated from the masses who were identified primarily by last name (Mr Biggs, Ms Firth.). you really are being a bit silly here.

Because nations are always refered to as they are female.  Well in English anyway.  In romance languages, Portugal is a "male" country, but France, is a "female" country.

General Discussion / What is your Nationality?
« on: January 14, 2006, 10:23:52 pm »
When you say white European what do you mean from White lol.  Anything Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian and Greek would and wouldn't be considered white.  Well maybe French would.  Anything Iberian (Spain and Portugal) is part Invader, part Latin, and part North African Arabic and maybe part Greek/Phoenician.  Anything Italian is part Greek/Latin (duh.), part North African and part Middle Eastern invader. So I was taught anyway.

Kajar Laboratories / The Zealish Language Thread
« on: January 14, 2006, 01:35:38 am »
woop.  Maybe i'll do a language-root study for my college major or maybe not.  Anyway, I'm crazy, so I broke "Zealish" into 4 demi-languages.  Classical Zealish which mothers them all, "Continental" or Correct Zealish, Northern Zealish (which works in a different way than Zealish) and Earthbound "Zealish".  But right now im just focusing on perfecting the alphabet and crap like that.

General Discussion / What is your Nationality?
« on: January 14, 2006, 01:28:05 am »
True, had I realized that before I made the thread it wouldn't been nationality, it is ethnicity so shame on me for not paying attention on that one.  Thanks for correcting me. :)

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Guardian blood-line.
« on: January 03, 2006, 09:23:20 pm »
Thats odd.  So what happened was from Ayla's line, it went down until Zeal's line where they came in and ruled. Ayla's people we're obviously Earthbounds, right?  The Elder of the village obtained Schala's stuff after the destruction and it passed down to the Guardia line.  Correct?

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