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Messages - Reilos

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Characters, Plot, and Themes / A few questions regarding C. Cross
« on: January 21, 2005, 02:40:28 pm »
Can Schala's words be interpreted to mean she's searching for Janus?

I don't think so... she kinda mentions Serge by name.  Also, if that were true, then what would be the meaning of her talking like Kid, which leads me to believe that Kid is either actually the one writing the letter, or it's Schala pointing out that it's Kid whom is trying to find him.  Or, she could have just been trying to be funny...

Kajar Laboratories / Idea I've been batting around...
« on: January 21, 2005, 02:16:11 pm »
I could actually write parts of it now (those parts based largely on the Trigger cast).  However, there are still parts I need to figure out.

My biggest concern right now is that I know what the evil entity is trying to do, but I don't know how he's going to do it.  The only thing I've been able to come up with so far is... well, kinda simple compared to the complexities that will make up the backstory (conspiracy upon conspiracy sorta thing).

However, I still have a large part in the beginning in which I summarize what I think happened to the various characters after Cross' ending (i.e. what happened to Schala, where Magus was, what happened to Crono, Marle, and Lucca)

Also, speaking of Cross, I'd like to play through that once or twice more before I try and write about any of the characters from it, just so I can get a feel for them again.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / A few questions regarding C. Cross
« on: January 21, 2005, 02:11:29 pm »
A valid question, which is the heart at some of the anti-C. Cross arguments is the absolute lack of Magus/Janus (which is, quite honestly, a travesty).  I've heard people make the assumption that he's dead, but I doubt that seeing as Lucca's letter addresses him.

I've always believed that he was stuck in 12,000 B.C., still looking for Schala.  *How he was supposed to have gotten to 1020 to read that letter is beyond me.  

*If I recall correctly, the Epoch was destroyed against Lavos' shell in the ending that Cross followed, meaning any sort of natural time travel was impossible since the Gates vanished.  This also leads me to the theory that if Schala did go back to find Janus after being freed from the TD, she'd be stuck in that age, and thus unable to find Serge.  (Thus the by saying "I" in the ending, she's referring to Kid, whom is technically "her").

That leads me to wonder though.  When Schala was freed, where would she go?  To the era she was freed in (which makes sense), to the era she was originally lost in (which also makes sense), or to wherever her little heart desired (which, I suppose, could also make sense).

Characters, Plot, and Themes / A few questions regarding C. Cross
« on: January 20, 2005, 11:45:30 pm »
Kid was Schala's daughter-clone sent back to guard over Serge (as well as save him when he was a drift), as well as sort of guide him on to help save Schala (one of the reasons I don't think they ever merge, or that Schala ever really goes back to find Serge when Kid can do it for her).

Characters, Plot, and Themes / A few questions regarding C. Cross
« on: January 20, 2005, 11:34:37 pm »
Going back on my original subject, maybe you guys can help me out again by explaining some other things I've read/heard.

I've heard a theory that Serge is to Magus/Janus as Kid is to Schala.  Any validity to that?

I've read a lot about the scenes in the ending involving who is assumably Schala walking through modern day Tokyo.  I've read many summaries (including ones here) that mention that as part of the plot.  I always thought they were just filler for the player to watch during the credits...

Also, in the end we see the famous wedding photo of someone sitting next to Schala (or Kid).  I've heard people say it's Serge, but I remember thinking it was Magus (the guy in the pic did have long, what looked like silver hair).  Any idea on who the guy is?

Kajar Laboratories / Idea I've been batting around...
« on: January 20, 2005, 11:27:03 pm »
Although I hate to spoil anything a potential fanfic of mine might contain... if I don't, this thread will be meaningless.

I've had a fanfic for the Chrono series (originally just Trigger, but now that I've gotten and beaten Cross, I'm trying to integrate some of it into the story) that I've batted around and thought a lot about.

For now all I've got is the bare-bones pretext of the story, and that is that it deals with the next step in the series: where Trigger dealt with time, where Cross dealt (largely) with dimension, my fanfic will deal with the concept of comprehension and benevalence.  I suppose it will be the umpteen-millionth fanfic to deal with the Entity, but I'm hoping I'm giving it a little bit of a different spin.

The major question is; whoever said that Crono, Serge, and all the others were on the same side as the Entity?

The story will deal with various Entities, all vying for control over events in time.  More specifically, it's between "the big two," one of which has coereced events to destroy the future of Earth for some unknown reason (which will of course be revealed later), and "the other" which is acting to prevent that destruction (it was the one who created the various time portals).  In effect, we learn that nothing the heros have done til this point (and beyond, according to one of the evil Entity's agents).

