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Topics - Deblois

Pages: [1]
Chrono Trigger Modification / >>Help Me Plz<<
« on: October 27, 2005, 10:12:44 am »
:arrow: What program you guys use to change the profile pictures
 :arrow: Word for word how do I make exits work  :P
 :arrow: Word for word how would I make it so Chrono Starts in a different location at begging of game
 :arrow: How do I link this location to the Future?

Chrono Trigger Modification / jsondag2 is god
« on: October 27, 2005, 10:00:16 am »
Man Chrimson Echoes and now this Colesium are too good, how did you do all that shit man you must know the CT code inside and out. Making those events all work seems very hard, I can't even get my exits to work lmao, sweet how your making it all go with the storyline to, also I loaded a save state with chrimson echoes at an ending and all the portal in the End of Time lead to diffent places  :P Very Nice, and where the Epoch was suppose to be I could walk up and there was a cat and a barrel. Well man good job on game, be so sweet if you released another demo or maybe recruited me on your team to help lmao, maybe not I need to learn the Chrono Editors alot more first

Chrono Trigger Modification / Exit help plz
« on: October 25, 2005, 12:38:08 pm »
right now when u leave chronos room it goes to Melchoirs workshop which I wanted it to do but no sprite spawns and I can't move in the workshop but you can still access the menu how do I fix that and make the exit work

Kajar Laboratories / D-Trigger
« on: October 24, 2005, 02:03:16 pm »
Storyline - The main character is Chrono and Marles son, it takes place in the future where although there was no Lavos the world has still gone into a rotting state from overpopulating and the world war between the Mystiks and the Humans, now Chrono's son {Chrone}, is trying to fix history by going back in time to when his father lived, and actually work with his father (Chrono) and mother (Marle) to fix time and end the feud between Humans and Mystiks and then going back to each era to get help from each character minus Robo (who is gonna be Chrono)
Now to get it to work lmao

E-mail me for most current version

Pages: [1]