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Messages - Redline57

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General Discussion / Re: God, I Miss This Place
« on: November 27, 2017, 04:34:33 am »
Hi everyone. I actually found out about this forum recently. Huge fan here, my favorite game is Crimson Echoes (yes really.) Hope you guys like my story.

I first played Chrono Trigger in college when I was 25 (dont ask). It hit me. Like hard. I think this was 2010 maybe? Maybe a year or two before. Anyway. I'm not great with the newer games, the SNES controller I find far better than the Xbox one, the 3-handed n64 controller or Wii floaty sticks. I do play games from all Eras, Commodire 64, Megaman 2, GTA vice city, Mortal Kombat 4, that stuff.

When I first played Chrono trigger, it was definitely an experience. I could tell at first this was a game made well, like when they wrote Futurama, the writers conceptualized everything before writing anything. But as the game went on it got better. And I kept playing. It was 5am and I came to 12000 BC. Of all my video game memories, heck of a lot of my life's memories, I know I will never ever forget the first time that music started and I went to the kingdom of Zeal when I walked into Enhasa. I was totally enveloped with the game's graphics at the time, no retroactive shit here, I was enveloped in the game. And when I went into Enhasa with that music and the sense of wonder, I knew right then I'd never forget it. In fact, though I was 25, the memory was so strong, it jumped into my brain's memory box, and wrote in the whole game's memory in my mind at age 8. I guess its cliche to say it made me feel like a kid, but in my mind I have memories of playing the game when I was 8 years old now. Yeah, it was that good.

What I will tell people is more impressive is that by modern standards the game can still impact you that much. The text is just grey text like FF8, not with colorful materia gems like ff7 to pretty up the screen, or icons, or on the fly additions in percentage to stats for new weapons like ff tactics (if i remade the game, the only mods i would make would be making the menu more pretty.) The game for me is still fantastic. I found a coworker of mine seems to enjoy this game too. His recieving text sound is the three notes coming from the organ in the cathedral. When I first heard it it scared the crap out of me. I said to him 'the hell is the matter with you, any sound effect in the whole game and you choose one that's gonna pick at THAT memory of the game.' well we laughed, and I shared with him Crimson Echoes. He's now playing it, enthrawled. I myself write CT fanfics now, started putting em online recently.

So, yeah Chrono Trigger rocks. And this may be old for you guys but I'm overjoyed to find there are at least others out there who are fans like me. I've met in my life...just two people who've ever played the game. So I hope I can find others here.

Oh, and just to keep with what I'm doing tonight...blah blah, screw you Square and your C&D letter, go suck it, etc.

Chrono Trigger rocks, woo!

General Discussion / Re: Mitsuda Appreciation Thread
« on: November 27, 2017, 04:16:48 am »
Just posting that I appreciate Mitsuda is all. I like music, more than the lyrics of a song, its the actual music that draws you in. And nothing can turn a movie or game into something special more than its music. Without this soundtrack, Chrono Trigger would be "a great game", but with his music, Chrono Trigger is a "legendary game" so kudos to Yasonori Mitsuda. All his dedication and struggles with this game, at least we are left with something great.

Crimson Echoes / Re: Support CE! Here are some guidelines.
« on: November 27, 2017, 03:03:06 am »
Hey, I don't know where to put this or if this is checked. I've been on this forum for 2 days now. I do want to say that crimson echoes is my favorite game. I think that it's as good as Chrono Trigger, if not better. After I played it I was blown away. What was more impressive was when I was told it was basically constructed by 3 people on a budget of 0$.

So I say thank you, Zeality, Chrono99 and Agent12 and whoever else helped out. Since playing it I have sent numerous threats to Sony, Squaresoft, you name it, in protest of how they tried to kill off your frankly beautiful work. I personally am against most BS copyright laws, and I actually did print out the C&D letter and used it as toilet paper. What you created will only grow the brand and encourage people like me to buy actual copies of their wii and playstation downloadable virtual console emulator roms. I'm surprised Square didnt offer to take the game for free and let others play it, as your work does not rob them of any money, on the contrary, it helps fans get excited about the original game. You made what they wont, their loss.

