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Topics - Deezer509

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Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Chrono Trigger SFX?
« on: July 17, 2009, 08:16:03 pm »
I'm working on a song and I specifically need the sound effect for Luminaire.  I found this site:  and it has a couple effects but not Luminaire.  I Googled it to no avail.  Anyone have any ideas?  I would really appreciate it.


Time, Space, and Dimensions / Are the gates relative?
« on: August 08, 2008, 02:46:16 pm »
I began reading the Principles of Time Travel article and my brain started to bleed, so I stopped.  I have a quick question about the relativity of gates, though I'm not entirely sure how to word it.  Do the gates go to a set point in time?  Do the gates have a certain "length" in terms of time?  None of the above?

The gate at the Millenial Fair connects 1000 AD and 600 AD.  So does the gate just bring you 400 years forward or backward?  This might make sense.  Marle goes back in time and is discovered by soldiers in the mountains, let's say it's August 8th at 12:00.  Crono goes back in time, and it is clearly not August 8th at 12:00.  Marle has had enough time to get back to the castle, and everyone in town is aware.  So in this situation, it would seem that the gate doesn't bring you to a specific point in time.

However, on the way back, you always arrive on the last day of the Millenial Fair.  Is this point in time fixed?  If the temporal destination of gate if fixed, it would mean that the gates are a one-way trip.  Otherwise, they would only exist for an instant, and you would only be able to access them for that instant.  If they were one-way, you could possibly enter a gate at any time and always end up in the same spot.

This can't be true in most cases, as far as I know, as I already said.  Time theory makes my head spin, and it takes quite a lot of mental RAM for me to even comprehend it.  What do people think about the gates?  Fixed?  Relative?  Does the entity control the properties of the gates every time they're entered?  Is it just a gameplay issue that should be overlooked?

Submissions / Some Chrono Trigger fan art
« on: August 05, 2008, 12:32:19 pm »
I'm not necessarily new here, but I definitely don't post very much.  I thought I might show you some Chrono Trigger stuff I've done.  I'll put it up in chronological order, no pun intended, so you can see how much I sucked back in the day.  Heh.  (Click the images to enlarge them to see detail.)

Magus - 8.22.03
Crappy Luminaire - 12.23.04
Chrono Headshot - 1.26.04
Magus - 8.12.04
Magus' Castle - 8.27.04
Kingdom Crono, 1st design - 6.07.06
Crono v. Lavos - 4.06.07
Crono v. Mystic - 4.14.07
King Guardia XXXIV, 1st design - 9.02.07
Kingdom Crono, 2nd design - 2.06.08
King Guardia XXIV, 2nd design - 8.02.08

As you can see, the quality of the pieces takes quite a roller coaster ride throughout the years.  Most of this stuff is already posted in the Community section of the Compendium, but I just wanted to know what people thought, in case they haven't checked there.  So tell me what you think!  Comments and criticism are more than welcome.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Quick question about Serge as the arbiter
« on: August 01, 2008, 04:17:43 pm »

I love Chrono Trigger with every atom of my being but I never completed Cross.  I've read the summaries around here but I'm always a little confused.  Is there any reason in particular that Serge is chosen to be the Frozen Flame's arbiter?  Or is it just because he's the loudest baby ever?

I've been kicking around some ideas for a possible fan fic/fan comic that centers around the idea that Crono, Marle, and Magus are purposely removed from Guardia circa 1005 AD so that Porre is successful in its takeover.  (I'm one of the people who is disappointed in the notion that Crono would have been defeated by anyone, let alone stupid shitty Porre.)

So yeah, I need to know why exactly Serge was chosen and not someone else.  Isn't Chrono Cross just the process of preparing Serge for the final battle with the Time Devourer?  IE, they just needed him to work out?


Submissions / Kingdom Crono
« on: June 07, 2006, 03:45:41 pm »
I'm not sure if any of you have had the pleasure of playing the Kingdom Hearts series, but I for one was miffed when KH2 showed up with (again) just Final Fantasy characters.  I often wonder what Crono might look like were he to venture into the world of Hollow Bastion, but I figure it might look something like this:

Kingdom Crono

Anyone else draw Chrono characters in different styles?

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Janus and Lavos?
« on: June 02, 2006, 05:55:27 pm »
I can't remember exactly when, but some Old Man in 12,000 BC says something that always make me curious:

The Guru of Life said that Sir
   Janus has stronger powers than
   even Miss Schala!

   Janus must be using her and the
   Queen to get to Lavos...

I never really got this line.  At first, I thought he might be implying that Janus' extraordinairy magical abilities are a result of him interacting with Lavos.  My second guess was that maybe this Old Man somehow knew Janus hated Lavos (?) if for whatever reason he even hated Lavos pre-Ocean Palace incident.  Although this guess is also weak, it could make sense.  After all, Janus knows that something is wrong with the Queen, and I feel like a kid like him would be smart enough to put two and two together: it's Lavos' fault.  Was Janus plotting against Lavos for a long while?  (Also, a less likely theory could be that Lavos was somehow related to King Zeal's death.  They only mention it once and don't say how he died.)

Any ideas?  I'm completely lost.

Lavos, the Planet, and other Entities / Does Lavos communicate?
« on: May 17, 2006, 09:45:09 pm »
So Lavos manipulates how the "world" evolves and such, but does he ever communicate directly?  Or do we solely assume his intentions based on his actions?  (I mean, Crono doesn't really let us know how he's feeling, but we can surmise that he wants to save the world...)

In a related question, did Lavos influence Queen Zeal somehow?  Lavos is one topic about Chrono Trigger that always confused the hell out of me, especially after the release of Chrono Cross.

General Discussion /
« on: May 17, 2006, 08:31:21 pm »
Quote is the flagship product from the team that designed the Audioscrobbler system, a music engine based on a massive collection of Music Profiles. Each music profile belongs to one person, and describes their taste in music. uses these music profiles to make personalized recommendations, match you up with people who like similar music, and generate custom radio stations for each person.

In a site that keeps track of music you played through various different charts.  The chart I have in my sig is one that keeps track of the most recently played songs.  It's a pretty neat way to get to know people better. is my userpage. 

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