Tech Data Notes

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Revision as of 19:03, 14 January 2008 by FaustWolf (Talk | contribs)

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List of Techs

  • 01 - Cyclone
  • 02 - Slash
  • 03 - Lightning
  • 04 - Spincut
  • 05 - Lightning 2
  • 06 - life
  • 07 - confuse
  • 08 - Luminaire
  • 09 - Aura
  • 0A - Provoke
  • 0B - Ice
  • 0C - Cure
  • 0D - Haste
  • 0E - Ice 2
  • 0F - Marle's Cure 2
  • 10 - Marle's Life 2
  • 11 - Flame Toss
  • 12 - Hypno Wave
  • 13 - Fire
  • 14 - Napalm
  • 15 - Protect
  • 16 - Fire 2
  • 17 - MegaBomb
  • 18 - Lucca's Flare
  • 19 - Rocket Puch
  • 1A - Cure Beam
  • 1B - Laser Spin
  • 1C - Robo Tackle
  • 1D - Heal Beam
  • 1E - Uzzi Punch
  • 1F - Area Bomb
  • 20 - Robo's Shock
  • 21 - Slurp
  • 22 - Slurpcut
  • 23 - Water
  • 24 - Heal
  • 25 - Leap Slash
  • 26 - Water 2
  • 27 - Frog's Cure 2
  • 28 - Frog Summon
  • 29 - Kiss
  • 2A - Rollo Kick
  • 2B - Cat Attack
  • 2C - Rock Throw
  • 2D - Charm
  • 2E - Tail Spin
  • 2F - Dino Tail
  • 30 - Triple Kick
  • 31 - Lightning 2
  • 32 - Ice 2
  • 33 - Fire 2
  • 34 - Dark Bomb
  • 35 - Magic Wall
  • 36 - Dark Mist
  • 37 - Black Hole
  • 38 - Dark Matter
  • 39 - Aura Whirl
  • 3A - Dual Ice Slash
  • 3B - Dual Ice Slash 2
  • 3C - Dual Flame Whirl
  • 3D - Dual Fire Sword
  • 3E - Dual Fire Sword 2
  • 3F - Dual Rocket Roll
  • 40 - Dual Max Cyclone
  • 41 - Dual Super Volt
  • 42 - Dual X-Strike
  • 43 - Sword Stream
  • 44 - Dual Spire
  • 45 - Dual Drill Kick
  • 46 - Dual Volt Bite
  • 47 - Dual Falcon Hit
  • 48 - Dual AntiPod
  • 49 - Dual AntiPod 2
  • 4A - Dual AntiPod 3
  • 4B - Dual Aura Beam
  • 4C - Dual Ice Tackle
  • 4D - Dual Cure Touch
  • 4E - Dual Ice Water
  • 4F - Dual Glacier
  • 50 - Dual Double Cure
  • 51 - Dual Twin Charm
  • 52 - Dual Ice Toss
  • 53 - Dual Cube Toss
  • 54 - Dual Fire Punch
  • 55 - Dual Fire Tackle
  • 56 - Dual Double Bomb
  • 57 - Dual Flame Kick
  • 58 - Dual Flame Whirl
  • 59 - Dual Blaze Kick
  • 5A - Dual Blade Toss
  • 5B - Dual Bubble Snap
  • 5C - Dual Cure Wave
  • 5D - Dual Boogie
  • 5E - Dual Spin Kick
  • 5F - Dual Beast Toss
  • 60 - Dual Slurp Kiss
  • 61 - Dual Bubble Hit
  • 62 - Dual Drop Kick
  • 63 - Dual Red Pin
  • 64 - Dual Line Bomb
  • 65 - Dual Frong Flare
  • 66 - Triple Delta Force
  • 67 - Triple Life Line
  • 68 - Triple Arc Impulse
  • 69 - Triple Gatling Kick
  • 6A - Triple Fire Zone
  • 6B - Triple Delta Storm
  • 6C - Triple Final Kick
  • 6D - Triple Triple Raid
  • 6E - Triple Twister
  • 6F - Triple 3D Attack
  • 70 - Triple Dark Eternal
  • 71 - Triple Omega Flare
  • 72 - Triple Spin Strike
  • 73 - Triple Pogozo Dance
  • 74 - Triple Grand Dream
  • 75 -
  • 76 -
  • 77 -
  • 78 -
  • 79 -
  • 7A - Angel Attack
  • 7B -
  • 7C -
  • 7D -
  • 7E -
  • 7F -
  • 80 -

