Author Topic: The Springtime of Youth  (Read 8774 times)

Lord J Esq

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Re: The Springtime of Youth
« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2018, 02:04:27 am »
It's funny, there are times I'm almost envious of ancient civilizations. Information was slow to travel and traveling beyond local boundaries wasn't common. Travelin' was tough! You were born into a path and often had little choice (compared to nowadays). You inherited dad's trade or became a farmer. Life was simple.

Contrast that to the constant *choice* of today and sometimes I feel like that would be optimal. I imagine in my head society crashes and burns and we revert to some anarchistic lifestyle where the value of man was in the sweat of his brow and nothing more.

Then I realize that I may be teetering on super villain territory (jkjk) and I imagine how insanely miserable that life would be, especially if I recognize and was aware of the comforts of the modern world. Illiteracy, sexism, constant tribal warfare, very little medical applications beyond herbal remedies, and there were still hierarchies in which most were on the bottom rung...

...or I could just create my own version of the Shire. That would be nice. I think I'd make a stellar hobbit.

It isn't easy, but you can live differently from what's typical in the modern world. You can enjoy the best of both worlds, really: the comforts and privileges of modernity with the simplicity of societies that were older and slower. It takes commitment, though, because by default people will go along with the prevailing customs. Odds are that if you think it over you will identify some specific sources of stress in your life. Then it's just a matter of: "How do I cut that out?" You mentioned a deluge of choice. Constricting choice is a matter of setting boundaries for yourself and following them. A change of environment can help. When I lived in the middle of nowhere, life was definitely slower.

I really don't think it's ever too late. Maybe I'm feeling overly optimistic these days, but I totally think it's feasible. Harder, sure, but still entirely possible.

There are too many success stories of people who find love, happiness, new career paths, new passions -- all after their most optimal decision years are behind them.

I'd like to think I can be one of them.

The good news is that many people start to get serious in their thirties. The stuff that would have happened because it's natural for you to do it would have happened by now, or at least begun. But forcing yourself to do things you wouldn't naturally do is still on the table. Many people lack commitment in their teens and twenties, only to find resolve later on once they realize that the clock isn't actually infinite.

Some people come to it very late in life. In your 30s you're still relatively young. Get crackin', I say!

Hearing y'all talk about passions here and in the other thread have made me realize, more tangibly than usual, that I may have let my Springtime pass right on by. Since high school, I feel like I've been simply coasting on waves without any true direction, neglecting my passions for simpler joys and easier contentment. I've never been really ambitious, but Josh is right that most of us have dreams in our youth that are lost in adulthood, and it's a real shame that I let those go.

I wonder if I can still catch some of those spring winds in my sail.

You are indeed the opposite of intense, at least as defined on the J-o-meter. Perhaps you can do something extraordinary this year!!

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: The Springtime of Youth
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2018, 09:30:38 am »
I think Josh needs a new forum title.

Lord J Esq - Forum Therapist


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Re: The Springtime of Youth
« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2018, 02:29:24 pm »

I'm going through a bit of a rough patch myself these days: I've been sick on and off for the last month and a half and I know it's my ulcer acting up again but I don't have the insurance to get it taken care of. I did go to the ER on Monday because the pain was so bad and they did a CT scan and took bloodwork but they didn't have a gastro on call so they couldn't admit me and do an endoscopy. However my bloodwork showed that I am hypoglycemic and they referred me to a place that can help me out, so I'm calling today to make an appointment. And in addition to all of that if I call in one more day before May 12th I get fired, even though I'm good at my job. I'm trying to switch hours as I close so therefore when I feel really awful I can't even ask to leave early if it's slow and I'm getting hassled over that too. I'm trying everything I can to save myself from getting fired. Ugh. Work!

Also, I'm working on starting my own art business. I have a vision, but it's going to take time for me to get to where I want. I live in south Florida now where what I want to do is much more feasible, but it's going to take some time.

Sorry for the long-winded post!

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Re: The Springtime of Youth
« Reply #18 on: April 11, 2018, 05:08:40 pm »
I'm going through a bit of a rough patch myself these days: I've been sick on and off for the last month and a half and I know it's my ulcer acting up again but I don't have the insurance to get it taken care of. I did go to the ER on Monday because the pain was so bad and they did a CT scan and took bloodwork but they didn't have a gastro on call so they couldn't admit me and do an endoscopy. However my bloodwork showed that I am hypoglycemic and they referred me to a place that can help me out, so I'm calling today to make an appointment. And in addition to all of that if I call in one more day before May 12th I get fired, even though I'm good at my job. I'm trying to switch hours as I close so therefore when I feel really awful I can't even ask to leave early if it's slow and I'm getting hassled over that too. I'm trying everything I can to save myself from getting fired. Ugh. Work!

