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Topics - hekset

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Fan Art / Sakutarou556's Chrono Trigger Fan Art [image gallery]
« on: July 23, 2021, 07:41:54 am »
Hi everyone, I just spent some hours putting together a gallery of Sakutarou556's Chrono Trigger fan art and thought I'd share it here -

It was pretty hard to find, they deactivated their twitter it seems over a year ago and with it a lot of amazing fan art has sunk away, very hard to find. Found these images on/through: twitter, facebook, VK, yandex, wayback machine, knowyourmeme (of all places...), and of course, google.

I'd never seen someone so dedicated to a game enough to create so many pieces of fan art for it, so I hope y'all enjoy it all as much I have. Here is a nice archived tweet from Sakutarou -

I'm still tryna add more to this gallery, so if anyone finds art of his that's at a higher quality/not in the gallery send it my way! Currently at 49 photos!

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