Special Thanks to chakrafire for the tech list!

Offsets Pertinent to Techs

All offsets given in terms of an unheadered Chrono Trigger ROM.

0x02BD40 ~ 0x?????: Tech names and descriptions that appear in the character status menus.
 The data are arranged like so: FF NN
  FF: Tech index of a character's first tech.
  NN: First tech index of the next character's first tech.
  Thus, Crono's data is 01 09; 01 is the index of Cyclone, and 09 is the index of Marle's Aura.
  Magus' techs are encompassed by 31 39; perhaps 39 pertains to the double tech Aura Whirl?

0xC0230 ~ 0xC0236: Tech learning progress (00 - 08)
 The effects of this offset range have not yet been explored thoroughly.

0xC0237 ~ 0xC023D: Techs learned (00, 80, C0, E0, F0, F8, FC, FE, FF)
 The effects of this offset range have not yet been explored thoroughly.

0x0C15CF ~ 0x0C1ACA: Tech names (11 bytes each)
 See the alphabet section for appropriate values.
 Tech names are supported in Temporal Flux as well.

0x0C1ACD ~ 0x0?????: Tech targeting. 2 bytes each.
 Some common values are:
  07 00: One enemy (Example: Confuse, Charm)
  08 00: All enemies (Example: Dark Matter, Ice 2, Luminaire)
  80 00: One ally (Example: Cure, Aura)
  81 00: All allies (Example: Heal Beam, Aura Whirl)
  03 00: One fallen ally (Example: Life)
  04 00: All fallen allies 
  12 03: Enemy area (Example: Cyclone, Dark Bomb)
  0B 01: Enemy line (Example: Slash)
  0C 05: Enemy line (Example: Flame Toss)
  11 02: Area around character (Example: Area Bomb, Tail Spin)
  1B 0A: Area around character (Example: Black Hole)
  13 02: Area around character (Example: Max Cylone, Fire Zone)
  0F 0B: Horizontal line (Example: Falcon Hit)
  00 00: One ally status (Example: Haste, Magic Wall)
  01 00: All allies status (Example: Life Line)
  13 06: (Example: Double Bomb)
  0D 01: (Example: Blade Toss)

0x0C214B ~ 0x0C23EA: ST Tech power: 12 bytes per tech, 8 techs per character.  
  If the tech heals, 2nd byte affects power. For attack techs, 10th byte affects power.

0x0C23EB ~ 0x0C247A: Some extra data for 12 combo techs.  
 (4th = Crono's Confuse power, 5th = Triple Kick power, 9th = Double Cure?, 
  10th = Grand Dream, 11th = Twin Charm?, 12th = Slurp Kiss)

0x0C253C ~ 0x0C2573: Tech MP cost (1 byte per tech)
 56 techs total (Cyclone through Dark Matter)

0x0C2577 ~ 0x0C257F: Redundant MP Costs (Confuse, Triple Kick, Life2, Charm, Slurp Cut, Cure2, Frog Squash, Charm, Kiss)

0x0C29D7 ~ 0x0C2AD6: "Stat increase" values 
 (The "Item Secondary" byte "04" points to this array): 128 elements, 2 bytes per element
 Byte 1 = Stats to change:
  Power ~ 80
  Speed ~ 40
  Stamina ~ 20
  Hit ~ 10
  Evade ~ 8
  Magic ~ 4
  Magic Defense ~ 2

 You can combine stats to change, but they will all be changed by the same amount.

