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Messages - MagilsugaM

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General Discussion / Re: Stuff you hate
« on: December 09, 2009, 09:01:53 pm »
I hate that only snows once in 100 years in the province of my country of origin! But that was the year before I moved XD!  :lol:

General Discussion / Re: Fuck Sexism
« on: December 09, 2009, 08:57:28 pm »
homophobia is sick, i say. i am interested in both genders, though im finding that i lean more towards females. my previous manager at walmart was a jerk to me about my interest in men. (he found out from a survey that was supposed to be private or something) they decided that i couldnt work with the smaller children because apparently men with an interest in other men will rape children, regardless of their gender.
just sickening.
... meanwhile i cant really think of anything to say regarding sexism in general, other than it sucks and all that.

That's what I meant, I tend to for the females. And I have friends who are homosexual or bisexual and they seem to be nicer that the typical macho who likes to beat up even his own friends.
I am straight but because the way I behave or act sometimes people get ideas and the sexism comes into place. Just because you don't go out or date often doesn't mean anything.

Also thanks Faust I will check care feminism. It seems that it tends to go to far. I  all want is them to be treated with respect that's all. I suffered a lot last couple of year because of my step-dad who use to have verbal fights with my mum. And he ends up treating her like bad and not valuing all the stuff that she does for him. Also I spent most of my childhood with female friends lol. Hard to make friends with males so I kind that got that from there but in the end I got to talk to my dad and re conciliate before I moved away.

Well that is all. I would just wish this would be changing as our "civilization" really becomes civilized...

Last thought, I need to read all these stuff about it because I don't know that much.

General Discussion / Re: Fuck Sexism
« on: December 09, 2009, 06:18:07 am »
Not much to say in here but sexism is one of the things I hate the most. Both my dad and my mum got separated because my dad was cheating on her. But the fact that my dad is not sexist is quite interesting. He had a bad relationship with his mum but he is for no matters sexist in any way. He is the nicest person I ever met nicer than my mum or anyone else from my family.

So I am for no reason sexist or feminist. I just like to stick in the side that benefits me the most. Even if people might think I am gay. Which I hate just because you like being friendly to everyone even girls and guys. I am a bit feminist but not to the extent that females will rule the world, I do believe in equality that's what this world needs.

However, woman should recive more respect from us. Why?

Because they are the ones who bring birth and suffer all the pain for both men and women to be born. And we men just lay around and do unproductive stuff... For them we are hopeless but the fact is that if all of us will be the same it would be better!

General Discussion / Re: Stuff you hate
« on: December 09, 2009, 06:06:43 am »
I hate to say that to tell the truth I am no way a loser or anything but I hate the fact that i had such bad luck with woman in my life... Not that I am going to the other side but the fact that my first kiss was given by one of my girl cousin kinda traumatized me...

Yes a nearly had sex with my cousin because she was a really ... hard to say... To tell the truth I hate myself for nearly doing it and I am happy I didn't!

For all this year I been with her since pretty much since she first kissed me at six... and now that I moved to other country (Australia). I just can't forget about her... you guys can think whatever I know in various countries is considered incest but where I came from it wasnt normal but legal...

I really hate that time and loved it at the same time...

I HATE MYSELF THOUGHT for playing along and being a fool while he was making out with any kid who crossed her eyes with!

I don't hate her nor do love her but for sure I regret what I did!

General Discussion / Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« on: December 01, 2009, 10:12:54 pm »
Kill one ant more will come... just use sweet food as lure then take them outside and burn them with magnifying glass...

General Discussion / Re: The Chrono Compendium - <you fill the slogan>
« on: December 01, 2009, 10:04:59 pm »
The Chrono Compendium -  No we don't sell t-shirts, GTFO!! LULZ

General Discussion / Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« on: December 01, 2009, 10:02:34 pm »
I am looking forward to FF vs XIII which is being directed by the guy who made Kingdom Hearts! But without the Disney characters, I see this going to be awesome.
I don't care all that much about 13. I just gonna get it because I liked FFX a lot and I see being something similar to that one.
Yeah Final Fantasy should even being called that anymore... just make a new rpg and call it a decent name. After all they are non related...
I would call Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy because of the plot LOL. It's perfect for it! #.#

General Discussion / Re: Stuff you hate
« on: December 01, 2009, 09:54:05 pm »
I vehemently dislike::

All that crappy faddish vampire shit that every other girl is obsessed with.  There's even a section in Barnes and Noble called "Vampire Fiction".  OMG is it another novel / TV series about hawt vampires / hawt vampires going to high school??  WOW HOW ORIGINAL.
Lame AIM conversations.  Such as::

Person: hi
Me: hey.  how're you doing?
Person: good. you?
Me: i'm doing alright.
Me:'s school?
Person: okay.
Me: [trying to make conversation]
Person: [one-word answers]


LOLOLOLOLOLOL THAT'S SO DAMN TRUE!! I talk to people and they jsut have one word answers... Or if they say something to me same thing happens...