I was wondering where'd you been. I had noticed it has been a few days since you'd logged on, and you'd been a daily regular since you've registered. I hope all the health stuff gets sorted out! Personal / mental health first and foremost; when one fails it can affect the other.

I've been without insurance and currently have a high deductible plan. $15k deductible and insurance doesn't pay a dime until I meet it (although they negotiate the price down from the provider group). Which is hilarious, seeing that I work for an insurance company (as a contractor).

Healthcare is, pardon my language, fucked in the US. We had a baby last year and had some complications; it maxed out the deductible pretty past. I am obviously still paying those medical bills for just the birth (not to mention everything else) and it sucks.


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Re: The Springtime of Youth
« Reply #19 on: April 11, 2018, 06:35:51 pm »
Well so on the upside it is nice to know that I was missed! I did miss this place but OMG I've been so sick that I kept forgetting to check in. However I did get some time in on Crimson Echoes so you know, silver lining and all. LOL

Yeah this has been awful as I've been having just constant nausea. I know I'm not pregnant because I had to have a hysterectomy at 31 and I've had 2 ulcers before. I had gastric bypass and I keep having one form around the exact same staple. Once I have insurance I want to see about getting that reversed because I never had ulcers before I had that surgery. This ulcer has been worse than the other 2, but I had good coverage at the time I had the other 2. Ugh.

I know what kind of insurance you are talking about, an HSA. I worked at 2 call centers for 2 different insurances. Those plans SUCK especially if you have a family. I agree with you, healthcare is completely fucked in the U.S. I know Obama tried to help and in some ways he did but in some ways he made it WAY worse. When I lived in Wisconsin I was able to get Obamacare because I wasn't making much money but they don't have that in Florida plus I make a lot more now than I did then. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place and it really sucks. My husband looked into adding me to his plan but it would be an extra $400 a month and man, we don't have that kind of money! *sigh* I hate adulting. LOL Although on another upside work is now being more cooperative; there's a huge class coming out in a month and they will give the shift I'm currently working to one of the newbies so until then they are trying to find someone who will even do it 2-3 days per week until that class comes out. So keep your fingers crossed for me! I just need a shift where I can go home early if it's slow and I'm not feeling well. As of right now I do not have that option and it's been slowing down quite a bit. So keep your fingers crossed for me!

By the way, congrats on the new baby and I hope he/she is doing a lot better now! I don't have kids, but I know that having a baby alone is expensive enough then if you have complications it costs sooooo much more. I am sorry that you and your family went through that.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: The Springtime of Youth
« Reply #20 on: April 12, 2018, 12:15:30 am »
We're good. Mom and baby are both healthy as a lick. He turned a year old in March.

He's a sweet kid, but a handfull. He still isn't sleeping through the night and he refuses to sleep in his own crib all by his lonesome. We normally put him to bed and within two or three hours he wakes up screaming. I want to let him cry it out, my wife wants to comfort him and ends up getting him, putting him in our bed.

I sleep awful when he's in our bed (he shuffles a lot), so I normally end up on the couch, haha... Ready for this stage to end!

But yeah, going back to insurance, it's all messed up. I work for an insurance company doing project management and product design, and it's a highly lucrative industry all across the board. Not just insurance, all of them. The drive for more and more profit just keeps pushing the benchmark for profit. The Affordable Care Act was a double-edged sword -- I'm so happy that it could give people opens (many of whom could not afford insurance otherwise), but it definitely pushed the prices on plans up overall for multiple reasons (ie, carriers forced to offer plans, many of the new plans were employed by sections of US demographics that would be considered high risk, etc).

How do you deal with ulcers, by the way? Like how does it affect your diet? I've been lucky; I get sour stomach easily, but no ulcers and no heart burn. If I eat greasy/fried food too much I end feeling super sick and sometimes nauceous. It's weird that certain foods do it and others don't -- for example, I can scarf down Five Guys double bacon cheeseburger and a pound of fries with no problem, but if I eat a small bag of regular Cheetoes I'm down for the count (although Flamin' Hot Cheetos are fine). I can't nail down what ingredients are the culprits.

Luckily, I've found a simple solution when I start feeling like crap -- a granny smith apple. I don't know how the body chemistry is (they're slightly acidic, and normally with a sour stomach you want to balance out the overly acidic pH level in the stomach), but it straightens me out almost immediately every single time.

