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Topics - LavosFan

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Near the end of Chrono Cross I think its Kid that tells Serge that its time to go and save Schala, considering she's been "waiting for 10k years" or so.

So the question is, The End of Time and Darkness Beyond Time are examples of Time Error, but they have a timeline of their own(right?) but at what point in their timeline do they connect with the other timelines?

Like for example, how long has Gaspar been at the end of time when Crono and the others arrive, how long has Schala been at the Darkness Beyond Time before she's saved?

Chrono Compendium Discussion / Suggestion about dead projects.
« on: October 04, 2008, 09:36:34 pm »
Make a Board called "Mt. Woe - Dead Fan Projects" and make all the dead project boards into child boards. Its pretty depressing that the "death projects" section is the biggest one in the forum  :?.

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Hello
« on: October 04, 2008, 09:14:20 pm »
How dare you people talk about Lord Lavos when hes not even in the room!!! how rude!

On other news, hello, ive been stealthing on this site, reading for a fe months now, its good to finally register. If my grammar is faulty, don't feel bad if you need to correct me. English is not my native language, but going around internet communities is my only form of decent practice and if you correct me you would be doing me a big favor.

Lavos, the Planet, and other Entities / How many "entities"?
« on: October 04, 2008, 08:57:17 pm »
There once was a boy named Lavos. He was minding his own business like usual, traveling through space at incredible speeds, when Lavos noticed a girl flirting with him far away looking all blue and cute, that girl was called Earth or Planet, also known as Entity. Lavos invited himself into Entity's house, but apparently Entity was just messing with him and refused his propositions. Lavos got mad, but there was nothing he could do(except maybe kill her). Now all the kids hate Lavos, except me, thats why im on a big crusade to destroys the Entity's reputation, buahauahua!

Anyways, in all seriousness now, my question is, how many entities are there? If the Entity is the spirit of the planet, then thats fine. But in CC we become aware of the different dimensions in the Chrono Universe. Each dimension has a different planet in different conditions. Does each planet has its own "entity"? Like for example, the planet on the reptite dimension is a healthy beautiful planet (I imagine) so is this the same entity guarding all planets, or does each planet has its own? And if each planet has its own entity, why would the entity of the other planet just go ahead and let others entities mess with its planet by, dunno, warping a big fat tower out of it?

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