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Messages - Crawler333

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Fan Project News/Updates / Re: Chrono Crisis Story Update
« on: May 03, 2007, 06:12:18 pm »
If the game manages to fix all the holes created in CC in a coherent way, I'll finally be able to stop drooling over a game which will probably NEVER be released (someone called it Chrono Break, I guess) and consider THIS one CANON-with my best regards to His Supreme Majesty Lord Kato.Keep up the good work, guys-YOU keep the Dream alive.

Chrono Cross has an ambiguous ending; I guess that's what you mean by holes, since the game is free of plot inconsistencies save the timing or nature of the dimensional split.


About the nature of the dimensional split, I agree with those who say that it was caused because (probably) no clone was used when Kid saved Serge.That would really seem the unwanted effect that CT's party avoided when they saved Crono from Lavos in Ocean Palace.
Since there is no equivalent physical matter replacing the body taken away from its place and transported outside the flow of time, ALL the matter existing which surrounds that body is created again from scratch as a counter-effect, creating an alternate reality where that person (in Serge's case) doesn't exist anymore.Since Serge was in a life-death situation when he was saved by Kid, the original reality kept going on as if Serge was dead.
There is no scientific proof here, it's the theory I like most-especially because it gives a connection between Crono and Serge's "rebirths" and a neat example of what could happened in CT if no clone was used.
Moreover, it's reasonable to think that the Dimensional Split was the only way to create the Crono Cross-which was in turn the only way to defeat the Devourer of Time.
Fight a paradox with a paradox !!!

Fan Project News/Updates / Re: Chrono Crisis Story Update
« on: May 03, 2007, 05:22:59 pm »
Reptites: good or bad ?
Hmmm.... I wouldn't know.Crono & Co. face the Reptites only as enemies, and very little is shown about them in CC besides the Dragon God.As the followers of nature that they are,I'll say that they're neutral.Sure, Azala shows some cruel manners when facing the heroes-but it's just his attitude against his sworn enemies.Nothing implies that he's an evil individual in "standard" situations.

Lavos: the Source of All Evil.
Well, I must admit it:I don't like it.Blaming one single creature of all that's bad in history it's quite simplicistic-now matter how fiendish that creature is.Anyway, this doesn't mean it's a completely bad idea-especially considering that it's taken from the original games themselves.I would like the idea much more if Crisis would show how much humanity wasn't too much reluctant in embraing its evil side "imposed" by Lavos arrival.After all, why only humans had been "blessed" by Lavos evil influence while Reptites didn't ?Maybe that's something inside the human nature.Lavos could have simply exploited something which was already there instead of creating it out of nowhere.
In The Lord of The Rings, for example, Hobbits are much less prone to obey evil than humans are, while elves are nearly immune to its call.

To Chrono Crisis Team
If the game manages to fix all the holes created in CC in a coherent way, I'll finally be able to stop drooling over a game which will probably NEVER be released (someone called it Chrono Break, I guess) and consider THIS one CANON-with my best regards to His Supreme Majesty Lord Kato.Keep up the good work, guys-YOU keep the Dream alive.

Site Updates / Re: Summit for Chrono Break
« on: May 01, 2007, 07:19:40 pm »
Now, I really hate to suffocate the excitement about the Chrono Sequel/Remake, but I would like to point out a few issues.

1.Remake or Sequel ?
If we have to make a request to SE, we have at least to decide amongst ourselves what we should ask them.
2.Other Games
I read that the people from the original Dream Project are all busy in different games.We don't know how/when/if they'll decide to stop anything else to concentrate themselves in a new Chrono game-and that's maybe the biggest problem of all.If the others titles they're working on are successfull, it's really unlikely they'll decide to stop them.
3.An Unusual Sequel
Even though each one of us has his own idea about how Chrono Break should be, there will be REALLY though to build up a storyline after all the mess done in CC, now matter how "simple" they might try to keep it-especially if they'll try to make something than a non-Chrono hardcore fan could possibly understand.