Other things I want to try and do with this is to have Crono and crew meet at least some of the cast from Cross (although I want to figure out who, as I don't wanna write dialogue for 40 different characters as well as all the new and side cast).  Also, Schala will play an important role, being as she's the only one whom actually came into contact with the Entity (during her time as the Time Devourer, but even then it was "something just out of sight, something that I knew was there, but couldn't see, hear, or touch.  But I know it was there... and I... we were afraid...) as well as taking a role in combat along with Magus/Janus.  (which is one of the reasons I'm so intent in finding out what happened to her after Cross.  I'd like to make this as accurate to the game's story as possible).

Keeping in mind that this is only the bare-bones, haven't-thought-of-anything-much-beyond-this point of the story, I'd like to know what you guys think of the premise.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / A few questions regarding C. Cross
« on: January 20, 2005, 10:56:26 pm »
Thought so.

Then again, perhaps Nadia's disappearance could be considered part of "The Entity's" plan, as ZeaLity suggests.

Hey!  Does that mean that Nadia ended up in the Darkness Beyond Time when she faded out of existance?  Wouldn't it be interesting then if she and the Time Devourer unwittingly crossed paths?

Characters, Plot, and Themes / A few questions regarding C. Cross
« on: January 20, 2005, 10:41:06 pm »
Forgive me for my ignorance, but... the grandfather paradox... is that the belief that one couldn't go back in time and kill his/her grandparent, because if you did, you'd never be born and thus couldn't be able to go back and kill your grandfather?

Characters, Plot, and Themes / A few questions regarding C. Cross
« on: January 17, 2005, 08:02:01 pm »
Ummm... still confused...

I knew (or at least speculated) that Schala and Marle were not related.  But I'm confused as how that matters to the original Schala whom would have escaped from the Ocean Palace before Chrono and crew arrived and sorta fouled things up.  Shouldn't that particular timeline have been disregarded into the DBT?  Or are you saying that there are actually two (well, technically three) Schalas?  One that became part of the Time Devourer, and one that originally escaped from the Ocean Palace? :?

Characters, Plot, and Themes / A few questions regarding C. Cross
« on: January 17, 2005, 07:44:54 pm »
How so, if you don't mind me inquiring, do you come to that conclusion?

I understand the theory behind the time travelers being protected from their changes... seeing as it was them who were doing all the changing.  But how would the paradox be created?  Wouldn't the original memories of Janus' journey to the future (year 600 that is) have just been erased and replaced by the new ones?

Characters, Plot, and Themes / A few questions regarding C. Cross
« on: January 17, 2005, 07:21:21 pm »
1. Think of it like this; in the original history, the party wasn't present at the Ocean Palace Incident. This means that instead of wasting her power transporting the two party members and Magus out of the Ocean Palace, Schala would have taken herself out of there, along with Queen Zeal and a person of her choosing. In the new history, she's stuck there. Also recall that Lavos's presence causes dimensional distortions; Chrono Cross explains that after she took the party away, she fell victim to one of these distortions and was displaced in the cosmic "trash bin" of the universe -- the Darkness Beyond Time, where discarded timelines end up and fade out of existence. The Mammon Machine also went temporarily in some form with her, but its role is unknown. After she bit the dust and was sent there, Queen Zeal created the Black Omen, etc. and the rest is history.

So... if that's true, then what happened to the original Schala who escaped the Palace?  Was she sent to the Darkness Beyond Time/Tesseract as well, seeing as her history was apparently rewritten?

The way time seems to flow in the Chrono series is a bit odd to me.  I've always been used to the continuative flow of time, that being that nothing we do ever really changes time, everything we do is what we were supposed to do and has already affected time.  A good example I can manage was in regards to Janus' memories after the Ocean Palace incident.  When you meet Magus afterwards, he retells his story as to how originally ended up being in Ozzie's hands (no Chrono and crew involved).  However, how could that be, considering his history was just changed?  Shouldn't he have remembered those events as they just transpired (with Chrono and crew), rather than the "original" way?

EDIT: whoops, forgot to respond to the other two points.

2. Good question, and I'm sure other forumers will help me here. My first answer is that, when Lavos was defeated, himself within his Pocket Dimension was sent to the Darkness Beyond Time, as the history of the PD-1 had been altered. Lavos was basically erased, but Schala's presence at the DBT allowed him to bind to her and retain some sort of existence. Secondly, and unrelated to Schala, my guess is that since the Time Devourer is in the Darkness Beyond Time, he has sort of a greater power and ability to alter or consume time than when Lavos was in the Pocket Dimension, resulting in his capacity to consume the entire space time continuum.

I guess that kinda makes sense... sorta... :?

3. Don't know; there's an article planned to cover the resolution of Chrono Crisis and how the world would look in the Ideal Timeline, so I won't bother yet.

Alright, that's cool.  You gonna be the one writing it?  Look forward to reading it.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Lucca vs Lynx
« on: January 17, 2005, 07:11:10 pm »
I think you guys might be looking into the whole thing a little too critically.  Remember, the leveling, update of weapons, armor, and abilities are all tied to gameplay, not story.

