Zenan Plains - Site Discussion > General Discussion

What Are You Currently Playing? (Do NOT Just Make a List)

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What am I playing? Hmm....

Final Fantasy XII. Yes. I've gone on a kick of a game I hate. We're supposed to be running through the Feywood, but I don't want to go there. The Feywood eats me! The battle system grows on you (Balthier! STOP STEALING FROM THAT! ... good boy.), but the characters seem to be flat. (Ashe: Angsty Rassler angsty nethicite angsty magicite angsty Empire angsty Dalmasca; Fran: Funny accented bunny lady. Slut. Mystical knowledge. Slut. RAWR! ... slut.; Penelo: Hi. I'm Penelo.) Why do I enjoy it so? (Balthier: PILFER! Basch: KILL! Penelo: Hi. I'm Penel-- NO! Balthier: ... dammit. *phoenix down* Penelo: Hi. I'm Penelo! *smack*)

Finish the Novel. Yes. That's a game now. I'm sending my characters through the Spirit Plane to get argent, which they need to get to Aderyn to save the world. I have a lot of stuff planned for them, though...

Soul Calibur III. I sense a kick of this coming, soon. I want to kick some serious ass with Mina! Yes, I play Mina a lot. I also play Xiangua or however you spell it. That crazy Chinese lady with the sword. I'm starting to play other characters, though. Tira, Raphael, Zasalamel, Taki, Talim... those are all in there.

Will add more later!

Shadow D. Darkman:
Tea, you played SC4 yet? It's a good story (same game, different stuff IMO).

I'd absolutely LOVE to, Darkman!

Go buy me the system and the game and all the proper paraphernalia and I'll give it a whirl, 'kay?

Games I'd really like to play... hmm...

Super Smash Brothers Brawl. My friend Parker let me play with him once. I'm good with Lucario and Sonic, it seems. I'd love to kick my brother's ass in that game... heeheehee... need the system and the game to play.

Chrono Trigger DS. ... why would I want to play this game, guys? Why do you think? I'd love to take my Chrono with me everywhere (theoretically, I could make a little back thing for my watch, but I like the one I have) so I can expose the masses to the awesomeness. I want to see the new translation, the new bosses, the new endings the new... everything! Need the system and game to play.

Edit the Novel. Yes. That's a game, too. In order to play the sequel to Finish the Novel, I need to finish Finish the Novel. Then we can play Edit the Novel. I don't play the sequel until I beat the game before it.

Any form of Guitar Hero. My nutty cousin, David, is a Guitar Hero freak. When I come over to his house with my mom so she can chat with his folks, I play with him. I'm actually pretty good! Need the system (not sure), paraphernalia, and game to play. And free time.

Shadow D. Darkman:

--- Quote from: teaflower on January 12, 2009, 12:10:15 pm ---I'd absolutely LOVE to, Darkman!

Go buy me the system and the game and all the proper paraphernalia and I'll give it a whirl, 'kay?

--- End quote ---


Just look on YouTube, dumbass. The worst you can expect is bad quality.

You asked if I had played it. Watching people play a game is not the same as playing it. I'm familiar with the fact that it's awesome because my sis told me so. (when she was in college, one of her friends had a PS3 or another system that worked with SC4 and she played.)


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