Heir to the Masamune

From Chrono Compendium
Revision as of 01:46, 26 October 2005 by ZeaLitY (Talk | contribs)

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Welcome to 'Heir to the Masamune', a contest for the new Chrono Trigger Coliseum rom hack. The creator of the coliseum made sure that the hard difficulty was a real stickler to beat. Because of the sheer difficulty and odds against the player, the Chrono Compendium is holding a competition for players of the coliseum. Fortune and glory await! Read on to find out the rules and details.


Contest Rules

The purpose of the 'Heir to the Masamune' contest is to honor the first person to beat both party and solo modes on the hard difficulty in the Chrono Trigger coliseum. This is essentially a race for that honor; we're looking for the most zealous, battle-hardy Chrono Trigger fan to come along and win at both difficulties before anyone else. After the title of Heir to the Masamune is awarded, the competition will remain open, as players will be ranked on a scoreboard by basis of time. This means that newcomers to the contest can even become ranked top if they beat the Heir to the Masamune's time and that of the others.

Rules and Entry

To enter the contest, you need to:

  • Download the Chrono Trigger Coliseum here
  • Use the ZSNES emulator, available here
  • Go to the coliseum with your intended fighters

Heir to the Masamune
