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Messages - CatchRBFivy

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Characters, Plot, and Themes / A question about Kino
« on: July 20, 2005, 02:54:20 pm »
then that would mean Kino=Schala since everyone who was thrown in time by lavos is accounted for EXCEPT Schala.  I looked at Wolfspider's theory about Schala being sent to prehistoric but i think its crap.  I would say its just coincidence that Kino was at Mystic Mts by the gate...unless he was a typical waste of life Zeal citizen...if he was, that would explain why he sucks and Ayla walks all over him, but we never see a random Zeal person get sent through a gate.

So its just coincidence.

History, Locations, and Artifacts / What happened to Magus' Castle?
« on: July 20, 2005, 02:30:13 pm »
yeah, and for saying that an egg he invented can bring a person back to life if they find a clone.

History, Locations, and Artifacts / What happened to Magus' Castle?
« on: July 20, 2005, 01:13:48 am »
I always assumed after playing through that part that Lavos just went back to his dormant DNA harvesting stage, not actually left the planet or whatever realm he resides.

History, Locations, and Artifacts / What happened to Magus' Castle?
« on: July 20, 2005, 01:02:41 am »
what about a translation error

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Picture of a Chronopolean
« on: July 19, 2005, 01:21:24 am »
i agree with translanka.  

and Sentenal, there is no true easy answer to follow that popular theory...its just random scenes shown, its impossible to find out who the aggessor is, isn't it?  it does make more sense that cyrus went to get him....since that is the whole motive he has to getting the sword.  so it would be very likely that he attacked Magus and ultimatly failed.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Picture of a Chronopolean
« on: July 19, 2005, 12:45:42 am »
maybe it was a strategic high point for magus' army and cyrus took glenn on a crusade to the top! hahaha all the what ifs in this game drive me crazy

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Picture of a Chronopolean
« on: July 18, 2005, 11:48:00 pm »
Cyrus would be found guilty in a court of law.  Anyone searching for the Masamune is guilty of premeditated murder of magus.  Magus killing Cyrus = Self-Defense

but that is so vague!

Quote from: DarkGizmo
Well the Darkness Beyond Time has no time so everything that gets sent here are all together.

You fight Lavos before he erupt.

Since the DBT is timeless Schala coudl still merge with Lavos independent from when you killed him

If Lavos exists where there is no time, then how can he ever be eradicated?  Such as separating Schala from Lavos and then killing Lavos/TD wouldn't do much since there could be other scenarios involving Lavos still surviving since he is independent of the time he was killed by the cross.  Right?  I don't really understand how it works....and what i just said.

Now its been a while since I played CC and I can't remember where it picked up (1010AD?) but if you fight Lavos at 1999 AD as he is erupting, wouldn't the world already be destroyed by his eruption, still bringing all that death and destrution to earth? So what future gets saved by Crono and co. if that still happens?  Or is it Lavos' suckign the planet dry that actually kills it?

Another thing.  Does CC assume that you fought lavos at 1999AD?  What if you kill it in Zeal through the Black Omen of 12000 BC?  Wouldn't that eliminate Serge's travels to fight TD since Shala has nothing to fuse with?

Well woldn't that still be TTI since Crono and Lucca remember Marle and still exist in 600 AD because Leene wasn't yet killed?  Just like with the example of Crono's mother and the black omen.  But dont' get me wrong, I still think its strange that they are even able to travel in time once the reason to travel in time is eliminated (and the rest of the Guardian Line.)

Wait, I just read that over.  I'm so convinced that its a plothole now....maybe.  Why would the effect of Leene's capture have consequences on the future so suddenly?  That would be traveling to 65,000,000 (enough 0s?) to get the dreamstone and all of a sudden be holding the mended Masamune....wouldn't it?  I'm confused I think, but I'll stick with plothole.

Lavos, the Planet, and other Entities / Demon God?
« on: July 17, 2005, 08:17:07 pm »
I don't really want to get into whether or not the war was already taking place before Janus arrives at Truce Canyon.   I'd just like the comment back on the statue in Magus' Castle.

If the castle truly is ancient
...and if Magus is just a title for the leader/idol of the "mystics"
...then perhaps that statue with the 4 arms holding 2 flames is just a statue made out of reverance for a very powerful "Magus" of the past.  And it could have possibly held very strong magical powers since it was created by a magic-using race, which might be why Janus used the room to summon Lavos.


Janus thought it was a sweet room with a cool statue.

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