 Byte 2 = Change:
  00 - 7F: Increase by 0 to 127
  80 - FF: Decrease by 128 to 1

0x0D45AD ~ 0x0D4925: Unknown tech data; 7 bytes each (127 techs). May point to graphics and sound data.
 The bytes are structured as follows: aa bb cc dd ee ff gg
  aa = An unknown tech index. May point to two-byte "slots" beginning at address 0x0D5EF0
  bb = 
  cc =
  dd =
  ee =
  ff =
  gg = 
 Crono's first tech, Cyclone, will be used to illustrate. Its 7 bytes in this region are: 01 DA EF 20 01 01 FF
  01: Points to the second "slot" in offset range 0x0D5EF0 ~ 0x??????

0x0D5EF0 ~ 0x0D5FDB: Possible pointers to sound and personal tech animations. 2 bytes per tech.
 These do not seem to pertain to spell graphics packets (i.e., exchanging Cyclone data for
Lightning causes the Lightning sound to be played and causes Crono to act as if he is casting
Lightning, but the sparkles and Lightning bolt graphics are still Cyclone slashes).
 The extent of this data is unclear. The ending point may not occur until 0xD612F.

0x3DA89D ~ 0x?????: Tech names and descriptions that appear in the character battle menus.
 The data are arranged like so: FF NN
  FF: Tech index of a character's first tech.
  NN: First tech index of the next character's first tech.
  Thus, Crono's data is 01 09; 01 is the index of Cyclone, and 09 is the index of Marle's Aura.
  Magus' techs are encompassed by 31 39; perhaps 39 pertains to the double tech Aura Whirl?

Lots of people need to be thanked for this, including Justin3009 and AdNova. The list will grow...

Tech Name Alphabet

Capital Letters

A0 - A
A1 - B
A2 - C
A3 - D
A4 - E
A5 - F
A6 - G
A7 - H
A8 - I
A9 - J
AA - K
AB - L
AC - M
AD - N
AE - O
AF - P
B0 - Q
B1 - R
B2 - S
B3 - T
B4 - U
B5 - V
B6 - W
B7 - X
B8 - Y
B9 - Z

Lower Case Letters

BA - a
BB - b
BC - c
BD - d
BE - e
BF - f
C0 - g
C1 - h
C2 - i
C3 - j
C4 - k
C5 - l
C6 - m
C7 - n
C8 - o
C9 - p
CA - q
CB - r
CC - s
CD - t
CE - u
CF - v
D0 - w
D1 - x
D2 - y
D3 – z


D4 - 0
D5 - 1
D6 - 2
D7 - 3
D8 - 4
D9 - 5
DA - 6
DB - 7
DC - 8
DD – 9

Grammatical stuff

DE - !
DF - ?
E0 - /
E1 - ``
E2 - `` (going left)
E3 - :
Random Symbols

E4 - %
E5 - (
E6 - )
E7 - '


E8 - .
E9 - ,

Math Stuff

EA - =
EB - -
EC - +
ED - \

Tech Addresses


CD5EE6: 09 09 - (CD45AC)Cyclone 9C 09 - Slash CD5EF6: 64 0A - (CD45C1)*Lightning B2 0B - Spin Cut 94 0C - *Lightning 2 02 0E - *Life 96 0E - Confuse (Rainbow Light 64 0a) 90 0F - Luminaire


CD5EF6 (End Part): Aura - D7 0F Provoke - 6F 10 CD5F06: AB 10 - *Cure (cd45F2 - cd4600 - For Graphics)*Ice - 36 11 *Haste- D3 11 *Cure 2 - 3D 12 *Ice 2 - E1 12 *Life 2 - 5E 13