I thought Crimson Echoes was awesome, and if you ever need anyone to host any varient of the game or any of its content, I'm happy to as I'm flat broke and no one would dare sue me cause you can't get blood from a stone. If I can do anything to thank anyone here, let me know. Thank you for the memories and one more fuck you to Square and their scum suckin lawyers.

"They're evil, tone-deaf fiends!" Yeah a little of the translator's opinion, but the original 3 names I'm told were taken from music too. For those of you who were into rock back in the 80s, the music which was new then was considered by older people to be simply loud and lacking in musical ability, by one's standards of say 50s music, could be called tone-deaf.

And in case anyone else sees this, the references in Final Fantasy to Wedge and Biggs in many different games are a reference to the Wedge and Biggs from Star Wars 4 (the original one). They were X-wing pilots along with Luke during the attack on the death star.

Polling / Re: Worst RPG Ever
« on: November 26, 2017, 04:06:43 am »
I'm gonna pick one people may know. Lots of bad games, and tho Mystic Quest wasn't great, there was an X factor in there if you can get into it. On paper, it sucked, and like FF6, the dungeons were too long.

For me, worst RPG I ever played was Chrono Cross!

Yes really. I thought it's music and stuff was decent but the excess of characters made everyone seem so 'generic' in reply. And this was years before I knew about multi-plot games like Saga Frontier.

The problem with Chrono Cross was the storyline as a concept. In fragments, watching someone play it you might think its part of some awesome and long RPG like FF7. But when you really get into it, it just feels like... a generic RPG. Like it wasn't made with a dreamteam, with love, or passion or a real desire to create something. It felt scripted like it was a boss telling his subbordinates to make X Y and Z by a certain date. I for one felt that it was a generic RPG that rode on Chrono Trigger's coattails. Without knowing of radical dreamers there was NO connection for a lot of people, and its like someone took the last version of the script and threw in some words like "arris dome" and "chrono trigger" in there and made a couple references to ride on CT's coattails. This game was Mario 2. A game made from another factory with a stamp on it, a few CT words bolted on just to sell a few more copies. If this game was sold in america with a name like "seiken densetsu 4" it would have been a total flop. The whole ending, you hear that speech and then just...lets toss in the name Schala and say she's been the ultimate enemy. I was like what the hell? This was outta nowhere.

I played through all of Chrono Cross JUST because I love Chrono Trigger as my favorite RPG ever made. Otherwise I wouldn't have finished it, no question.

P.S. Screw Capcha

Polling / Re: What's your favorite Chrono Trigger quote?
« on: November 26, 2017, 03:47:21 am »
It's a soda guzzling contest! 

Yeah. 'soda.'

As a purist myself, definitely the SNES version. I was leaning toward a re-translation, not for authenticity sake, but solely for that like 'someone close to you' at the end of time, as it drove me nuts on my first play through looking for another quest that wasn't there.

Now that I think about it, as a purist I'd go for the retranslated version.

On second thought, I grew up with Frog's awesome accent, so, again, original version.

Polling / Re: Shakespeare vs. Chrono
« on: November 26, 2017, 03:39:11 am »
Hi, sorry, this is my first post here.

I'll give my 2 cents. Chrono Trigger for me is similar to Shakespeare in that in some instances it is whittled down to the change and analysis of one person. The story of Macbeth and the Story of Chrono. I could go on and on comparing how the two are similar. You also have the "my kingdom for a horse!" classic line, which is analogous to how Zeal was willing to sacrifice everything to save themselves and in the end it cost them everything they had. The dream of one man wanting to change the world for their own desires, such as Janus. So in a way, given how kids have trouble translating the age old language of Shakespeare, I could see Chrono Trigger as a "tales for the l33t" type modern version of telling similar stories. In the same way lots of children's books are basic lessons found in the bible, some are simpler mediums for people. Shakespeare wrote a lot, and yeah maybe some of it was plagarized, but the show Roots was finally found to be plagarized, but fake or not, its shown as a representation of what slavery was like. Shakespeare's stories whether his or someone else's exist to teach, and if the goal is representative of the TIME in which he wrote, then it has a stronger merit for such a class. But if you were teaching these stories, I see Chrono Trigger as a good medium if not a more enjoyable and modern (easier to understand) for our current generation. Maybe in several hundred years, when the copyrights are worn out, we can teach and show Chrono Trigger in schools as classical literature.

EDIT: holy crap this forum is fussy for posting

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