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Topics - Ryouseiken

Pages: [1]
Fan Fiction / CT: Frog's Destiny - Review Thread
« on: June 14, 2009, 01:37:17 am »
Chrono Trigger: Frog's Destiny


Prologue - DONE
Chapter 1: Frog's Troubles - DONE
Chapter 2: The Thief, Eryn - HAVEN'T STARTED


The time is 602 AD. and Frog grows rather lonesome over the time he has not seen his friends. When he meets a peculiar thief named Eryn though things begin to change from there, and Frog has to stand up and fight alone... or does he?

Old Characters:
-King Guardia XXI (Alden)
-Queen Leene

New Characters:


I decided that I wanted to leave my fic thread uncrowded so I can keep it nice and clean and people don't have to skip pages to read individual chapters. Not that it matters, no one seems to be TOO interested haha. But anyways yeah, all critique for "Chrono Trigger: Frog's Destiny" can go here and stuff, and I'll keep the status and info updated.

Time, Space, and Dimensions / Meeting yourself possible?
« on: June 13, 2009, 11:10:57 pm »
I know that in Chrono Cross that it was possible to have for example, the Van from the Real World meet the Van from the Alternate World, and it wouldn't create some sort of paradox or rip in the time-space dimension or whatever.

But what about in Chrono Trigger? What is your guys opinions on the idea?

Say... Frog in 602 AD. was brought back in time to 600 AD, would he meet his past self from two years ago or would one of them not be able to exist in that timeline, or do you think something bad would happen if they met? I just wanna know if you guys think there should be some principles or things I keep in mind before attempting something like this in my writings.

Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / The Time Devourer Issue
« on: June 12, 2009, 04:42:27 pm »
Alright guys, so you know the Time Devourer was an extra boss added into the DS Version to somehow link the two Chrono games together, and it was successful and unsuccessful in several ways. However I am bugged by something. The characters in Chrono Trigger are tough no doubt, realistically that is. And although the team in Chrono Cross is pretty strong as well, they don't have that oomph and character that our beloved CT chars do! At least... that is my personal opinion.

Even though it was a lose-lose battle, don't you guys feel that it was a bit crappy how Crono & Friends couldn't beat Time Devourer yet Serge and them could? When I think about it in my head I tend to think Crono > Serge, although again this is more personal opinion.

But what do you guys think? I guess I'm raising the question on who do you think if the strongest protagonist and why Crono and his friends failed to dent Time Devourer while Serge and whatever two friends he brought along were able to finish it like *snaps fingers*

Fan Fiction / Chrono Trigger: Frog's Destiny (Rated M)
« on: June 12, 2009, 09:09:12 am »

Prologue - DONE
Chapter 1: Frog's Troubles - DONE
Chapter 2: The Thief, Eryn - DONE (M)
Chapter 3: Remembering Himself - IN-PROGRESS
Chapter 4: What to do with You...? - HAVEN'T STARTED (M)
Chapter 5: An Ominous Mission - HAVEN'T STARTED
Chapter 6: ???? - HAVEN'T STARTED
Chapter 7: ???? - HAVEN'T STARTED

(Titles w/ ???? are secret.)


The time is 602 AD. and Frog grows rather lonesome over the time he has not seen his friends. When he meets a peculiar thief named Eryn though things begin to change from there, and Frog has to stand up and fight alone... or does he?

Rating: M

Mainly for Violence, Language, and in some chapters, suggestive content to various degrees. I'll put a (M) for chapters where you should watch out for that and skip if you want. :)

Old Characters:
-King Guardia XXI (Alden)
-Queen Leene

New Characters:

Pages: [1]