It's not my intention to ruin your projects, and I'd like to help you.I'm just saying that if we want to reach some conclusion in a reasonable time, we should focus on those things.
Point 1 could be easily decided through a poll in this website and those more popular (IGN,Gamefaqs,Gamespot and RPGFan)-and it would be quite a first step.
Point 2 has no solution whatsoever-let's wait and see.
Point 3 could be the most interesting.We could build up a "unified" Chrono Break storyline (if we want a sequel and not a remake, of course).It shouldn't be a novel or an entire script, but something like a scratch to propose to developers which could "solve" some problems for them.Can you imagine the idea of writing CB key points (the Fall of Guardia, for example) by using polls in this website involving the Chrono Community ? It would be fun-even if wouldn't help at all !

Pardon my ramblings... but try to think about it.

History, Locations, and Artifacts / Re: The Fall of Guardia
« on: October 12, 2006, 05:08:39 am »
It seems Magus mastered this skill-at least if you give some credit to his "untold presence" in CC (see the article about his shadow somewhere in this site).
Anyway, the Dalton-time-travel it's a key factor for what concerns the Fall of Guardia issue, and it would be worth a topic of its own (though I think there's one already....)

Yea, but by then, he's HARDLY a Zealian.

That's a nice point.The fact is, we have no clue of where Dalton ends up after CT, so it's quite impossible to suppose how (and if) he coud get to Guardia in 1004 A.D.Anyway, this doesn't mean it's not possible, either.

History, Locations, and Artifacts / Re: The Fall of Guardia
« on: October 11, 2006, 06:17:08 am »
none of the Zealians had mastered the art of time travel at the time, not even Belthasar.)

It seems Magus mastered this skill-at least if you give some credit to his "untold presence" in CC (see the article about his shadow somewhere in this site).
Anyway, the Dalton-time-travel it's a key factor for what concerns the Fall of Guardia issue, and it would be worth a topic of its own (though I think there's one already....)

Well, in a certain sense, Chronopolis IS Ocean Palace.

Back at the times of Zeal, the greatest dream of the empire was to build a city which could defy time itself-such was the nature of Ocean Palace.After CT, this dream continued to exist through Belthasar, who built Chronopolis with the same purpose-but with a more advanced technology (the one he attained in the "new" 2400 A.D., the one were Chronopolis was built).IMO, this desire is what led Belthasar to conceive Project Kid.Of course, he thought it would have been the best way to free Schala from the Time Devourer, but at the same time it gave him the chance to fulfill the project of his lifetime !!

History, Locations, and Artifacts / Re: The Fall of Guardia
« on: October 10, 2006, 09:04:59 am »
Well, actually I noticed some similarities between Dalton and the silhouette in CT FMV as well.Anyway, I read somewhere in this site that Masato Kato itself stated in some interview that Porre's victory over Guardia happened because an "intervention from a force outside the regular flow of time" or something like that, which would fit quite well with the Dalton theory-at least more than anyone I've read so far...Besides, it is not said that Porre's new ruler and Dalton have to be the same person.They could just be cooperating with each other in order to defeat a common enemy-Guardia.

Q:But why should Porre should consider Guardia an enemy?
A:Guardia possess the Epoch, not to mention the three most powerful warriors of their time (Chrono, Marle and Lucca) and the genius of Melchior at his side.Considering this, Guardia is by far the most powerful nation existing.Porre's leader would be simply worried about Guardia's egemony over the entire world, and thus decide to ally himself with Dalton, who is returned who-knows-how from wherever he was finished after his defeat in CT.Porre's leader would be a very interesting villain-besides that "butthead" of Dalton-to appear in a future CT game.

After the victory of Chronopolis over Dinopolis, FATE creates El Nido and the Records of Fate in order to avoid "major changes in the continent's timeline" which could be triggered by El nido's residents to ensure her own creation.On the other hand, she will send Lynx to abduct-and eventually kill-Lucca in 1006 A.D. (more or less).Considering that Lucca herself is one of the masterminds behind FATE's creation, how can FATE/Chronopolis exist at all after she's killed?

