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Messages - PaulLuigi

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Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Defeat Cyrus?
« on: February 11, 2009, 05:15:44 pm »
Tail Spin damages him, but it seems that it still isn't enough to win the battle before it stops automatically.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Defeat Cyrus?
« on: February 11, 2009, 01:39:57 pm »
Full details of everything I've tried are here (it's sort of my Chrono blog):

No luck yet... and I've run out of ideas!

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Defeat Cyrus?
« on: February 11, 2009, 04:13:37 am »
I've beaten Cyrus's ghost before using one of the Techs that damages him. the battle ends, giving you very little exp and gold and he comes back the next time you visit.

Man that's awesome!  You've got to tell me how!

I just tried for a while and couldn't do it.  The problem is that you can attack him exactly 6 times before the battle ends, and you need to take down all 2000 life.  No matter how much I beef up my party, I can't get the damage from a single attack to be over ~250.  If I had 8 rounds, I could probably do it, but right now, the math just doesn't work out.  I'll post a full analysis soon, assuming no one figures it out before then.

Were you on SNES or DS version?  (I'm on DS)

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Defeat Cyrus?
« on: February 10, 2009, 04:32:00 pm »
good, I'm glad someone else is doing it with me.  hopefully one of us can figure it out!

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Defeat Cyrus?
« on: February 09, 2009, 08:46:24 pm »
Where did you find this data for the tech damage?  Is it posted somewhere on this site?

Well, for maximum damage from Tail Spin...(Lv + Mag) × level Ayla out & pop a few Magic Tabs in her (maybe Prism Specs too?)...He's only got 2000 HP.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Defeat Cyrus?
« on: February 08, 2009, 01:00:06 pm »
In the Son of the Sons Challenge thread, V_Translanka posted that there are at least two techs that damage Cyrus:

You can deal damage to Cyrus' Ghost though...It just has to be non-Elemental (of which there's only a couple Techs like Poyozo Dance for instance)...

Looks like it might be just Poyozo Dance & Ayla's Tail Spin.

Is it possible to defeat Cyrus with these techs?  With a magic defence of 100 and the battle ending automatically after a short time, I'm skeptical, but if it's possible I'm starting a new game+ and going directly for it.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Son of Sun challenge
« on: February 08, 2009, 12:49:10 pm »
I actually tried this a while ago.  I wrote about it here:

The short version is that once all 5 prominence are gone, you win the battle automatically shortly after.

Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Re: Arena prizes question
« on: February 08, 2009, 04:03:56 am »
Man that took a while, but I got all 5 mirrors plus the arcana.  Here's the short version:

Tier 4:
Hadean Mirror

Tier 5:
Pontic Mirror

Tier 6:
Uranian Mirror
Promethian Mirror (x2)
Pontic Mirror
Aresian Mirror (x2)
Nu Arcana

ALL of these dropped from an Ice Demon, including the ones at lower tiers.  After reading some of these posts I started focusing on fighting Ice Demons as much as possible, so I wouldn't say I've ruled out the possibility that they drop from other creatures.  However, I have won ~180 non-ice demon battles, so it must be REALLY rare.

Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Re: Best Party?
« on: February 06, 2009, 04:45:54 pm »
I like these lineups. 

Crono/Robo/Ayla or Crono/Frog/Marle

Crono with Dreamseeker/MCrown/RPlate/Prism Specs
Robo with Apoc Arm/MCrown/RPlate/Dragon's Tear
Ayla with Fist/Angel's Tiara/RGown/Valor Crest
Marle with Venus Bow/Angel's Tiara/RGown/Golden Stud
Frog with Masamune(Complete)/MCrown/RPlate/Champ's Badge

1st party for sheer power, 2nd for control

For this party: Crono/Frog/Marle

Frog+Marle have double cure, which is really nice when you are fighting things that can disable status immunity and do a lot of damage.  There are only 2 abilities that restore status in the game (besides the item), but this tech does it for everyone and heals them fully.  Combine this with the fact that Marle and Crono can both bring dead characters back to life, and you've got an extremely survivable party.  I usually use this party on the first playthrough because it is so hard to take down, and Chrono+Frog still have good offence (esp. with haste from Marle).

For this party: Crono/Robo/Ayla

There's just one thing I've gotta change about the items--Robo should have a haste helm and nova armor instead.  He doesn't benefit at all from the master crown's damage+ because he either crits and does 9999 or doesn't crit and does pitiful damage.  Haste helm makes him attack twice as often, which means twice as many 9999 hits.  But of course you still need status immunity if you're going to lose the master's crown, which is why you go for the best status immune armor, which is Nova armor.  And by the time you've got all of these items, Robo's magic defence and stamina are **, so all you lose from dropping Regal Plate is just a tiny armor value.

Crisis Arm/Rapid-fire Fist > Apocalypse Arm/Dragon Earring. PERIOD.

Crisis arm... so you have to heal every time you get hit, or do terrible damage?  That rapid fire fist better be pretty dang good to warrant this, I'll have to try it.  I also have to agree with the people that say the crit % for Ayla and Robo seems higher than 30%.  I've got them both level** strength** speed** etc. and they seem to crit about half the time.

Equip Robo and Lucca properly, and the Fire Tackle takes 9,999 as well.

Gotta try this one too.  9999 against who?  lavos core/pods are the standard in my book.

Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Re: Arena prizes question
« on: February 01, 2009, 05:14:58 am »
Okay, so you won't get the mirrors or Nu Arcana at all from the weaker fights?  Has anyone actually gotten all of them, and if so, how many battles did it take?

I've played about 110 arena battles (70 of which were tier 6) and still only gotten ONE of these items.  Is there some special system that people are using to fight the rare battles more often, or get the items they want?

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