The best analogy I can think of is in the case of the Resident Evil series.  In that series, your character can be bite by zombies, slashed by Hunters, and mauled by every sort of monster, all of which are infected by a deadly and communicable virus.  However, no matter how much the character is hit, he/she never really suffers the effects of the virus.  That's because he/she's not supposed to ever be hurt as defined by the storyline.

Point in case, Crono getting killed by Lavos, then coming back and wailing on the beast, taking hits that were actually stronger than that one attack and surviving.  In the end, if it's not designated by the story, it's never happened.  Every person remains at what could be considered a "normal" state, in which even Magus could be taken down by a single blow from a sword (much like Aeris was).  The sole purpose of HP, MP, leveling, and all that is for gameplay, not story, because, let's face it, if just about every attack from an enemy were to work as it would in reality, then even Goblins and Imps would be deadly enemies throughout the entire game.

That would mean that, skill wise, Lucca never managed to improve any from her natural state.  (How could she have beaten Lavos then?  Lotsa dodging, grit, and having the script on her side :P ).

At least, that's the way I've always seen it.

General Discussion / Hi
« on: January 17, 2005, 07:01:21 pm »
While I'm flattered that you'd want lil' ole' me to help with your project, I'm afraid that I'm going to have to decline... at least with the actual writing part.  Like I said, I'm a real slouche when it comes to actually writing my fanfics (I've got my own fanfics I never write, and I don't wanna hold up anyone else's projects).  Thanks anyway. :)

Characters, Plot, and Themes / A few questions regarding C. Cross
« on: January 16, 2005, 07:35:28 pm »
I've read dozens of different synopsis' and explanations, but I still don't quite understand what happened.  There are so many different ways to interpret the ending, I'm not sure which one is the right one.  In the end, all I felt was confused and angry.  So, that leads me to my questions which I hope one of you guys can answer:

1. What exactly happened to Schala in the Undersea Palace?  For all the world, in Chrono Trigger, the only thing that seemed to happen to that place was it began to fly.  I'm not sure how that caused Schala to be sent into some sort of void (the Tesseract?) where she and Lavos became fused.

2. On the subject of that, what made Schala so special?  I know she was supposed to be a sort of prodigy in Zeal (only Janus' undeveloped powers were stronger), but that still didn't seem to be anything so incredible as the power to alter space and time.  I know most of that power must have come more from the Time Devourer itself, rather than just Schala; but at the same time, could a Time Devourer be born from just anyone with magical powers and Lavos/a Lavos Spawn?

3. This one concerns the ending more.  I know it's debated, but what exactly happens to Schala?  I've heard that she fuses with Kid, but if that were true, who remains: Kid, or Schala?  Anymore I doubt this, because I remember Kid giving a line at one point or another that "she wasn't Schala" and someone (Lucca?) responded, "Yeah, I think she wanted it that way."  It would kinda destroy the point of Kid being who she was if Schala simply took over her body and mind afterward.  On the opposite end, if Schala became Kid, then the whole "save Schala from the TD" would have really just been a bust (save me so I can destroy myself :P ).

I've also heard that Schala supposidly goes back in time to find Janus, before finding Serge, thus giving the impression that Schala and Kid remain as seperate deities, each with her own life.  If that were true, however, does that mean Serge ends up marrying Kid, or Schala?  Was it Kid or Schala who wanted to find Serge?  I got the impression that it was more Kid, since we see her sailing the sea a few minutes later in the ending as though she was looking for him, as well as Schala being stuck back in 12,000 B.C. with Janus; but then again, there's that scene with (apparently) Schala on the beach, akin to the one with Kid from the beginning.

Furthermore, upon rereading what I thought were simple questions, why in heck did Square have to make this so complicated?!

General Discussion / Hi
« on: January 16, 2005, 07:16:34 pm »
Howdy and Salutations.  I've been lurking about this site for some time now, and I must say, I'm quite impressed with all that you guys have managed to build up.  You guys put a lot of thought into the Chrono series; enough to put me to shame, even.

Anyway, a little about me:
The Chrono series is probably my favorite game series of all time, beating out even Final Fantasy, Silent Hill, and Metal Gear.  I've played through Chrono Trigger more times than I can count, but only through Cross once.  In all honesty, I bought Cross soley for the purpose of finding out what happened to Schala (my second favorite character next to Magus/Janus), so I kinda blew through it. :oops:   But, after reading through this website a bit, you've kinda encouraged me to go through it again and catch some of the details I missed.

I fanfic too... sorta.  The problem for me and fanficing is the actual writing.  I'm a terribly lazy bastard, and with university work and all, I hardly get any time to do it.  Still, the Chrono series is one that has always kept my interest in fanficing.

Anyway, nice to meet you all, and look forward to hanging around and discussing things (I've already got a topic in mind).

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