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Messages - Hindu_Pez

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Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Favourite Music
« on: August 20, 2006, 09:55:23 pm »
Favorite track, hands down : "shadow end forest" from CC. a spooky track in 3/4 that I find to be very fun. I'm also biased to the remix I did of that track.


The indignant kind who aren't aware of copyright law.

I hope the indignant kid never has children.

As long as big business in America has it's hands in Saudi Oil, nobody is going to invest the proper amount of money, time or effort in making ecologically-friendly fuel a reality. I'd like it as much as anyone else, but I'm not holding my breath. I think we'd be about as lucky to find $1m under a park bench as we would to see renewable fuels on the market in our lifetimes.

Yes, there is the avaliable technology, and yes, it's out there, but it's not affordable...and none of our lovely corporations in the grand-ol'-U-S-of-A are going to allow their businesses to be effectively closed without putting up a fight. It's the reality of big business. The great tragedy is that it's an issue of money that will destroy us. To quote Melchoir...

"what a sad state of affairs..."

My apologies for giving a jibber jabber jangle jamble ramble response, there.

Quote from: Radical_Dreamer

It's not as bleak as you think. There are new technologies be developed that can be used with existing infrastructure. Renewable fuels, like biodiesel solve many, many problems, and with hydrogen injection systems already availaible (although only for commercial trucks at this point) the emissions of internal combustion engines can be neutralized. It's just a question of the technology getting a bit more compact, and it'll start spreading, and snow ball.

Gasoline is obsolete. It's just gonna take a while to run out of momentum.

Site Updates / Hindu Pez Chrono Cross Project released!
« on: January 05, 2006, 02:19:08 pm »
Quote from: fxar99
Well...  You are right. I'm sorry, I don't know in what mood I was when I wrote that... Sorry again, honestly.

It's all kool and the gang...I've gotten used to defending this particular piece of work since it's hit the hotwire/coldwire/netwire. But no offense taken.

Site Updates / Hindu Pez Chrono Cross Project released!
« on: January 02, 2006, 10:11:20 pm »
Quote from: fxar99
Quote from: Cooper
Nice music. ^^

Nice? It's exactly the original Mitsuda's music with some drums and effects. Not even remade.  :?

Let me explain something on terms of how remixes work. You have to have the original tracks to remix them. That's.....what remixing means. Taking all the components from a song and putting them in a new order, as well as removing and adding new things.

Since none of us can simply contact Square Enix and get the original works to remix, molest and remodel as we please, we're stuck with just adding things to the works, as well as tweaking and removing things from them.

So...if they sound exactly the same, that's why.

General Discussion / Re: Bond fans
« on: January 02, 2006, 10:07:28 pm »
Quote from: ZeaLitY
Anyone present? I'm becoming a huge Bond fan after several years of being mildly interested. Timothy Dalton currently stands as my favorite, and The Living Daylights is probably the movie I enjoy watching the most. Dalton truly is literary James Bond, right down to the coldness. After he got the role, he read every Ian Fleming book to shape his portrayal of the character. It's sort of sad that he walked out of starring in Goldeneye (which was written with him in mind), but Pierce Brosnan is a good replacement. His killing Elektra King in TWINE was a true Ian Fleming moment.

Anyway, as it stands, I have yet to watch a couple Connery films, though I've seen all Moore, Brosnan, and Dalton movies (and Lazenby, I guess). Although I like Dalton the most, there really is no debate about Connery's creating the franchise. He is the cinematic James Bond, bar none. My biggest beef with Dalton is the lack of screen presence or real charisma.

I am a Bond.Nut.Kthx.

I have a ridiculous collection...I'm working on completing it.

The Connery films I reccommend :

"Dr. No"

All of Connery's works are beyond excellent, but uh...those are my favorites.

General Discussion / New to this site!
« on: January 02, 2006, 10:04:35 pm »
Quote from: Silvercry
For death awaits in here with sharp pointy teeth!

all fear the bunny that gnaws heads off. ha ha.

and yes, welcome to the compendium. pay me no mind. I'm the one that babbles every once in a blue moon and rarely makes sense.

General Discussion / Best Yasunori Mitsuda Song ever?
« on: January 02, 2006, 10:02:08 pm »
chrono cross - shadow end forest

I can't ever get tired of this one. I thought that after I finished my Chrono Cross Remix Project, I'd exorcise this song from the burned out circuitry in my head but it always comes back to me at random times throughout the day -n- night. Excellent track. Yasunori's best works are in 3/4 time, as well, like this one. Waltz time = the best.

I think the Tyranno Lair may have played a part in this.

How is it that Lavos comes to Earth and ushers in a ridiculous ice age, yet the Tyranno Lair remains underground, untouched many years later when you go looking for the Rainbow Shell?

It is possible that this is where everyone hid out at.

...just a small theory. I don't have much evidence to back it up.

History, Locations, and Artifacts / Slaves in Zeal?
« on: December 25, 2005, 11:19:35 pm »
Quote from: Chrono'99
The Earthbound, and perhaps the Imps and Rolly Pollies who are guarding Mts Woe?

I share the same theory.

General Discussion / Merry Christmas!
« on: December 25, 2005, 11:11:13 pm »

« on: December 03, 2005, 09:37:44 am »
Quote from: SilentMartyr
Quote from: Hindu_Pez
Quote from: SilentMartyr
You guys are way behind. I already scanned that for ZeaLitY ages ago.

someone asked if anyone had it, and nobody popped up with any helpful knowledge on where the hell to find it, so I uploaded it.

I'm sorry if it's been done before, but when nobody else is standing up to be helpful to someone asking where to get it, and I've got it, I'm gonna put it up.

Makes sense to go ahead and post for anyone else that didn't have it, right?

It was a joke, no need to get all riled up.  I didn't expect anyone to know, since no one has been told.

And Zaper, shhh.

my bad, man. You can't ever tell what someone means through these cold, metal and plastic machines.

« on: December 01, 2005, 06:00:22 pm »
Quote from: SilentMartyr
You guys are way behind. I already scanned that for ZeaLitY ages ago.

someone asked if anyone had it, and nobody popped up with any helpful knowledge on where the hell to find it, so I uploaded it.

I'm sorry if it's been done before, but when nobody else is standing up to be helpful to someone asking where to get it, and I've got it, I'm gonna put it up.

Makes sense to go ahead and post for anyone else that didn't have it, right?

« on: November 25, 2005, 05:43:47 pm »
Quote from: evirus
put it on rapid share or something so its not so freaking slow

i canceled out the download

anyone else wanna upload it somewhere? I'm not doing it twice.

« on: November 25, 2005, 02:05:22 am »
Quote from: evirus

wow on my cable connection its taking me an hour to download.... what exactly is this supposed to be anyways?

Yeah it's the concept art to Chrono Cross. It's all scans from every page. Apparently this was a book that was released in Japan for fans and programmers. Maybe a promotional piece? Who knows. Anyway it's really effing cool and any fan of CC should own it.

And yeah, I was asked to upload it so I sat there forever and got it done.

I hope you like it!

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