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Messages - kazr

Pages: [1]
Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Live Streaming Chrono Trigger
« on: August 25, 2013, 09:09:15 pm »
Hello Chrono Compendium!

I had the itch to play through my favorite game yet again, and figured why not live stream it for everyone's viewing pleasure as well? I'll be streaming right now for at least a few hours, and most evenings between 6:30pm and midnight PST. If there's enough interest generated I will keep some updates about when I'll be on.

I realize this is a pretty bold topic for a first post, so if I broke any rules (did not find any) or stomping all over this forum's social standards, well... I'm sorry!

Hopefully you'll enjoy watching the stream as much as I enjoy playing this masterpiece.
will be starting in about 10-15 minutes

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