Rate the Characters of Chrono Cross

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Revision as of 23:00, 2 January 2009 by ZeaLitY (Talk | contribs)

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  • 3.25-4.00 A
  • 2.50-3.25 B
  • 1.75-2.50 C
  • 1.00-1.75 D

Crossfeature Funguy.png


Kebrel: I found him to be a very original character, but he was never important to the plot or expanded upon as a character, and his dialogue wasn't anything special either. He wasn't that great in combat. His only redeeming factor is that he reminds me of the poem "Fungi from Yuggoth".

V Translanka: To me, his only saving grace is a quasi-cool line where he says, "I'll follow you to the depths of hell!" (or something along those lines). I don't think it's that much of a help for him though; he's really just a nothing character. I'm surprised his daughter didn't end up playable too.

ZeaLitY: At least he provided a good outlet for Richard Honeywood's vocal humor. Funguy, Fungi, get it? I hear enough of those jokes with the Mario series, so it's refreshing to see it pop up somewhere else.

Crossfeature Doc.png

DOC - RATED 2.09 - C

nightmare975: Doc had that surfer look to him. It gave him that "hang loose" attitude and worked for his techs. Who else got their final tech from an R rated book? Still, Doc suffered from the same weapon types as a couple characters (Harle to name one), but his techs had some of the most "flair" to the game, along with some great names (HangTen anyone?). Ultimately, Doc was more useful as an NPC than a PC.

V Translanka: His look is one of the few in the cast that actually kind of fit his environment, though not particularly his profession. Really, a surfer / doctor? I guess you'd need someone to fend off shark bites and heinous bails...For combat, no one was really more or less useful than anyone else in battle, so that doesn't really even factor for me. I'm not entirely sure I understand his weapon of choice (throwing blade thingies, which seemed more like the fallback weapon for a third of the cast), or his choice to fight at all, since he's a doctor, but I was glad he didn't have a stupid accent.

Crossfeature Draggy.png


Kyronea: Draggy is...a dragon; a cute, anime-ish baby dragon, but still a dragon. As for how he speaks...he has an "accent" that says he's just learning to talk, which can be annoying at times. But how can you not like that cute little face?! It's a baby dragon! What's more awesome than having that on your team?! And cool thing is, unlike Might and Magic 8 where you could get full blown dragons on your team, it doesn't break the game!

Radical_Dreamer: He is one of the few characters with a double tech, so he's got that going for him, but other than that, he's nothing special. I'll give him a bit of a boost for having a double tech, and being left-front-pawed.

nightmare975: Look at his character art. Seriously, does he have freaking pubes or something?

V Translanka: nightmare975, I believe those lines indicate shadows and if you have pubes that look like that, seek medical treatment immediately...or share your shampooing secrets, I guess...

Crossfeature Fargo.png

FARGO - RATED 3.31 - A

ZeaLitY: He gets neat little cigar smoke puffs. As far as combat goes, aside from stealing, he has decent physical strength and a visually impressive (but not as excitingly effective) final tech. I give him major points in Tilt; his Another World counterpart is in the springtime of youth. He goes right up to his equivalent, verbally lambastes him, hijacks his ship, then jumps down to the Marbule beach like Protesilaus in the Iliad and starts hacking away at the nightmares. This guy is possessed. Another World Fargo unloads his will upon the world of Chrono Cross, and it's for the best. You got my blood boilin'!

Radical_Dreamer: He yells at himself!

Kae: Fargo appears relatively benign upon first glance, but his looks hide a dangerous and rather impressive character beneath. I haven't used Fargo a lot since I go for the whole Serge, Kid, Glenn triad when I can, but when you lose those allies as Lynx, Fargo is definitely there to pick up the slack. From the ever-useful ability to steal (and thus obtaining various things like the plates from the dragons), he adds utility. As well, he can definitely hold his own in a battle, and is certainly better suited to take punishment than most of your allies. As for Tilt, he's a pirate. He doesn't take crap from anyone. He's got his own ship. He also kicked his own ass in Home, and smacked some sense into his shameful counterpart by hijacking the S.S. Zelbess. And all this is discovered through the linear progression of the plot, thus giving the player more exposure to Fargo as a whole. Definitely one of the best characters in Cross.

Crossfeature Glenn.png


Pyt Fumv: Design: Silver hair, battle scar, bandana, shield on arm, typical sword, and lots of armour. Very soldier. Looks pretty cool. For combat, he has X-Strike. Two Einlanzers. A killing machine. Overall, he has one of the more interesting character stories; this guy always stood out from the crowd for me.

ZeaLitY: Glenn was very unique among the cast, and characterized well. You could feel his angry little immaturity early on in Termina, and then see how it was tempered as the game proceeded. He has one of the best fortune teller quotes about how he's a moon, and can reflect the light of a sun even though he cannot shine on his own. The Two Einlanzers make him an absolute powerhouse, and I always thought his little wrist-shield was a cool addition to his design. Still, why wasn't that note about him being named for the first Glenn included in the game (and not just Chrono Cross Ultimania)?

From: Features