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Messages - Mr Bekkler

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After it's realeased, will the CE team release a Player's Guide, 1995 style, with every boss stat, tech, item, plot advancement, and all easter eggs listed in detail?
(If not, somebody should get on that idea. It'd be sweet. As a matter of fact, I'm going to draw/Photoshop a cover in a non-anime style, just for fun!)

Will the game give any spoilers away that you learn in the previous games? As in, could it stand alone or would you HAVE to play through Trigger and Cross to get it?

Will there be any Cross Cameos? PC or non? (You don't have to answer but I had to ask!)

Will the term "Crimson Echoes" be used in-game?

Was there anything animationwise or eventwise that you really wanted to do but couldn't? Or perhaps anything that was compromised by the restrictions of Temporal Flux? (If the answer to that gives anything away, I'd rather not hear it actually unless it was in the afformentioned Player's Guide)


I wanted to reword the questions but didn't want to make a new post.

1. Will the game's story stand alone?
2. Did Temporal Flux have any restrictions that you would have liked to overcome but couldn't?

General Discussion / Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« on: March 22, 2009, 06:33:32 pm »
어젯 밤에 감기가 걸렸는데 제 방은 너무 답답해서 잠을 잘 못한다.
Um... I can't read that. Help? Please?

Google Translate says it's Korean:  "It just took us a cold in my room last night, can not sleep so he got frustrated. "

General Discussion / Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« on: March 19, 2009, 12:54:02 am »
the smoke off of pipe tobacco is just much more pleasing to the senses than the smoke off of other tobacco.

Well, personally, I must admit to prefer cigars. Pipes, however, are a bit cheaper. That is, assuming you go for better quality ones in both. After all, you don't want to be smoking because you have to, but because it tastes good. Personally, I don't even smoke a pipe a day... just one every few days. The occassional cigar.

Then again, you've gotta be careful. Some people just have a natural bent to being addicted to smoking. I'm fortunate in that I'm not (ie. I can smoke a bit, then not for a week or two, and so on, without any adverse effects or cravings.) For me, it's just a matter of relaxation and enjoyment. From what most studies would show, there are no health drawbacks from such moderation (I myself would argue there are benefits, as the psychological effects of the relaxation are not usually accounted for.)

Of course, you don't usually get told that in regards to tobacco products. This is because cigarrettes are most certainly NOT good (after all, what's the point in smoking them? They don't even taste good.) They're cheap and dirty and really worthless. It's quite different if you smoke a nice tobacconist blend of pipe tobacco, or a nice Domincan cigar. So it's a shame that the stigma has extended to pipes and cigars, both of which are very excellent in moderation.

There's my frustration: the anti-smoking Fascism that has come down so heavily in recent years that they've dismissed some of life's best pleasures. Namely, a cigar/pipe, a Guinness, alongside some intellectual discussion with one's closest compatriots. Nothing better in all of life in my opinion.

shisha smells and tastes better than pipe tobacco, imho. a hookah is an elaborate smoking device though, and can be kind of a pain in the ass.

i am pro smoker's rights. why the hell can't you go out for a cigarette between planes at the airport without going back through security? the smoking rooms in the airport always reek of cancer and other diseases.

General Discussion / Re: So who Watched the Watchmen?
« on: March 19, 2009, 12:41:18 am »
fantastic four?

just kidding.

seriously thought maggiekarp have you seen mirrormask?
"there was once a little girl and when she was good she was very good..." a quote directly from that movie.
if you haven't seen it, do it. it's like a british labyrinth with no david bowie balls.

Polling / Re: what would be the lamest retcon ever?
« on: March 19, 2009, 12:30:09 am »
i didn't even mean to post the poll there. my bad. i just clicked add new poll.

edit: thanks faustwolf!

Polling / what would be the lamest retcon ever?
« on: March 19, 2009, 12:24:27 am »
what do you think would be lame? eh?

General Discussion / Re: So who Watched the Watchmen?
« on: March 18, 2009, 11:52:57 pm »
I was a little let down by the film. The source material was epic. The film was simply interesting. I think it was a valid effort, but the comic was way too deep to translate well into a film. I give them an A for effort though.

Without spoiling anything here's a few things I would've done to enhance the film...

1) Ozymandius. His costume didn't bother me, but the actor did. He wasn't very subtle.

2)Rorshach's origin scene was way too brief. An exact translation of it would've worked much better...and enhanced the movie's climax.

3)Nite Owl and Silk Spectre brutally beating the muggers...ummm what about that scene was heroic. It was way too over the top. Most heroes don't break limbs and murder muggers.

4)I don't mind the change ending. It worked in the movie's setting, but with that change Bubastis, Ozymandius' genetically created cat makes no sense. There was a whole genetic angle that was taken out of the film. This was fine, but Bubastis should've been taken along with it.

5)This one's gonna be hard not to spoil, but I'll do my best. The changed ending was fine, but the impact of the "big event" wasn't shown at all. When I saw the devastion in the comic, I got chills. In the movie you see some debris. It didn't really sink in.

Ok so those are my minor complaints. The film's greatest success in my mind, was the scene during the opening credits. I thought this was a fanastic way to introduce the audience into this world. I was really pulled in. I was a bit let down with the final product, but it was certainly a movie worth seeing.

1. agreed. sounded like they wanted him to be foreign but instead he just had a lisp. although playing the song everybody wants to rule the world while he's talking didn't help either.

2. i thought they carried out the origin fairly well, given the time contraints. but i see your point anyway.

