Prop Sword

General Information[edit]

Chrono Cross[edit]

A sword stage-prop found in the ruins of a theater.

The Prop Sword is a set piece used in a theatre in 2300 A.D. present in the ruined Dead Sea. It possibly had nobler origins than this; when Serge took it back to Pierre, it began shining in the presence of the hero-in-training, who, having recently realized that heroism was made of hard work and not appearances, began diligently training. Pierre then wielded the sword, which turned out to be a formidable blade in his hands and was part of his hero equipment. How a mere stage prop could possess such strength or respond by shining in the presence of a hero is unknown.

It becomes the Hero's Blade after it is shown to him.



Prop Sword

From: Key Items (Chrono Cross)