I need to isolate the reason why it works and turn it into a product :)


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Re: The Springtime of Youth
« Reply #21 on: April 12, 2018, 01:29:42 pm »
Glad both Mom and baby are doing well!

I thought I had read somewhere that it's actually healthier to let the baby cry it out and I could have sworn I heard Dr. Phil say something about how you should never let your kids sleep with you but I could be wrong. I have no sites, sources or anything. LOL Either way, I hope this stage goes by fast for you, sleeping on the couch sucks. Ugh. I was actually nervous when I started my job because I schedule for a network of pediatric offices and not having kids I was afraid there was going to be a lot I didn't understand. Granted, I've had to utilize Google a couple of times but that hasn't been the case at all, which has surprised me!

I hear you on all the insurance. I am with you that The Affordable Healthcare Act was a double-edged sword, there are great things about it but for people like me it REALLY sucks. Hopefully soon I'll have insurance and then everything will be all good.

How to deal with an ulcer... well the instructions I got from the ER was to: 1. Rest until I felt better. (I couldn't afford to do that.) 2. Be on a liquid diet until I felt better. (If I attempt this at work I know I'll pass out and that would be bad!) and 3. For solid food to have dry toast, bananas, applesauce, etc. So obviously no tomatoes (which makes me cry inside ha ha!), citrus, anything fatty or acidic. No fried foods either. This morning I had oatmeal and a banana for breakfast and for my dinner break I have salmon and broccoli (I didn't want it to go bad.) I picked up some Mylanta and I'm hoping that will help with the nausea. I've also been taking omeprazole (brand name Prilosec) twice a day. The other thing that is oddly helping me is hard peppermint candy. Not exactly helpful for my diet but they make the nausea better. Of course right now eating is a miracle because I don't want to eat at ALL. I've never had nausea this bad in my life! This must be how it feels to be pregnant, is what I keep thinking. LOL When my ulcer is gone I'm going to try your granny smith apple trick thought. Those are one of my favorite apples anyway! Also if you figure it out and develop a product, I'd buy it!!

I'm an open book, so if you have any other questions, feel free to ask! Here's to hopin' I feel better soon and that you no longer have to sleep on the couch!  :D


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Re: The Springtime of Youth
« Reply #22 on: April 13, 2018, 11:08:01 pm »
I hope that ulcer clears up soon, Nadia. That sounds awful to deal with.

Perhaps you can do something extraordinary this year!!

I really hope so! I gotta really motivate myself to do something awesome.

Lord J Esq

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Re: The Springtime of Youth
« Reply #23 on: April 14, 2018, 05:10:54 am »
I'm going through a bit of a rough patch myself these days: I've been sick on and off for the last month and a half and I know it's my ulcer acting up again...

That is really harsh! Sickness is probably the most distracting thing there is when it comes to trying to live life.

I wish I could offer something to meaningfully help. I could explain some details about the ACA, but it wouldn't actually help anything.

While you're still employed, keep looking for other work. Since you already have income currently, you don't have to settle the way you would if you were unemployed. If you're in your 30s then you have skills, period. Seek out jobs worthy of your skills. Consider paying a few bucks to register at a job board that has curated postings. I like Virtual Vocations; they offer remote work and I actually got some work through them (though it took like 8 months, heh). And stand up for what your labor is worth; don't let them stick you with $11 an hour. They ~will~ if you let them; employers are vicious like that (most of them, anyhow). Don't let them.

Best wishes! And the one thing I can do in the meantime to help, albeit not directly, is to post AWESOME BRAND-J COMPENDIUM FLAPDOODLE!


Boo, I lost the post I was writing to you, but it boiled down to: Congrats! That's really cool. You are now Biologically Successful!

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Re: The Springtime of Youth
« Reply #24 on: April 14, 2018, 05:11:48 am »
Oh! Here it is! The "lost post" was in a different tab.

I think Josh needs a new forum title.

Lord J Esq - Forum Therapist

I love my Moon Stone J title! I'm going to keep it for another 64,999,992 years! <3

We're good. Mom and baby are both healthy as a lick. He turned a year old in March.

That's awesome! Congrats!!


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Re: The Springtime of Youth
« Reply #25 on: April 16, 2018, 01:48:30 pm »
I'm going through a bit of a rough patch myself these days: I've been sick on and off for the last month and a half and I know it's my ulcer acting up again...

That is really harsh! Sickness is probably the most distracting thing there is when it comes to trying to live life.

