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Topics - mystaku

Pages: [1]
To the mods - Sorry if this has already been posted. Did a quick search and didn't get any results so decided to make a new thread.

A new Chrono Trigger HD 3D remake is on the way. Work is slow(AFAIK only 2 people are working on it) but they sure are putting in a lot of effort.

Here's the link to the facebook page :

They had made their last post back in Oct 21 so click on that button at the center that says 'highlights', click on 'Posts by page' and scroll down to check their posts. You can also check out photos they've posted. I've attached a few of them here.

I had a chat with the admin regarding C&D and he says that since they don't (and will not) have a website and explicitly state that they're making a game, they'll not receive any C&D letter.

I'm not sure if that's gonna prevent them from getting a C&D but oh well...

Towards the end when everyone is bidding farewell, Marle asks Lucca if she isn't gonna say goodbye to Robo. Lucca replies back saying that they changed the future when they killed Lavos and as a result Robo mayn't be built in the future and may cease to exist.

Here's what I don't understand : Robo was still alive after they killed Lavos. Not just in 1000 AD but in the end of time as well (The three players who defeat Lavos would of course have to come back to End of time and inform everyone the good news) so why was Lucca worried about Robo ceasing to exist when he clearly exists even during end of time (which is needless to say after 2300 AD). Is there any particular time travel concept I'm missing here?

This never bugged me when I played the game years back. And this particular scene always made me tear up but now when I think about this it feels kind of awkward D:

Would be glad if someone could demystify this for me!!! :)

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