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Messages - anonymouse

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Polling / Re: What's the most memorable scene from Chrono Trigger?
« on: July 19, 2009, 09:43:58 am »
Hmm...the options all appear to be from the main quest...but many of the game's memorable scenes came from the side quests as well.

As soon as you finish some of them show us so I can add you to the list

BTW, could you mention which idea has been written up already in the list? Unless you want multiple submissions, to compare...

And I'm working on mine, I actually finished it already but on re-reading it it sucked, so I'm correcting some stuff. Just a little longer? =D

Nah, it's fine. Anyway, the trope of the pure-hearted, long-suffering maiden got old years ago ^_^

Blue hair is just that much cooler, ain't it? =P

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: Mikey has returned
« on: July 14, 2009, 12:10:30 pm »
And you've already checked out and made a reply in the doujin thread! Good to have you back. Now, you just have to boss us around into action... =P

Fan Fiction / Re: Chrono Helix (script)
« on: July 13, 2009, 01:42:32 am »
Nice! I like your additions to the script (particularly Nikki's approval of Zoah's non-outfit =P)

As for the stage directions, perhaps you could check with a walkthrough to match the actions with the words?

(This whole thing is a very good idea. :))

I'd like to say so, but unfortunately this project seems to have been relegated to the DBT... T_T

Fan Fiction / Re: Why can't authors handle criticism?
« on: July 10, 2009, 02:30:43 am »
I'm aware of that. More honey catches more flies, that sort of thing. Usually if there's really nothing story-wise to praise, I start with praising their commitment and enthusiasm in writing the story. But like I said, some authors are used to nothing BUT praise over and can tell...their stories have heaps of one-liner reviews saying "I love you! Update more!" that kind of thing. Bad for the ego. 

Fan Fiction / Re: Why can't authors handle criticism?
« on: July 10, 2009, 12:45:32 am »
What I mean is, some authors have a rather wide interpretation of what's bad. The moment you even say anything vaguely uncomplimentary, that's considered bad.

Fan Fiction / Re: Why can't authors handle criticism?
« on: July 09, 2009, 10:55:02 pm »
Truthfully, people just don't know the difference between criticism/flame. So whenever you say something bad about their work, it must automatically be FLAME! Besides, authors feel proud of their work and get all defensive anytime you raise a point against it. Self-inserts are the worst, since you're essentially criticizing a character that the author feels is an idealized version of himself/herself. I haven't actually had that experience, but just hanging out on Deleterius (a sporking website) really shows how perfectly articulated and reasonable reviews get backlash from the author and friends.

Fan Fiction / Re: Chrono Helix (script)
« on: July 09, 2009, 10:37:58 pm »
Yeah, all italicized dialogue is from the original game.

Anyway, I've always found it a little weird that Serge would tell some strange girl right off the bat that he dreamed of stabbing her...wouldn't this scene be more appropriate if left to the final level of Fort Dragonia? It's even odder that Serge shows no reaction in the game when he starts to relive his dream...

Fan Fiction / Re: Chrono Helix (script)
« on: July 08, 2009, 09:52:19 am »
Hey, good job giving Serge's character some depth. That was a really big problem for me when I played CC--being unable to get a look into the protagonist's head. I mean, hey, he's fallen through dimensions, met a bunch of dragons, and remains dumb as a log throughout it all. I couldn't get any sense of character growth, which was bad. Your Serge is really shaping up to be somebody likable and realistic, in contrast. Lookin' forward to more!

Technically, Choras shouldn't possess such advanced technology...but whatever. Watching Robo be an advocate for safe sex was too hilarious for words. ("You might have a virus!" ROFL)

The credits reel...really brought home to me all the effort and skill put into this amazing piece of work (especially Glenn's sprite sheet O_O) This wasn't the month that could have been, but was a pretty close second. Thanks for showing it all for us! And, you know, if you ever put your experience to good use in a game of you own, well...  ^_^

Submissions / Re: More Schala Fan Art
« on: June 30, 2009, 10:43:48 pm »
That's true. By all means carry on. It's a fascinating discussion you've got there.

I don't have much Photoshop experience, actually--I learned the basics in 2004 (i.e. layers, lasso, etc) and since then messed around with PS now and then, but not too much. This picture is about the third full-colour one I've done so far ^_^

Submissions / Re: More Schala Fan Art
« on: June 30, 2009, 01:13:38 pm »
Still, I find it strange that I have a sort of magnetism that attracts chinese people XD; It's not a bad thing, but it would be nice to meet someone online that's on this side of the planet too occasionally XD;

Heh. On the other side of the coin, most people I meet online are Westerners XD

Recently I started using a new layer, with varying opacity, on the "Multiply" and "Screen" settings and draw in my highlights and shadows as a big gray shape (in 50% gray)

This may not help much for that specific picture, since it already has shading, but in the future it may help, since you can edit the shape of the shadows easily with that method.

Also, it doesn't NEED to be gray, if you have a different colored light, you can use any color as long as it gets the right effect... (I just use gray since I do mainly simple white-light concept drawings...)

Will try that next time (I'm working on a Magus picture ^_^), thanks!

And, thanks, everyone--I'm really trying hard to improve my art  and your comments have helped a lot.

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