I wish I could offer something to meaningfully help. I could explain some details about the ACA, but it wouldn't actually help anything.

While you're still employed, keep looking for other work. Since you already have income currently, you don't have to settle the way you would if you were unemployed. If you're in your 30s then you have skills, period. Seek out jobs worthy of your skills. Consider paying a few bucks to register at a job board that has curated postings. I like Virtual Vocations; they offer remote work and I actually got some work through them (though it took like 8 months, heh). And stand up for what your labor is worth; don't let them stick you with $11 an hour. They ~will~ if you let them; employers are vicious like that (most of them, anyhow). Don't let them.

Well good news; the ulcer is doing a LOT better. I'm feeling much better than I was last week.

I will definitely think about the job thing. Thing is, overall I do really like my workplace, but I do work in a call center and overall call centers attendance policies suck, especially when you are as sick as I've been over the last month and a half. That being said, this is the best call center job I've had. My dream is to actually be able to do art; from oil and watercolor paintings, calligraphy pieces, digital paintings and designing logos full time. Honestly, I had forgotten about this dream until I joined here and started trying my hand at fan art, only then did I realize how much I love making art. So that is now the goal I'm working towards. I will still put feelers out there and see if I find something better, however, this place does let me draw at work which is very nice for me. I want to thank you for all of your advice though, I will definitely keep it in mind!

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Re: The Springtime of Youth
« Reply #26 on: April 16, 2018, 03:59:55 pm »
My dream is to actually be able to do art; from oil and watercolor paintings, calligraphy pieces, digital paintings and designing logos full time. Honestly, I had forgotten about this dream until I joined here and started trying my hand at fan art, only then did I realize how much I love making art.

The great thing about the internet is that we have etsy and a million avenues to self-promote and self-release. Even if it's not on a major scale, it can open doors, start processes, and potentially make you some cash.


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Re: The Springtime of Youth
« Reply #27 on: April 16, 2018, 04:28:52 pm »
That is on my list actually. I already have a business name and logo and I've been working on the website. I just have to work on buying my domain.

The thing about south Florida too is that there are so many opportunities to make it as an artist. The art community here is AWESOME. I feel like I was meant to live here. There are so many small studios here, it's amazing! Plus there's the farmer's market and Friday Fest, which is on the first Friday of every month, where local artists also sell. I feel like I've tapped into something amazing here! I feel like my dreams are really possible now!

Lord J Esq

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Re: The Springtime of Youth
« Reply #28 on: April 22, 2018, 09:15:06 pm »
Well good news; the ulcer is doing a LOT better. I'm feeling much better than I was last week.


I will definitely think about the job thing. Thing is, overall I do really like my workplace, but I do work in a call center and overall call centers attendance policies suck, especially when you are as sick as I've been over the last month and a half. That being said, this is the best call center job I've had.

I've known two other people who enjoyed their call center jobs besides yourself, but generally speaking call centers are hotbeds of exploitation and miserable working conditions and unlivable wages. The whole system is designed for high turnover. A friend of mine worked at a Pepsi call center last year and couldn't even afford to feed her kids. Generally speaking, I don't think call centers should even exist in their current form. They are built not for customer service but to minimize the business liabilities posed by customer needs. I have nothing but contempt for them.

And the single worst part of it is the wage. It's hard to even survive (let alone graduate from the lower class to the working class) on less than $11 or $12 an hour, yet that's more than many call centers pay. And raises are strictly capped; you're never going to stick around for five years and find yourself earning $18 an hour. Doesn't matter how well you perform, or what your numbers are. Those jobs are designed to be dead-end. They're built to fail the people who work them.

Case in point: On your call center wage, are you able to pay all your core living expenses (including health insurance), contribute meaningful amounts to your savings, and engage in basic consumer activities like going out to eat every now and then and buying luxury products (like movie tickets or video games or makeup) once in a while?

I'm a big advocate for workers rights. I hate to see people being economically exploited or being tricked into an economic pathway that'll end in a brick wall for them. I always encourage friends and anyone else who'll listen: Know what you are worth! Research your skills; get an idea of what the market rates for those skills are. Escape entry-level jobs as fast as possible either at an organization where you can be promoted quickly, or by "trading up" your job frequently (that is, while still employed, accepting an offer for a different job with a higher wage or rank). And be courageous when negotiating compensation! Always remember that a prospective employer isn't the only one who has the power to say no (to your job application): You have the power to say no to an unacceptable offer.

