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Messages - pokemon_45_79_1

Pages: [1] 2
Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / New Crono Game
« on: September 23, 2005, 03:50:03 am »
THe reliable source I was talking about works for square enix and says there is a game in the works. THats all I know at this point I might find out more later on. My proof is that They have already completed the first screen of the game.

I have defeated them since I started my New Game+ everytime and I think that it is cool that you get to use the scythe also that lynx in the battle can use white elements. In a New Game+ if you are wearing the Prism armor they really cant kill you even their tech skills only do 1 hp damage to you.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Coolest Chrono Cross Dungeon!
« on: September 22, 2005, 04:05:37 pm »
My favorite dungeon in Crono Cross is the tower of Geddon in the dead sea because of how it looks inside. The boss fight with Miguel is hard and of course the sad song is perfect for that battle because you are fighting a friend of the family, and It is a very very inportant part of the story line because you learn some of what happen.

General Discussion / Should I play FF7?
« on: September 22, 2005, 03:52:00 pm »
I think you should play FF7 because I think you would enjoy it and it has a very good story line that is pretty deep in some spots of it.

General Discussion / Favorite Place in an RPG
« on: September 22, 2005, 03:23:29 pm »
My favorite area in an RPG is the dead sea in Crono Cross. I like it because its so shrouded in mystery I still dont understand everything about it.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Chrono Cross Resolution
« on: September 22, 2005, 03:18:28 pm »
Then why does she erase serge's memory of his entire adventure because she wants him to grow up as if it never happen so he doesnt even know about the TD. Also unless the Crono Cross is used the TD could be reborn by lavos himself. Remember that the TD is a spilit off from lavos.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / New Crono Game
« on: September 22, 2005, 02:59:47 pm »
I heard from a reliable source that a new crono game is in the works. It is not called Crono Break. Its supposed to come out next year. Its supposed to answer most of the questions or all of the questions that were left over in Crono Cross.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / So are Serge and co...
« on: September 22, 2005, 02:50:00 pm »
But how can we be sure that serge is the bad guy just because the ghost say so. They could be trying to place the blame on Serge. THis is because they know that Serge might merge with the time devourer in 11020AD. Or maybe sooner and turn El Nido into the dead sea when they merge.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / The Fate of Crono, Marle, & Lucca [Finalized]
« on: September 22, 2005, 02:43:09 pm »
It doesnt say that she is killed in both timelines she may be dead in Home world because it is a spin off from another world but in another world she may be still alive because Crono and CO do defeat Lavos.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / So are Serge and co...
« on: September 22, 2005, 02:23:47 pm »
Crono and company admits to being bad guys because they destroyed the future axis and changed history. I dont believe they are bad guys just guility of saving the future and changing the timeline. Humans are actually good guys because Crono led the humans in they future to rebuild after the day of lavos.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Chrono Cross Resolution
« on: September 22, 2005, 02:16:54 pm »
We know why Schala erases Serge's memory so he doesn't merge with the time devourer in 11020 AD, Although What happens if you decide not to use the Crono Cross on the time devourer does that mean that Serge's memory is erased or not.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / The Fate of Crono, Marle, & Lucca [Finalized]
« on: September 22, 2005, 02:01:54 pm »
If Crono,Marle,and Lucca are still alive in another world because with Serge dead Luccas house never is burned down and Kid and Lucca never meet anyone from El Nido. They are dead in Home World or so we believe. There is no evidence they are dead the ghost like you said could be doppelgangers. Once the split happen beteween both worlds Cronos team was affected.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Why did Porre invade?
« on: September 22, 2005, 01:44:43 pm »
Porre invaded because they recieved Hi Tech weapons from lynx. Once they destroyed Guardia they headed for El Nido and Fate could influence porre in some way to attack.

Lavos did destroy the future but didn't finish it and it was able to rebuild itself through the people who survived on the seeds that were found at the bottom of the Arris dome. Also the Investigation report I believe came from the Arris dome not the Cronopolis Computer that everyone seems to claim. Which means lavos disappears to begin to nest to clone itself into the time devourer. The future is actually El nido not zenan.

The Future axis of the timeline was saved because of a change in the past. Miguel

Lavos, the Planet, and other Entities / Does the Entity exist?
« on: September 22, 2005, 05:05:33 am »
Quote from: pokemon_45_79_1
I believe the entity really does exist because the entity is really Schala and the time devourer keep in mind that Magus does not end up finding Schala because she has already merged with it.
Go release the person who is inprisoned. Bethasaur
THe time egg has the ability to break the bonds of time. Bethasaur

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