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Messages - uzerzero

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Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: Playable Apocolypse
« on: July 15, 2006, 10:16:37 am »
Sorry, but I had a minor setback in my map-making. Somehow, all of Choras got deleted. I could've sworn I saved the map, but it all got deleted. So I'll have to fix it. And since I don't like making minor updates of how I drew one more tile like some people do, I'll save you the pain and bandwith and post another update up here once I have a nice image.

I want my five minutes back for reading this.

It's only painful for me because I hate it when people can't spell correctly and use stupid slang. It's the reason that's driven me away from almost all chat rooms and why I read books more than I get online.

Totally off topic, but I've always found it very interesting that in RPGs you can just barge into other people's homes and take stuff, talk to them, use their beds, etc.

Also, I love in CT how they have a lack of sprites for some actions, i.e. Taban starting Lucca's transporter with a hammer, Crono kicking Marle when she disappears in 600 AD, and a host of other sprite-shortages.

Ah, I love Square and their odd ways.

Oh, and to get back on topic, I too like Solt and Peppor. Tall skinny guy and fat short guy is the epitome of a comedy team. Seinfeld, Bug's Life, Oliver and Hardy, the list goes on.

General Discussion / Re: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
« on: July 15, 2006, 10:02:01 am »
I've been playing Zelda since I was about 9. I've gone through and beaten every one (except Zelda 2). Quite frankly, I feel that if you're going to cel-shade a game, it should be from a top-down view. Link to the Past was similar in graphics, but it was a top down game and I loved it. Unfortunately though, after beating Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, Wind Waker was a let down for me. I still loved the gameplay, as it added more things to do, just like the previous ones. But I was hoping, like many other people, for a game with high graphics that really took advantage of the Gamecube's processor power.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Record of fate
« on: July 15, 2006, 09:55:07 am »
Those chunks of ice you were talking about might not have been ice. In the FMV where Terra Tower rises out of Sky Dragon Isle, the mountains around the edges look a LOT like ice.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Nega-ette
« on: July 15, 2006, 09:53:47 am »
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think I read somewhere that 'bromide' in the Japanese version was a photograph of a Naga-Ette in underwear, not the actual underwear. It's strange because there obviously shouldn't be photos in 600 AD, but I'm pretty sure that's what I read.

Yes, that's been stated before.

And if you really want a game filled with perversion, go pick up a copy of DeJap's translation of Bahamut Lagoon. One of my favorite RPGs for SNES (next to CT of course), every turn has some type of perversion, from magazines, to innuendo, to gay old men. Of course, some of it could be stuff DeJap threw in there.

General Discussion / Re: Will we ever travel at the speed of light?
« on: July 15, 2006, 09:50:35 am »
Keep in mind that according to Einstein, time is relative to the perspective of the viewer. I think it's safe to say that unless some little green alien lands here, or somebody comes back in time with information about FTL travel, none of us will live to see the day a human travels faster than light.

We will see many, many, other advances though. Which I look forward to.

General Discussion / Re: Will we ever travel at the speed of light?
« on: July 13, 2006, 05:54:47 pm »
Found this interesting article in the May issue of Popular Science. Applies to a lot of the theories discussed here.

Cyber: German is cool. I speak a little bit. And just use a random quote from Chrono Trigger/Cross. Nobody really cares. They'll just be like, "Hmm, that's an interesting quote. Why'd you choose that?" and you could just say you closed your eyes, scrolled through the script, and picked it out.

ClayAkame: They can arrest you if they want to. However, depending on how many ROMs you have, they may not fine you or anything. It's similar to shoplifting: where I live, if you steal $100 or more of merchandise, they consider it a felony hands down, you can't get out. Anything less, and they can consider it a felony, but they won't always. Some places don't press charges if it's your first time. In the same sense, if they find two or three ROMs on your computer, they won't care. But 1,000+... they might have a problem.

And I'm also ending the stupid ROM discussion right here. Anybody else mention anything about ROMs, I will find out where you live and make you die a most painful death, preferably by making you listen to some 50 Cent. Stick to the avatar/signature topic.

History, Locations, and Artifacts / Re: Where is el nido
« on: July 13, 2006, 05:36:12 pm »
East and West are the only two directions we should really concern ourselves with though. If you travel East, you will continue to go East. Travel West, you will continue to travel West. Travel North, and it will eventually turn into South, and vice versa. So technically, when they say Northern countries, they could just as well be talking about Southern countries. I like where Chrono Crisis placed it though, it seems fairly accurate (although I'm curious if it's that big in relation)

General Discussion / Re: Will we ever travel at the speed of light?
« on: July 13, 2006, 05:33:49 pm »
With Blackholes, since everything in the universe seems to have an opposite, could there be a White Hole some where? Rather if you could travel into a blackhole, if you could survive the super massive gravitational pull, and break the event horizon and travel into the singularity, then where would you go? It is said that time itself is mixed with the singularity.

Ever heard of something called a white dwarf? That's the opposite of a black hole pretty much. Actually, just about any sun is the opposite of a black hole.

I'm not sure on the legalities of this, but if you had some way of dumping a ROM cartridge that you own to a computer, and as long as you didn't release it, it might be okay.

It might be akin to license infringement, i.e. if the game is licensed to be used ONLY on a SNES console, you can't legally copy it to your computer. In short, do what you must, but keep yourself out of trouble.

I did it in this order:

  • After leaving Sprigg's home, go and get the Ancient Fruit (shouldn't be a difficult battle)
  • When you get to the point where you want to fight the Green Dragon, go back to the same point
  • You will have to fight the Beeba again (should be an even easier battle), and he will give you the BeebaFlute
  • Go up the caramel looking branches until you find the area with the green space. Play the flute, kill the WingaPede
  • Go back down to the area near the Record of Fate and talk to the Beeba. He will be upset that you killed the WingaPede, and will fight you again. At this point he will try to give you an Ancient Fruit, but realizes you already have one.
  • Go to the Beeba that is next to the caramel stock that goes up to where you originally fought him. Talk to him, and he will tell you to play the Flute, which will take you to Gaea's Navel

That's based off my memory. Sorry if it's confusing/incorrect.

General Discussion / Re: Will we ever travel at the speed of light?
« on: July 13, 2006, 11:51:08 am »
I don't know how you can say it's feasible when there's apparently a complete lack of the theoretical materials required to make it happen.  Keep in mind that I'd love to be convinced, but reality has its way of destroying dreams.

I'm not saying a warp drive like exactly how they have it in Star Trek. Warp drive is just a different term I use for a FTL ship. Albeit, Star Trek attributes their space travel in later series to subspace crap.

Think about the advances we've made though in the last century. In 1900, I don't think any moving vehicle exceeded 100 mph. So in another 100 years, who knows what we might achieve?

Why Mr. Tumnus?

Because downloading a ROM is the same thing as piracy. Downloading any digitally copyrighted software (music, videos, games, etc.) is illegal, unless you pay money that is sent to the publisher of the game.

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