Then there are the girls that talk to you fine and suddenly want to get rid of you on MSN... Is just plain bullshit.

There was this girl from school I use to talk to on msn  and she suddenly disappears on holidays.

I hate when people are not honest about what they think about you yet try to be nice. It's easier to get rid of a person if you don't f#cking talk to them most of the damn time!!

I also hate when they don't block you but they go appear offline so they don't need to talk to you, then they say that they just haven't been online lately.
It really pisses me off when people are just assholes like that. Is even worse when they are friends you hang out with on school most of the time. I always help most people and talk to them. As long as they talk to me. Yet is stupid all the things that happen.

What the hell is wrong with humans? Why are we so damn complicated and not understandable?
Because of that I decided to study psychology at school and I started to understand a bit more and analyze people using their life experiences and what I know about them.
It all makes sense now... I believe in Freud, it all has to do with child traumas, yet psychologist now think that they have to solve the problem now and not tracking down those problems.

Who doesn't hate everything I said?
It's all true and so I don't hate my life, I just hate the way humanity has destroyed our only world which is the only one we have and then we see all the politics assholes who don't even know a shit about climate change and science and we use them to make our day to day decitions that could change our own fate. When I was 14 I would have a better ability and understanding them those incompetent people.
I would indeed be a politician but my fear is that i would become corrupt...

Well that's all I hate for now. ahahha!! LOLOLOL Yet I am like magus... If he has to die he must simply laugh!! LAUGH!
Laugh is a wasted emotions a combination of all those things you can't show to people. I hate that as well.

Well that's all folks!

PD: Ignore the laugh thingy I was being sarcastic....
And yeah i hate that people in here (australia) know less about their own language than I do.

General Discussion / Re: Official Apologies Thread (For Anyone)
« on: November 25, 2009, 03:36:57 am »
Here it goes!!!  :picardno

I am sorry for being away from the Compendium for so long.
I am sorry for being so lazy and posted short post.
I am sorry for not contributing most of my ideas and theories for the above reason.
I apologize to my mum for all the trouble and embarrassment I made her go through when I was on primary.
I am sorry for teasing that girl who sill ignores my feelings due to the fact taht she is in love with a Dragon Age character and a Mass Effect one. (I mean literally)
I am sorry for all the people I make fun of.
I am sorry for my terrible grammar... XD
I am sorry for being sorry for everything I did.

But I must admit if i haven't done any of this I wouldn't be the same.

General Discussion / Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« on: August 10, 2009, 03:00:47 am »
I'm currently playing through the .hack//G.U. series for the first time. I'm on Volume 2, about 7-10 hours in, and at level 61. I got the Doppelganger's item in the previous volume as well. I just finished the second round of the Holy Palace tournament.

I finished all GU and got all doppelgangers's itens but i haven't finished the last part of the first series which was quarantine. It took me so much time to find that one since is out of production here in Aus. But GU is better after paying it i don't fell like playing the old ones anymore :p.

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: I'm FINALLY going to Australia!
« on: August 10, 2009, 02:57:20 am »
LOL i know i shouldn't say it but i also livw in Melbourne, Australia!

You will have fun coming to Melbourne and don't worry about kangaroos we eat them here...

Cool. Melbourne seems like a really nice place. I hope the weather won't be *too* cold while I'm there.

If you see a weird American wandering around, you should say hi, maybe it will me me! LOL.

LOL, cool bad luck i don't leave near the city! Don't forget to taste koala meat is the best!

Edit: Yup, it is really cold right now!

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: I'm FINALLY going to Australia!
« on: August 07, 2009, 03:51:53 am »
LOL i know i shouldn't say it but i also livw in Melbourne, Australia!

You will have fun coming to Melbourne and don't worry about kangaroos we eat them here...

General Discussion / Re: The 6-Word Story thread.
« on: August 04, 2009, 06:48:59 am »
Bad luck in Australia is winter!

Site Updates / Re: CE Video Walkthrough Released for Download
« on: July 19, 2009, 05:06:44 am »
Awesome! It's OVER NINETHOUSANDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!! MB! lol

I wish we could use it but i haven't watch all of it so i gonna download!

General Discussion / Re: New SE game?
« on: July 07, 2009, 05:49:35 am »
Why always for ds...? Why not make PSP fans happy and make a port of it... :P

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