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Messages - Silvercry

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After FF X and FF X-2 broke my little rpg fanboy heart, DQ VIII came through to save the entire genre for me.  The best part?  The challenge was back.  When I made it to the first boss and summarily got my ass handed to me, I was not only surprised, I actually thankful.  For tool long the first boss in an RPG is little more than a formality; a test to see if you read the manual or paid attention to the tutorial, practically idiot proof.  Losing the first battle set the tone for the kind of boss battles would face for the next 80 + hours.  And I wasn’t disappointed.  I still have yet to kill the Ultimate Dragon.

Now if only gold was easier to come by.  Ah well, that’s Game Sharks are for.

General Discussion / Re: Bush Nearly Blows Himself Up (Not Kidding)
« on: April 11, 2007, 12:28:33 pm »
"Who is more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?"
-Obi Wan Kenobi

General Discussion / Re: Your TOP 10 PS2 Games
« on: March 17, 2007, 11:50:31 am »
Someone really needs to explain to me exactly in what way Shadow of the Colossus is so great, ‘cause I'm afraid I just don’t freaking get it.

General Discussion / Iraq War Solutions. America Haters Need Not Apply
« on: December 03, 2006, 02:46:52 pm »
Of all the internet forums I’ve come across in my ‘net wanderings, the members here at the Chrono Compendium are easily among the most intelligent, verbose, and analytically gifted.  Exactly what I would expect from those who understand and recognize in innate awesomeness of the Chrono Trigger video game (may it live forever!).  And that intellect is not limited to gaming either. Conversation/debates on abortion, civil liberties, religion, etc, have all been handled with a similar (in not superior), level of rationale and out-of-the-box thinking.

So imagine my annoyance to see yet another Iraq War thread that quickly devolved into another “America Sucks!” tirade.  Quite frankly, such rhetoric is beneath you, members of the Compendium.  No one had added anything new to the topic. Not even Lord J, a member who I disagree with 95% of the time but still respect because, damn it his posts are just an engaging read.

So here is my challenge to you, Compendium: Give me a solution.

America is in Iraq rightly or wrongly.  This thread is not to debate the legality of the invasion.  That point is pretty much moot as far as this current conflict goes (though we would be wise to examine the lessons learned here for future conflicts).  We are there.  Deal with it.  Post that amount to “America never should have invaded” will be summarily ignored unless followed immediately by the plans for a working flux capacitor, Quantum-leap accelerator, Gate Key, time traveling phone booth, or starship capable of sling-shooting around the sun.  This thread is about solutions.  What is the best path to take to stabilizing the country, and why do you think so?  Should the country be split up among ethnic lines?  Should the US announce a withdraw time table?  Should we send more troops?  Further embedded Iraqi forces with US troops, forcing them to step up a little faster?  Lock down the country’s boarders to prevent further meddling from Syria and Iran?  Or, conversely, should we open up dialogue with those countries and seek to end the meddling that way?  Do all these ideas suck?  Have you a better one?  Lets hear it.

If you have no suggestions about how to make it better,  then I challenge you to shut your freaking pie hole.  Thank you and good night.  Goddess bless America.

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy XII
« on: November 28, 2006, 07:32:57 am »
Rented it.  I'm about 4 hrs in, just snuck into the castle.

Thus far I'm a bit disappointed.  The plot is mildly interesting at best, The jury is still out on the Licenses board (i have to spend points to equip armor??? WTF???) and the battle system, which I was sure I was going to like, has done nothing but piss me off.  Its like they took the one part of Final Fantasy XI I didn’t like, and stuck it in XII.  But I'm reserving final judgment until I can set my own Gambits.

On the positive side, I like Vaan so far.  Its like they crossed Squall with Zidane and gave me a protagonist I can actually like for the first time in a half decade.  I just hope the plot picks up soon, coming off of playing Xenosaga III, the plot in FF XII feels almost - well - infantile.

Just tell me money gets easier to come by.  I am this close to Game Sharking my way to infinite gil.  I hate money farming.  So Much.

I don't know if it is possible to make the enemys level up like you do

see: Final Fantasy VIII.  

Id add my avatar as a potential scene in the game :p (or have I said that allready ? )

I always thought Lucca and Crono be a better match.  But the silent protagonist getting the Princess at the end was/is an Enix staple, and they did help make the game, so there you go.

Cel-shaded DQVIII style graphics.

You, sir, are a genius.

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy VII
« on: November 15, 2006, 11:21:33 pm »
Play Xenosaga.  Right now.  You'll thank me later.

That's a good suggestion but it's hard to find all copies of the Xenosaga series especially episode 1.

I would have suggested Xenogears, but that's even harder to find.  Why Sony/Square doesn’t pull a Valkyrie Profile and port Xenogears to the PSP is beyond me.

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy VII
« on: November 15, 2006, 02:57:36 am »
Play Xenosaga.  Right now.  You'll thank me later.

And then the presidency would be controlled by two families for possibly 24 years straight. I hope Obama trumps her on that side, because goddamnit, this isn't a monarchy or empire.

No, it isn’t.  Therefore if it happens we really only have ourselves to blame.

I need to make a "Vote for Victor von Doom" sig.  Now there's a fictional character who know how to run a democracy.  By not doing so.  Peace and Prosperity Through Obedience!  A vote for Victor is a vote for Doom!