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Most Used CT Party
« on: July 01, 2006, 01:13:51 pm »
Crono, Glenn/Frog and Magus is my favourite line-up by far.

Heck, the story may not even be in her journal, only the beginning and ending bit my have been in her journal, just different pages of her thoughts.

Well, this would mean that the intro has quite nothing to do with the events occuring in the game, which is, in my opinion a... let's say "unusual" narrative choice made by the authors.

When she says "Fleeting dreams fade into the distance, and all that is left now is me and my memories"
implies to me that she's thinking of Zeal.

If Schala is thinking of Zeal in this passage-and she's sitting comfortably on a chair as well-it means she has been freed already from the Time Devourer by Serge-if not she would be imprisoned in the Tesseract or whathever you call it, and could not be possibly write or do anything.About her knowledge of the events occurred, I really can't see what's the point.If she could have cloned herself, heard Serge's cry across space and time,create a magnetic storm to interrupt FATE's circuit and finally merge together two realities (!!!) I don't see why she couldn't have be witness of CC's events even if she wasn't physically there.We're talking about an entity which stands beyond space time, powerful enough to devour time itself and Schala -that's my theory- it's the "good" counterpart of this being,thus sharing some of its powers.Of course, there's no proof or evidence about my statements-but that's no big new.

According to your logic, the game should happen WHILE the journal is read (intro, game, ending). Is that what you think?

And what about all the game flashback scenes during the game credits, inserted BETWEEN the different footages of Schala in the modern city?

Hmm... I guess you didn't get the hang of it.In my logic, the game is shown between the intro and the ending because it's the explanation of the events the person in front of the portrait (whoever she is) is talking about.The same goes for the game flashbacks scenes during the game credits.On the other hand, here are the final quotes:

"Thus the curtain closes on another tale.
   An eternity has passed...
   Fleeting dreams fade into the distance...
   All that is left now
   Is me and my memories...
   But I'm sure we'll meet again,
   Someday, you and I...
   Another place, another time.
   It's just that we might not realize
   That you are you and I am me...
   Let us open the door to the great unknown,
   Come across another reality,
   And live another today...
   Even when the story has been told,
   Life goes on...
   Until we meet again,
   Take care of yourself, my friend...
   Forever yours,
   Schala "Kid" Zeal

"I will find you...
   Even if I have to search the world over...
   Sometime, somewhere...
   I'm sure..."

These lines, even if visually "separated" by the credits, seems to fit into same sentence,and thus into the same cronological order.

why should Kid/Schala search for Serge AFTER they met each other again,married or not?
She shouldn't. Schala "Kid" writes her diary, finds Serge, marries Serge, and someone (she or whoever) reads the book while looking at the photo.

That's the point, guys: in the ending, the scene in the modern city (if my memory doesn't fail me )is shown AFTER the journal+portrait cutscene.I cannot help but using the game as a reference instead of the most convenient and/or logical conclusion as a basis for theories... that's why I have to suppose that the journal/portrait cutscene happens before the search for Serge (see points 3) 4) and 5) of my post).

About the marriage, the  female charachter in the photo looks much more like Schala than Kid to me (it's just an impression, though).The entry in the caption is a quite valid proof  of the marriage to me, but it doesn't cover any of the others issues I posted on Jun24.

Moreover, I always believed, just as Zaperking, that the dresses are Zealian.Maybe the Indian wedding dresses has just been taken as an inspiration for the drawing.It wouldn't be the first time that Chrono series authors took inspiration from real world and/or history.Anyway, my greatest question stays the same: why should Kid/Schala search for Serge AFTER they met each other again,married or not?

Polling / Re: 6/30/06 - What is Chrono Trigger's real flaw?
« on: June 27, 2006, 07:39:32 am »
PSX version:Life Skips A Beat Ending;
SNES version:No,no and again no.I just can't find a flaw for this game, now matter how hard I try.

Well, I'll propose a toast  for Zaperking.What I really wanted to mean is exactly that we don't have any proof of this marriage."The beginning of a true journey" is really poor as a proof of marriage, while it may apply for something really different.

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