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Topics - Aerik

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I was reading alot of the theory and conjecture, and I remember at one point, it was agreed by popular vote that the Chrono Team, which includes Lucca, Marle, Magus, Glenn, Ayla, and Robo, cannot cross dimensions from the original timeline (Another world) into the dimensional timeline in which the future is still ruined (Home World).  And yet, as several have pointed out, Kato told us himself that the Prometheus Circuit is Robo

Don't you see the glaring inconsistency with the assumption that ppl in the "Another World" dimension before 1010 can't cross into "Home World?"  If that were true, Robo would not have been able to work with Belthesar and become the Prometheus Circuit.  It could be argued that some version of "Prometheus," what Robo was before he became Robo, but we have agreed to take what Kato says as fact.  For the Prometheus Circuit to be Robo, as Kato says, the Chrono Team must have full ability to cross between dimensions.

This naturally gives more credence some obvious solutions to certain Home World characters' resemblance to Chrono Team characters.  Magil is obviously Magus, and Miguel (with his ludicrous power and Luminaire attack) is obviously Crono.  Would not the simplest theory be that FATE rewrote their memories in the Home World dimension?

Or at least it tried.  Magil still somewhat acts like Magus, and Miquel is fully aware of who the Ghost Children are, even his own ghost.  No amount of memory insurrection could ever explain to the Chrono Team members why they are so damned powerful.

 It seems to me that Miguel did spend some of his life searching out his lost memories to explain why he is so powerful, yet unnaturally inclined not to be a hero like he used to be.  Let's assume Belthesar still has some role for them to play.  What would he have Miguel do?  It seems he would have Miguel be in just the right place, time, and inclination to bring Serge to the Chronopolis so that Serge becomes the Arbiter of the Frozen Flame.

We can hash that all out later.  But with "Miguel" and "Magil" being more concerned with their own mysterious past and being afraid to use power to change the world, that still leaves the mystery of what the original Chrono Team has been up to.

I do not remember reading/hearing any reason why FATE has access to a dimension where the Reptites won out over the humans.  It seems to me that could only happen if Lavos was prevented from landing on the planet at all.  That would require an exhaustive.."pre-emptive" effort to stop Lavos in space.  I'm sure we can come up with a lot of fascinating conjecture as to how they would do this, and how this may connect to the fact that there is a second moon in Home World.  Could that second moon merely be a space station set up by Belthesar?  could it be this satellite that was the instrument to creatte the Lithosphere Atmosphere Reports?

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