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Topics - Magus

Pages: [1]
Submissions / Chrono Trigger OST - Remastering Project
« on: June 30, 2008, 03:26:49 am »
Chrono Trigger OST - Remastering Project

For the past two months or so, I've been remastering a few Chrono Trigger songs. I was wondering if any of you would be interested in giving your opinion and critic on various songs that I present throughout the project so I can make these songs the best they can be? I'd also be willing to take requests. . . and to show you guys I'm not some random kid with GarageBand, here's my latest song, The Battle With Magus, its a note for note remaster, and it took me about 4 weeks to finish and get it right. Battle with Magus

Tracks I'm working on at the moment are; "The Brink of Time", "World Revolution", "Black Omen" and "Wind Scene". . . any critic on the song and requests will be really helpful. Thanks ^_^

EDIT: updated the song a bit

The Chrono Volumes / The First Video ~ A Premonition
« on: August 13, 2007, 12:46:14 am »
~ A Premonition ~

A Premonition will be the first video I'll be making. It's basically going to be something like the demo you see on Chrono Trigger if you let the game run without pushing any buttons at the beginning.

It will show some scenes, and environments, as well as the major characters and maybe a few spells and such. The video will be released on a Website, as well as YouTube ( low quality 400x300 version ) When the site is up, I plan to release the higher quality, 640x480 version there. ( and maybe even DivX Compressed, 800x600 versions. but we'll see )

The video won't be finished for a long time, mainly due to the fact that A Premonition will be showing a glimpse of almost every environment and character, and in order to do that, I first need to make every character and environment first :D

However, once I finish A Premonition, the rest of the video's should come fairly quickly ( I don't mean quickly as in a few days later, I mean quick as in a few weeks or months. )

Maybe by December I'll have all the cast and most environments done. I'm hoping anyway.

I now leave the topic open for any idea's, suggestions, complaints, critics, ect.ect.

Chrono Trigger Modification / Temporal Flux Not Loading ROM
« on: July 19, 2007, 03:46:29 am »
Apparently Temporal Flux cannot load my chrono Trigger ROM... I'm not sure why, unless it only loads a specific ROM?

EDIT: Sorry if this is in the wrong board.

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / . . .Hello. . .
« on: July 11, 2007, 02:45:33 pm »
Hey, Technically Im not actually new, I registered way back at the beginning of 2006, and didnt post that much.

I've always been a CT fan, the series has been a large part of me ever since I was a kid, since CT was the first RPG I ever played, it got quite in my head.

Im a animator with a few years experience in Blender. Along with a Digital artist with a number of years experience in Photoshop. (The sig is a example of my beginning years :D )

I've really just come back here because all the other CT forums are slowly dying. For example, I came from a forum that was really quite popular, but now the only people that register are ad bots, and no one talks of CT and such anymore, its a shame really. Oh well. Here I am.

The Chrono Volumes / Magus - Progress Images
« on: July 10, 2007, 10:35:22 pm »
Magus - Progress Images

Im quite into 3D Animation, and decided to have a go at modeling Magus. Here is what I got so far

Set I: 1 hour in: I did not use a reference image for this. ( Reference image is a invisible background image that you can use to reference while modeling, asides from the standard look and copy from a picture.) And honestly, its crap, but its only a hour in.

Set II: 2-3 hours in The moment I started using a reference image, there were major improvements I think.

Set III: 3-5 hours in The basic shape did not change. But great amounts of detail were added to nose, eyes, ears, and mouth.

Set IV: 5-7 hours. ( current works ) Well, I think this is a match on, Im still working on minor details, such as eye lids, better lips, eyes, and ear detail, but its pretty good...or is it?

And then some latest stuff

further notes:
The model has almost reached 3000 polygons, Im hoping it wont get larger than 5,000 because I still would like to use it in games like Jedi Academy. If I can find it someday. ( But something tells me 5000 is already bigger than Jedi Academy limits )

More Updates
Well, here is a quick, 5 min. UV Map job to see if I got anything remote to Magus' head...I think the UV is pretty good...for a 5 min rush.

Note, its not the actual UV Map Im going to use. I just wanted to try it out.

General Discussion / LOST fans anyone?
« on: August 15, 2006, 02:36:10 am »
Anyone here watch ABC's top show LOST? I love this show. Its the best show I have every seen in years.

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