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Topics - Temporal Knight

Pages: 1 [2]
General Discussion / To be or not to be? Is that the question?
« on: September 15, 2008, 11:18:02 pm »
I was thinking (as usual)....about my future. What will become of me? What will I be? I do plan to become an archeologist one day (prompted by my love of history and the past)....but what if the wind blows me somewhere else in life? At times, like I say to many, I will state that, "I will go wherever the wind blows me. I will follow the path that the sea swashes me into. I will travel down a road unknown until I discover what I am meant to do in life."

That is the question though. What am I meant to do? What are we meant to do? What are you meant to do? Think about it really quick, but slow as well. Let it linger in your mind, and then drown upon its intoxicating liquor. Perhaps I myself will end up something like a chronologist? Perhaps a video game producer? Who knows!

*thinks some more*

Tell me. What do you wish to be? What is your career if already so? How have you done so far?

Do tell. Do tell. *chuckles*

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Greetings and Salutations!
« on: September 13, 2008, 07:15:58 pm »

Greetings. I am the Temporal Knight, a lone warrior who has scoured the ages for many a millenia. It is pleasant to meet you all. I do hope to find a good home here. Of course, the matter is upon your answer to my coming. Are you happy? Sad? Angery? Jealous? *laughs* Of course, that does not matter to me. I am here for now, unless I am consumed by Time once again. Or was I?

I don't even know myself....I think. Bah! No matter! I am here for the mean-time. Time...I love time. Such a fasinating conundrum. A perplexing enigma. Something worth its...well...time! *laughs heartily*

Anywho, hello and all of that jazz. *bows once again*

Chrono fan site, eh? Chrono...chrono. I once had that game in a time period long ago. Trigger was it's last name. And then Cross. I've played Cross at least once...if I recall. An relative of mine had it. And I do believe my decendants will play such games. Such good games. My ancestors? Dunno. I would have to ask them myself.

Bah! Enough rambling! Enough of myself! Do introduce yourself to me! *laughs*

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