3. i liked that part too. i'm quite partial to superhero movies though. that's the kind of stuff i always expect to see but never get to.

4. yeah dude, that lynx/tiger/genetic anomaly was cool looking, but they should have 86ed him or explained him. i brought that up earlier.

5. i hadn't even thought about it. i thought the actual city and the buildings they showed were enough for what they were trying to get across, but the comic definitely had a deeper sinking effect, like "oh shit NOW they did it" (trying to be vague and specific here)

all in all, i mostly agree with you, except i still think the movie is phenomenal. especially when compared to most of the tripe that comes out of hollywood. fantastic four? lame!

yeah, plus that way it will take care of nonfrog fans.

rpgmaker 2003 or xp, depending on whether i meet somebody that can code ruby, otherwise it's gonna have to be 2k3.

i can code events just fine. writing for already defined characters is a bit difficult, but i'm practicing that.

also, assuming i can get it to look right, the playable character sprites should all be original by the time the game is done. i have designs, just not sprites yet. i wonder how big the picture files can be? i could get super detailed on there.

only thing i'm really concerned with is loose ends in the plot.

that's what i was leaning toward. i think i'll stick with it then.

causality will have a decent role in that if you save the gurus you can't save chrono and marle, if you become glenn it affects whether you can recruit magus, if you don't recruit kid then you can save schala, things like that. multiple endings will have to spawn from this.

pc's i have in mind are frog/glenn(obviously), janus/magil(curiously), kid(with less accent),lionel(tata transfigured), and vera (1999 cyberpunk chick)

when i wrote that i was thinking that he's been fucked with his whole life and is sick of it. and now he doesn't have any adventure left around him to keep his mind occupied so he's grown bitter. it goes along with the monomyth theory, that every hero in an adventure has to be convinced to do it in the first place. they never want to leave their normal, routine lives, even if it's in self-exile in a swampy forest with frogs and snakes.

however, and i know this is going to sound stupid, i just saw the ending where he becomes glenn for the first time. it brought a tear to my eye, no joke. i honestly had no idea he became human again in ANY ending. i was sure i'd seen them all, but i was wrong.

i'm still working on the project though, as that ending is not canon, plus there's the whole idea of dying dimensions and whatnot.

here's a question for anyone willing to answer: would you rather play as frog becoming glenn and then having more open up as you go along, or would you rather see a nifty cutscene in the beginning and play as glenn the whole time?

as far as gameplay, right now you have a world map where each continent or country was from a different dimension. dalton is building his own perfect world by taking places from different times and literally destroying the real world, or something along those lines. once you defeat stop him he runs away (again) and you get the Chrono Clutch. this opens red gates wherever you are, and takes you to a place like the end of time, a c shaped room with doors to different dimensions damaged by dalton, and you go in and fix em. how? dungeon crawling and boss beating of course!

among the dimensions, i have the world without a hero (one of my favorites) in which cyrus has been plucked out while glenn is still a small child, meanwhile, janus is found and adopted by fiona and glenn is taken by ozzie. Dark Glenn casts a familiar spell on an all-too-nosy adult Tata and that equals one of the few new characters for Good Glenn's team: Lionel.

A.) Being wherever Harle is.(Shut up about corniness, I do things old fashioned. Get between me and Harle and you'll end up with a missing hand before you even realize it

Don't you mean you'll end up without a hand? Rather than "Doo doo dee do, walking down the street. Holy crap is that someone's missing hand? Now how did I end up with THIS?!"

Just so you don't feel unappreciated- this made me chuckle.

couldnt help myself.

and i appreciate your appreciation!  :lol:

General Discussion / Re: So who Watched the Watchmen?
« on: March 15, 2009, 04:37:17 am »

if you have not read watchmen the comic or seen watchmen the movie you may want to skip past this reply.




My only complaint is that Bubastis was not red in the movie. Kitty needs to be red!

my only complaint with bubastis being in the movie is that if there's no squid, there's no biological engineering even MENTIONED, so the lynx/tiger/whatever it originated from isn't explained at all to people who have not read the book.

still though, loved it all!

first off, if anybody else would like to do some writing, i'd love to have someone else on board. it would definitely help round out details, and help with motivation. any artistic skills are not necessary but a plus.

hmmm.... maybe that IS why so many fan projects die. People like him who feed off the attention of others, who don't have the will to work without feedback and even the faintest praise.
Well there's a difference between looking for feedback and hoping for praise. Without feedback or criticism, you're not gonna have the support you need for a finished product. And more importantly getting no feedback is an indication that there's little interest in the project, and thus there's little motivation to continue. Would you continue a project if no one gave you the slightest inclination of interest? I wouldn't.

couldn't have said it better me'self

I definitely know how it feels to not get any feedback on stuff. You have my condolences.

Anyway, I kinda agree on Mav's points of making the characters sound like they do in the game.

Hmmm... Ozzie and Dalton... wonder how they managed to team up. This thing certainly has my attention.

yeah, it seems frog should be more like he is in the game, which i'm struggling with. i kinda feel like he should be angry at the world, but that was never the case. i must rethink some things. one thing for sure - frog is not going to speak with the archaic dialect. while i like the ctnp explanation, i just can't see the main character of a game, however long or short the playtime, talking that way the whole time.

as far as ozzie and dalton, there is much more to do with them.   :) much more.

i really do appreciate the feedback. the most useful thing i've gotten so far is the notes on characterization, and they will NOT go to waste. thank you sky and mav!

now they can actually make the game. instead of talking about making the game. we hope.

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