General Discussion / Re: The Effect: War in Iraq
« on: November 09, 2006, 01:46:04 pm »
And WWIII? Bring it on. If it must be to reorder the world, then so be it. I'm no pacifist, after all. Nor am I a doomsayer. Another great war will not be the end of the world. Maybe as we in the west know it, but does our corner of the world have the right to stand unshaken forever? Of course, sure as I'm a Canadian, and sure as we're allies of the US, I'd fight for and die for my side. But I also understand that, in some way, our own countries are not the all-important things in the world. We are now at the top, which means that some day we must fall. Also, here is a point to consider: how horrible would a third world war be? Say, five hundred million die - manifold times more than the last great war. Does that make it 'worse' for any of us than for those who fought and died in the second? Absolutely not. To each individual, the scale of the war doesn't matter. The suffering and the death of the war isn't greater because on the large scale more are dying around the world. As such, that 'fearful' scale of a third world war has less consequenses for how we ourselves see it, and rather more for the history books and social change.

Gee, you're right Daniel.  That being the case, why don’t we just nuke the holy hell out of Iran and Syria right now and quit farting around about it.  While we're at it, how about all of us in the west just all roll over and die then as a culture right now since is all so freaking inevitable.

WW III is something to be avoided.  Not just for the obvious reason of death, destruction, and huge chunks of the Earth being rendered uninhabitable after the nukes are done falling.  It should be avoided because it can be avoided.  Just because peace has always been found on the other side of war does not mean that is the only it can be obtained.  All we have to do change that is (to quote Stephen Hawkins) control our instincts -namely aggression- with our reason.  Hasn’t humanity matured to the point where such a thing is possible?  And  if not, then screw it.  We deserved to be wiped out.  Maybe a new spices could get a shot.  Like cats.  That would be cool.  

Hey if cats became the dominate, sentient race on the planet, would they draw pictures of cute ape-girls?  Hmmmm…

Hillary Clinton will never be elected. Polls already show that people will specifically vote against her in such a situation. I say this is good, because it seems like we're leaning towards powerful families controlling the presidency. Will a Bush follow this Clinton, for instance? It's stupid. George Washington would start kicking asses.

If she runs, she'll win.  And I'll shatter/erase every copy of Chrono Trigger, Radical Dreamers, and Chrono Cross I own if I'm wrong.

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy IV
« on: November 08, 2006, 12:26:42 pm »
Actually here is the correct order:

1) Palum & Porum:  We'll turn ourselves into stone that for some reason cannot be healed with Esuna and stick you with mid-life crisis Cid with no magic or kick-ass Twin Attack.

Cecil: Um, no thanks, I'll just die.

2) Tellah:  Even though Meteo uses 99 MP and my max in 90, I will somehow covert my HP into MP and use the most powerful spell in the game to defeat Golbez, because I am the OLDEST LIVING EMO whom despite being soooo wise cannot get over the death of my own daughter!

Cecil: Um, we're only like 10 hours into the game... I don’t think that will work... oh never mind, you're dead.

3) Yang: I will lock myself in a room order to stop the Super Cannon!  You must escape!

Cecil: Wait, how will that help?

Yang: Ancient Fabul secret!  Now go, less I be forced to knock all four of you out of the room with a single back-hand slap!  And tell my wife to live for me!

Rosa: I think she has that covered.  Living is something human beings do by default.

Yang: And if by some far-flung chance I'm blown clear by this explosion and land at the entrance of a cave populated by sexy, scantily clad fairy women who do nothing but wait on me hand and foot, in the name of the Crystal, just leave and let me live in peace!

Cecil: No.

Yang [dejected]: You were much cooler before you became a Paladin, you know.

4) Cid:  I'll seal the massive hole in the earth's crust with this bomb!  But never fear, falling hundreds of feet while  exploding wont harm me in the slightest!

Cecil: .... I need to make less suicidal friends...

Rydia [to Cecil] You Baron men solve all your problems with explosives, huh?

Rosa [to Rydia, whispering]; Its called compensation, sweetie.  You need to find yourself a nice Eblanesse man.

As for Kain, my god Serge was used less by the game's antagonists then Kain was.  Hell, Marvel’s Squadron Supreme has been the victim of mind control fewer times.  

Ah, good times... good times.  Although the FF II US version sticks out in my mind more than FF IV. Might be because I played it first and more times than its harder and better translated twin.  Anyone else like that?

Oh, and say it with me:

You Spoony Bard!

General Discussion / Re: No Child Left Behind
« on: November 08, 2006, 11:55:56 am »
Its a good concept in theory.  But so is communism.  How'd that one work out for Russia?  Cuba?  North Korea?

In practice, it places pressure on the schools to promote students who fail to the next grade level, which helps the school look good but fails the student in question.  It also places far to much emphasis on standardized testing, which in turn forces teachers to "teach the test".  I never understood that concept personally: it seems to me that if you just teach the subject matter and teach it well, standardized testing becomes almost a moot point: Students will pass because they've been given the knowledge necessary to do so.  But evidentially, that’s not the way it works.  Again, this fails the student.

Of course, my take of the matter might be skewed slightly given my incredibly low opinion of the nation's public school system in general.  Chibi-Silvercry is only 15 months old, but I'm already looking at area private schools to send her to.  They’re damn pricey, but I'll sell crack to pay the tuition before I doom her to my area's craptacular public school system.

General Discussion / Re: jack thompson. man with no cause.
« on: November 05, 2006, 02:34:42 pm »
Ya' know, I think that is says more about the player than the game if said player seeks out and engages in this optional potion of the Bully gameplay. 

Sexual themes means sexual themes.  Slap that on a game, and gender becomes moot.

Of course, that’s just my opinion and I could be wrong.  I think Bully sucks in any event.

General Discussion / Re: Pokemon: Uncensored!
« on: November 05, 2006, 12:06:50 pm »
Pokemon is still relevant?  Who knew?  I mean, how many times can you repackage and sell the same game/anime/manga that basically amounts to a game of rock-paper-scissors?  

Then again Mega Man is on like its 25th anniversary, so I guess that answers my question.

This stuff is tame.  For some real poke-inspired sexiness, go here.  Your welcome.

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