CD5F06 (End Part): 38 14 - Flame Toss 4A 15 - Hypno Wave CD5F16: 6D 15 - *Fire 81 16 - Napalm E3 17 - *Protect 64 18 - *Fire 2 FA 18 - Mega Bomb B4 1A - Flare


CD5F16 (End Part): (cd4655)B3 1C - RocketPunch 0E 1E - Cure Beam CD5F26: AE 1E - Laser Spin 6A 12 - Heal Beam? 12 12 - Robo Tackle A5 20 - Uzzi Punch E4 21 - Area Bomb? 46 23 - Shock


CD5F26 (End Part): 8F 23 - Slurp 97 24 - Slurp Cut CD5F36: B9 26 - *Water 81 27 - *Heal 22 28 - Leap Slash 11 29 - *Water 2 EE 29 - *Cure 2 13 2A - Frog Squash


CD5F36 (End Part): 93 2A - Kiss 00 2B - Rollo Kick? CD5F46: F2 2B - Cat Attack 67 2C - Rock Throw F6 2C - Charm 98 2D - Triple Kick 72 2E - Tail Spin F9 2E - Dino Tail


CD5F46 (End Part): 2E 2F - *Lightning 2 74 2F - *Dark Mist CD5F56: E1 2F - *Fire 2 2A 30 - *Dark Bomb A3 30 - *Ice 2 D7 30 - *Magic Wall 2F 31 - *Black Hole C9 31 - *Dark Matter

Double Techs

CD5F56 (End Part): 0E 32 - Aura Whirl 0D 33 - Ice Sword (3a)

CD5F66: 9B 34 - Ice Sword 2 A9 35 - Fire Whirl cd474A - cd474f(3c) 2F 37 - Fire Sword E6 38 - Fire Sword 2 95 3A - Rocket Roll 57 3B - Max Cyclone E7 3B - Super Volt 9A 3C - X-Strike CD5F76: 19 3D - Sword Stream D3 3D - Spire 75 3F - Drill Kick 74 40 - Volt Bite 09 43 - Falcon Hit 4C 44 - Antipode 7E 45 - Antipode 2 F8 46 - Antipode 3

CD5F86: (50) E6 47 - Aura Beam 19 48 - Ice Tackle F3 48 - Cure Touch FE 49 - Ice Water FE 94 - Frog/Crono Unused Tech? C4 4B - Glacier 4A 4D - Double Cure 1C 4F - Twin Charm D8 4F - Ice Toss

CD5F96: 6E 51 - Cube toss DE 52 - Fire Punch 03 55 - Fire Tackle 49 56 - DoublevBomb E6 58 - Flame Kick AB 5A - Blaze Kick B7 5B - Unused Tech (Fire Twister?) (5f) 86 5D - Blade Toss

CD5FA6: 48 5E - Bubble Snap 42 5F - Cure Wave? 76 5F - Boogie F6 60 - Spin Kick B0 61 - Beast Toss 49 63 - Slurp Kiss BD 64 - Bubble Hit 1B 65 - Drop Kick

CD5FC6 - 86 76 - Unused Fire Sword FB 77 - Line Bomb B6 79 - Flare Frog

Triple Techs

CD5FB6: 69 66 - Delta Force 31 68 - Life Line B7 69 - Arc Impluse AF 6B - Final Kick AD 6D - Fire Zone 8C 6F - Delta Storm 26 70 - GatlingKick 4F 72 - Triple Raid

CD5FC6: 33 73 - Twister 80 75 - 3D Attack 1E 7A - Eternal Dream 14 7B - Omega Laser 85 7C - Ice Sword 3?

CD5FD6: 85 7E - Poyozo Dance (79) A7 7F - Unused One E0 81 - Life?


E0 81 - ??? 6F 15 - Fire Walk? 73 36 - ??? 79 D5 - Screen Fades to Dark Red as in Flare's 85 F2 - Boss Death (Game Freezes) 00 2B - Ayla Attack?

From: Offsets (Chrono Trigger)