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Messages - coffee-huey

Pages: [1]
Hello, everybody! First post ever here, and what better way to introduce myself than through some shameless self-promotion.  :o

For the first episode of my game discussion series, I talk about which version of Chrono Trigger is my favorite. It's a battle between the original SNES version, the playstation port, and the DS port!

I worked really hard on the video and I really hope you guys like it.  :wink:

Just a heads up, there might be some disturbing (yet hilarious!) images of me cutting myself in the video. I filmed a portion of it on Halloween, so I was in the spirit to add a spooky element to the video.

Any thoughts/opinions are welcomed and appreciated. You can even tell me how terrible the video is, if that's how you feel about it. Just don't be mean. ^_^b

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