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Messages - NickyT

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BTW if needed we could just make a separate subtitle track with your commentary as well. That was just a quick idea I had that I wanted to put here if that is what you were worried about.

Hi Zeality, sorry it's been so long since I've responded. I am indeed taking all of the annotations from the Youtube videos and transcribing them onto the video. The project is going to be split up into DVD's, and I am working on Disc 1 currently, which is all the way up to the first time with King Zeal casting Atash Kedah, right before the alternate timeline videos. If you want to add some commentary that's awesome! Just let me know through a PM or my email address is


Hello, everyone. Again, I apologize for my lack of updates on this project. I want to thank you all for your understanding thus far, and I want you all to know I appreciate it!

I am still working on the DVD as much as I can. I just did some more subbing tonight, and Disc 1 (Everything up to the "Atash Kedah" scene) is nearing completion! At this point, I am vowing to myself that it will be done by the end of May sometime.

As I stated before, I will seed as much as I can, but will have limited bandwidth available (300 GB a month). So once I pass that point I will switch to seeding from my personal PC (which I cannot leave on 24/7 like my Linode VPS server). As such, I am asking again that once it is up, anyone who can, please help seeding with this. I know y'all will, this community rocks! Hence why we have awesomeness projects like CE!

Anyways, I wanted to again apologize for not updating in a while. As it stands right now, unless something drastic happens (armageddon, the plague, being temporally displaced to 65,000,000 B.C. and having to explain to Ayla that i am from "way after the day after tomorrow"), Disc 1 should be online sometime around the end of May. Thanks guys!

Hey there! Sorry about the lack of updates, I have been uber busy lol. I did make a thread,8862.0.html to let everyone know that I am not dead and still in progress on the DVD. As far as a new update, Subtitling is almost done for the first disc, and as soon as that is done I will be making the menus (which will not take as long as subtitling did) and then I will be releasing it on my webserver/torrent tracker.

I will ask everyone to kindly assist in seeding once the torrent is up, as my server is limited to 300GB/month and I will have to stop seeding if it ever approaches that. I will worry about that when that phase comes though. :-)

Again, sorry everyone for the lack of updates, but I am indeed still working on it!

Hello everyone, I owe you all a great big apology as I have kind of disappeared lately since announcing that I was about midway through the Disc 1 DVD. A lot has happened in my life preventing me from working on the DVD, but I hope to have it finished by a month or two from now. I am currently working on subtitling again and then it should be done. I will post here as soon as I upload the finished version. Thanks everyone!

Hear ya on that one! I have all of the "oid" apps, and the guy actively updates them all, and they have only gotten better since inception!

As for an update on the project, I haven't been able to devote as much time as I would like to the DVD's, however I am currently subtitling Disc 1, and it is coming along nicely and steadily. Hopefully within a week or two it will be ready for seeding!!!


SNES Droid, huh?

I just prefer the ZSNES emulator.  Not all games need to be "on the road."

True, True lol. ZSNES is indeed the best emulator around, but the SNES Droid thing was more of a "I LOVE TECHNOLOGY!" thing. Heh.

And yes, the trailers are epic, and will make a great addition to the DVD's!

Also, thanks FW! I will include these on the DVD's!

Oh, random fun fact having next-to-nothing to do with the DVD...

I got Chrono Trigger SNES running on my Cell Phone. Freaking awesome!!!  :kz

Me too :cool:


Got a droid here too! SNESoid, perhaps?  8)

And yes, I am going to do everything in my power to make sure that the DVD's are region free!

Thanks FW! It's turning out even better than I planned it to be!

Another update...  Just finished the playthrough of the test dvd on my ps3 and it was absolutely perfect. The fixed audio runs completely on sync with the video and the framerate has retained from the source bids Faustwolf recorded. Now I just have to make menus, add subtitles,  and grab the trailer vids from FW to put on, and disc 1 is a done deal!

FYI disc 1 will consist of eps. 1-19.

Oh, random fun fact having next-to-nothing to do with the DVD...

I got Chrono Trigger SNES running on my Cell Phone. Freaking awesome!!!  :kz

Heh thanks man, I just feel bad for keeping everyone waiting.

MORE mega awesome news though... I just encoded the full test DVD! I haven't watched the whole thing, however I will be doing that tonight. Now, here's the mega-awesome news... I popped it into my PS3 to preview it, and the audio was even better than I expected! Instead of being monoural-channel audio like the youtube vids, where some parts of the music was missing, it seems to have repaired the audio, and now it's PERFECT! No more missing parts in the audio, so all the familiar CT tunes used in the CE vids will now be perfect!

Also, I was able to retain the original smooth framerate of the original compressed vids that FW provided for me, so that was another huge plus!

As I said earlier, tonight will be spent eating pizza and watching the first 19 eps of Crimson Echoes on my PS3 to make sure that the whole file is seamless. After that it's time for menus and subbies, then finally THE FATED HOUR (hehe) of uploading and torrenting!!!

Things are definitely looking awesome for the CE Memorial DVD Project!

Hey everyone! I am so sorry to everyone for keeping you all waiting. I SWEAR I am not doing it on purpose. I have been UBER busy lately, and haven't had as much time as I would have liked to devote to the DVD project.

The great news, though... I have hit a milestone tonight! I now have been able to encode a great quality feedback with audio completely intact and non-choppy! I was able to use VirtualDub to extract the WAV's, and it seems to have used the same decoder as Windows Media Player (The only audio program that would, oddly enough, play the audio correctly) so now I am currently extracting the audio, and queueing it all up to burn.

Once I have it burned, I am going to watch the entire thing. This will happen over this weekend. Once I have verified that the quality is good, all I have to do is throw in subtitles and make the menus, and we are a-go on Disc 1 of the Crimson Echoes Memorial DVD Project!

My apologies again to all who are waiting, and I want to thank you all for your patience waiting for my slow ass to work on this!  :lol:

I sure will man, thanks for the offer!

Got another update. I have encoded another test DVD with this new software, and it is awesome as far as menus and everything goes, but it is having problems encoding the source videos, with the audio issues and what not. The biggest roadblock that will take the most time is that I am going to be re-encoding the audio and video, I am going to just keep testing the encodes out on the first video until I can find the best possible settings for DVD playback. Then I will make another test DVD using the settings I get from the earlier encodes, and once that is done, all I have to do is make the menus!

Just wanted to give another status update. :-)

Sounds great, Ramsus! :-) Thanks for the generous comments.

As for an update, I have just acquired some DVD Authoring software (legally) that I expect will help greatly with the encoding/etc things. I have a 3-day weekend starting tomorrow, and hope to work in some progression on the first Disc during that time, and hopefully even complete it if I bust my ass. :-D

I will post as soon as I have more updates.

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