I'm going through this with my sister right now. She's applying for jobs that pay way less than she's worth, and it's hard to watch because I can see the discrimination at work--the exploitation of vulnerable people by large companies, the ruthlessness of the free market, and of course in her case the forces of sexism.

Sorry for the rant. Well, no, not sorry. I have a lot of passion packed into this topic. But hopefully you understand it's not necessarily directed at you specifically. You do you!

My dream is to actually be able to do art; from oil and watercolor paintings, calligraphy pieces, digital paintings and designing logos full time. Honestly, I had forgotten about this dream until I joined here and started trying my hand at fan art, only then did I realize how much I love making art. So that is now the goal I'm working towards. I will still put feelers out there and see if I find something better, however, this place does let me draw at work which is very nice for me. I want to thank you for all of your advice though, I will definitely keep it in mind!

You're never too old to ART!!!  :lee:

But it definitely helps to have people and settings that remind you of this part of yourself.


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Re: The Springtime of Youth
« Reply #29 on: April 24, 2018, 08:12:22 pm »
I've known two other people who enjoyed their call center jobs besides yourself, but generally speaking call centers are hotbeds of exploitation and miserable working conditions and unlivable wages. The whole system is designed for high turnover. A friend of mine worked at a Pepsi call center last year and couldn't even afford to feed her kids. Generally speaking, I don't think call centers should even exist in their current form. They are built not for customer service but to minimize the business liabilities posed by customer needs. I have nothing but contempt for them.

And the single worst part of it is the wage. It's hard to even survive (let alone graduate from the lower class to the working class) on less than $11 or $12 an hour, yet that's more than many call centers pay. And raises are strictly capped; you're never going to stick around for five years and find yourself earning $18 an hour. Doesn't matter how well you perform, or what your numbers are. Those jobs are designed to be dead-end. They're built to fail the people who work them.

Case in point: On your call center wage, are you able to pay all your core living expenses (including health insurance), contribute meaningful amounts to your savings, and engage in basic consumer activities like going out to eat every now and then and buying luxury products (like movie tickets or video games or makeup) once in a while?

I'm a big advocate for workers rights. I hate to see people being economically exploited or being tricked into an economic pathway that'll end in a brick wall for them. I always encourage friends and anyone else who'll listen: Know what you are worth! Research your skills; get an idea of what the market rates for those skills are. Escape entry-level jobs as fast as possible either at an organization where you can be promoted quickly, or by "trading up" your job frequently (that is, while still employed, accepting an offer for a different job with a higher wage or rank). And be courageous when negotiating compensation! Always remember that a prospective employer isn't the only one who has the power to say no (to your job application): You have the power to say no to an unacceptable offer.

I'm going through this with my sister right now. She's applying for jobs that pay way less than she's worth, and it's hard to watch because I can see the discrimination at work--the exploitation of vulnerable people by large companies, the ruthlessness of the free market, and of course in her case the forces of sexism.

Sorry for the rant. Well, no, not sorry. I have a lot of passion packed into this topic. But hopefully you understand it's not necessarily directed at you specifically. You do you!

OMG I meant to respond to this earlier and I forgot!! *sings* ...if I only had a brain... LOL!

Well now that I have some direction in my professional life, ultimately, this job is temporary. maybe a few years temporary, but I won't retire from here. However, to answer your question, it would be hard for me to support myself with what I make. I could, but I wouldn't have room for anything else. I do make $12/hour (good for a call center) but I also live in south Florida. If I'd been able to make this when I lived in Wisconsin, I would've had it made! What is really frustrating me about work right now is that I'm working full-time hours but on part-time status. So I'm putting in all this time and it's not going toward PTO, sick time, nothing. I'm really hoping they will switch me next month, if not, I'm not sure what I'll do. I like where I work and as far as call center jobs, this one isn't extremely difficult either. And I get to work on art. This may sound weird but.... for example, I know how to price a painting I did. But I don't know how to price MYSELF. Does that make sense? I have a lot of customer service experience but I'm not sure what those skills are worth. The other reason I'm reluctant to leave this job is because this is my 4th job in less than 2 years. I'm making friends and I'm sick of looking. Does that make sense? I get exhausted just thinking about it. I'd be so happy here actually if it wasn't for the benefits crap I'm dealing with. That whole thing is very frustrating. So that's that.

Don't feel sorry for the rant, I just appreciate you looking out for me. I'm just not sure what to do. I feel very stuck right now. Ugh. 
« Last Edit: April 24, 2018, 08:14:10 pm by PrincessNadia78 »