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Kajar Laboratories / kira☆kira POYOZO DANCE
« on: June 06, 2010, 01:37:13 pm »
I'm going to "kick around a creative idea" here...  You guys know OCRemix, right?  Of course.  Look, I'm not a musical person, but I really want to make a Chrono remix.  Let me pitch it for you...

[translated from original Japanese]
In 1996, Square Co. teamed up with famous animation company Toei Doga to develop a spin-off OVA series base on Square's 1995 hit RPG, Chrono Trigger.  The series, titled Fushigi Taimuu Toraburu Marudia-hime, or Maru☆Hime, followed player characters Marl, Rucca, and Eira through an alternate timeline in which, reaching the Brink of Time, Supekkio granted the lovely girls super magical properties of charm.  They became, mysterious time travel purincess who only can stop a strange rift in time space by a cute sorceress (?).  Could it be---?  A familiar face, Mayonne!!  ♥♥♥

The spin-off did not meet with much success, however.  Conceived as a shoujo series for young girls, Square failed to take into consideration 95% of its client base 13-25 year old boys.  Beloved by remaining 5% little sisters, Maru☆Hime was nevertheless cancelled after three episode, and released at home on single laser-disc as well as a CD single featuring OP song I want purinsesu kiss ! and ED song kira☆kira POYOZO DANCE.

Not a very smart business move on Square's part, but the songs are still very catchy (if you like mid-90s shoujo pop).

Anyway, in my imagination, the remix mashes up Marle's, Lucca's, and Ayla's leitmotifs, with fluffly non-sensical Japanese lyrics, to create that ending song, kira☆kira POYOZO DANCE.  Here are some examples the wretchedness to come!

I mean, just look what Hyadain did!

The difficult part here is I can't compose music or play any instruments, or speak Japanese.  XD XD XD  I'd really like to team up with some people to make this stupid thing come to life!  What I need:

☆ a remixer, who is good, and has at least heard a song from a 90s magical girl anime
☆ someone who is good at Japanese

Since everyone else is doing the work, apparently, I can provide silly vocals and almost certainly front-and-back CD cover art, which is incredibly exciting for me.  I MIGHT EVEN ANIMATE IT (WHICH IS  WHAT I ACTUALLY DO)!!!!!!!!

It's a great big joke, get it?  I'm trying to recapture the glory of my 90s childhood.  Will you help---!?  Please!  I am easy to work with!

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Wow, hello!
« on: May 15, 2010, 11:51:06 pm »
So, listen, I've watched this site for a really long time now, and apparently I've never joined the forum.  But now that's I'm here, I'm very excited, because Chrono Trigger is my number one favorite game of all time and it's super thrilling that this archive and community exists.


Submissions / I made some gifs.
« on: May 15, 2010, 11:46:03 pm »
Hmm, maybe one is a png, I don't know.  Anyway, I made some animated sprites because I love Chrono Trigger more than any game in the whole wide world, it is my number one favorite.

Also, this is my first post ever, I don't know why, I've watched this site for years and years.  Hi!

Schala's mysterious pendant
Marle casting magic
Marle giggling

I still plan to make more, and maybe redo these ones, but I wanted to share them with you!

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